Geomancy for September 2019

Geomancy for September 2019

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A quick look at this month’s geomancy shield chart indicates some redundancy involving three of the geomancy runes with Populus appearing five times, Rubeus appearing four, and Fortuna Minor which begins the chart appearing three times. With the passive or allowing influence of Populus affecting week four in particular, it will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.


The upper two sections describe the weekly influences with three runes for each week while the lower three runes in the bottom section describe the overall influences for the month. But before we begin looking at each week, let’s look at how the influences break down and again, we’re going from right to left beginning at the top right section.

September 2019 Geomancy Shield Chart


  1. Fortuna Minor – Fire, Sun, Taurus, nocturnal, lesser fortune
  2. Laetitia – Air, Jupiter, Taurus, joy, gladness
  3. Fortuna Minor – Fire, Sun, Taurus, nocturnal, lesser fortune
  4. Fortuna Minor – Fire, Sun, Taurus, nocturnal, lesser fortune
  5. Via – Water, Moon Leo, way, path, journey, active presence
  6. Puella – Air, Venus, Libra, young girl, fortunate
  7. Populus – Water, Moon, Cancer, people, group behavior, follower, allowing, passive influence
  8. Populus – Water, Moon, Cancer, people, group behavior, follower, allowing, passive influence
  9. Rubeus – Water, Mars, Scorpio, passion, evil
  10. Populus – Water, Moon, Cancer, people, group behavior, follower, allowing, passive influence
  11. Rubeus – Water, Mars, Scorpio, passion, evil
  12. Populus – Water, Moon, Cancer, people, group behavior, follower, allowing, passive influence
  13. Rubeus – Water, Mars, Scorpio, passion, evil
  14. Rubeus – Water, Mars, Scorpio, passion, evil
  15. Populus – Water, Moon, Cancer, people, group behavior, follower, allowing, passive influence
  • Fire (will, creativity) – 3
  • Air – (intellect, reason) – 2
  • Water – (emotions, intuition) – 10
  • Earth (physical) – 0
  • Dominant Signs – Cancer (5), Taurus (4), Scorpio (4)
  • Lesser Signs – Leo (1), Libra (1)
  • Intelligence – Nachiel (Fortuna Minor)

To be honest, I’ve never had a shield chart like this one. Right away, we see that September may be an emotional month or at least one where intuition and passions are strong. And given that Populus appears five times during the month I have to wonder how much self-assertion we’ll be capable of or if we’ll go with the flow, or the crowd, as Populus suggests. So, let’s look at each week and remember that we’re only looking at the upper two rows for the weekly information.


Week One

Elements active: stronger – Fire (will, creativity), lesser – Air (intellect, reason).

We begin the first week of September with Fortuna Minor, Laetitia, and Rubeus suggesting some gain or increase over the week involving both joy and passion. However, with Rubeus considered an evil influence we may be experiencing joy or gain at the expense of another. Fortuna Minor suggests gain that is transitory or temporary, so this may or may not continue into the month. Guard against insensitivity when interacting with others.


Week Two

Elements active: stronger – Fire (will, creativity), lesser – Water (emotions, intuition).

Fortuna Minor appears twice this week suggesting additional gain or increase of some kind, perhaps continuing week one’s energy. Populus makes its first appearance this month indicating energy that allows or goes with the flow. If this energy describes group activity, we may be expressing that in a follower or team player role; however, there isn’t the same unstable Rubeus influence this week. Guard against will overshadowing emotions or intuition.


Week Three

Elements active: Water (intuition, emotions), Air (intellect, reason), Fire (will, creativity)

A new direction may begin this week with Via’s influence, however, unstable energy is also present with both Puella and Rubeus. Puella indicates a more positive expression than Rubeus (think young girl versus a more experienced pushy male energy), but the potential instability of both is concerning. If we’re building on week two’s possible group involvement, we still may be either finding our own place in the group or experiencing the various personalities therein. Again, treading lightly may be favored until more is known.


Week Four

Elements Active: Water (intuition, emotions)

We may have become involved in a new group of some kind during September and we’re finding our own place in it. Populus appears in all three sections suggesting that we end the month in an allowing mode. If we’ve become involved with a new group of people over the month, this may indicate that we’ve finally found our place in the group and interactions are flowing well.


Overall Outlook – Right and Left Witnesses and the Judge

Elements Active: Water (intuition, emotions)

The lower section of the geomancy shield chart contains what’s known as the Right and Left Witnesses and the Judge. The Witnesses can describe whatever we want them to but in this case, I’m going to use them as past and future influences leaving the Judge to describe the final outcome. If a Reconciler becomes necessary, then I will combine Fortuna Minor in section one with Populus in section fifteen arriving again at Fortuna Minor, but it may not be needed.


Rubeus appears as both Witnesses suggesting that Mars and Scorpio may be influencing both our past and future involvement. If we’re typically someone who leads instead of follows, then the passionate Fire energy of Rubeus may make it difficult for us to take a lesser role in a group setting. However, it seems as if that’s the direction we’re heading with Populus appearing in the Judge position. September may be a month where we learn to keep our more fiery side in balance with our more intuitive or emotional aspect of self.

If using Fortuna Minor as a Reconciler, we gain something from the experience as a follower, perhaps the perspective lost if always in a leadership position with others. Either way, the effect of Elemental Water over the month may be profound as we allow for change and new experiences to take hold.


One final thought to consider. With Rubeus in a strong position this month to influence interactions, decisions, and behavior and the allowing nature of Populus an even stronger influence, this may indicate an evil influence over others, our own or as a follower of such. If week one’s concern over gain at the expense of others bears out, that might be what we experience especially with Scorpio’s secretive and manipulative effect on Rubeus coupled with the allowing and passive effect of Populus.

Until next month…

Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!