Checking in with Lilith on the New Moon

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Now that we’ve moved out of the Crone or dark phase of the Moon, let’s check in with Lilith and see how she’s doing during the New Moon. Currently, our primal Goddess is resting in the 11th House/Pisces (26°Pi43) and is feeling quite out of sorts. It seems she cannot reconcile her own emotions with those of others and is unwilling to look within placing her relationships with others at risk. In other words, just another day in the life of our dark Goddess.

The New Moon in Aquarius (01°Aqu21) occurs at 1:43 PM PST suggesting a distrust of emotions and a preference for metaphysical interests. Lilith may seem a bit aloof to others during this period and she might consider an inner focus if interactions become too stressful. Issues Lilith might experience include:

  • self-centeredness and a lack of objectivity or balanced perspective (Moon conjunct The Sun, 0°00′ Separating)
  • self-assertion leading to stubbornness (Moon square Uranus, Orb 1°38′ Separating)
  • compassion for the pain of others (Moon sextile Chiron, Orb 2°07′ Separating)
  • learning occurs from the struggle (Moon quincunx the North Node, Orb 2°36′ Applying)
  • impulsivity is high (Sun square Uranus, Orb 1°37′ Separating)
  • empathy, compassion, understanding, healer ability (Sun sextile Chiron, Orb 2°06′ Separating)
  • intellectual focus on the sacred (Mercury square Vesta, Orb 0°28′ Applying)
  • impatience with loved ones when they’re not in sync (Venus square Mars, Orb 1°07′ Applying)
  • unrealistic in choice of a partner (Venus conjunct Neptune, Orb 3°25′ Applying)
  • nurturing balanced with discipline (Saturn conjunct Ceres, Orb 3°13′ Separating)
  • deep desire to be in harmony with others; may experience unconscious desire (Pluto/8th House)
  • viewing faults as a personal weakness; difficulty accepting faults (Pluto square Juno, Orb 2°12′ Applying)

Now it might seem that I’ve mixed up the aspects which foster both strength and weakness, but with Lilith, you never know how she’ll respond to normal events. What supports one person could challenge Lilith, and so forth. And given that she’s in 11th House/Pisces, her sensitivity around her family friends may make interactions challenging.


Lilith has issues with passive-aggression fostered by a need for harmony but no idea how to achieve it. Although she feels compassion for others, and if channeled properly she could be a great healer, Lilith’s self-centered attitude makes expressing empathy or compassion challenging. Her primal nature reacts harshly when compassion is the better option.

Secretive and suspicious, Lilith’s impulsivity fosters impatience with her family and friends when they can’t keep pace with her erratic behavior. She may become authoritarian in her expectations of others, particularly in her search for a partner, and require her consort to be fully invested in her perspective or suffer the consequences. It’s not that Lilith doesn’t understand that mistakes happen or that people have faults, it’s that she doesn’t experience such things.

Except, she does and her tendency to blame others for her own issues casts a shadow over her relationships with close family and friends. Her unrestrained self-assertion prevents any greater understanding when she lacks self-awareness.


So, what’s a Goddess to do? Well, since you’re asking, I say take some time during the New Moon in Aquarius to begin anew. Perform a purification ritual in the evening to cleanse negativity by burning some copal in the cauldron and entering a trance state. Observe all energetic connections to others dissolve away and draw back any energy left to your still point.

Breathe in white light from Spirit through your Crown Chakra and see it mix with blue light arising from the Earth. Intend for it to merge in your Throat Chakra, swirling and spiraling, healing and balancing.

When you’re ready, turn your awareness back to the external world, renewed and refreshed.


Working with the Throat Chakra, Lilith can transmute negative interactions into those blessed by Spirit, healing the rift within, and balancing her resonance without. And the ritual may bring a feeling of centeredness, something our primal Goddess sorely lacks.

Feel free to glean whatever you can from the lessons of Lilith as well as from her purification ritual and set your intention to be fulfilled when the Moon turns Full. Rest assured, you won’t be alone in your ritual for Lilith will be there…waiting…watching…knowing.

Blessed Be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!