So, Now What?!? ~ Tarot for 28 September 2019

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These days, it always seems as if I’m asking the question, now what?!? And whenever that happens, I take out one of my Tarot decks and begin drawing cards. This time, I drew six cards and ended up using a graduated-style spread with three general influence cards on top, progressing to two cards of more specific influence, ending with an overall outcome card.

The goal of the reading is to get an idea of what to expect in the coming weeks while the presidential impeachment inquiry unfolds. The dam around his administration seems to be leaky at best with the pressure building for all support to give way so that the truth will emerge. The cards may provide some assistance.

Today, I’m using my Haindl Tarot deck, a non-traditional deck that not only changes card titles but also completely re-imagines the Court using cultural icons from around the world and throughout history. In addition, Haindl uses runes, astrological and Hebrew glyphs, along with hexagrams (guas) from the I Ching to inform the interpretations.

Elemental Water provides the strongest influence suggesting emotions may be on the surface or in flux, with only one card from both Pentacles and Swords. Absent from the reading is Elemental Fire or Wands suggesting a measured approach is likely. The overall numerology is three, a number describing triple aspects, catalytic energy, and mind/body/Spirit alignment. I’ll begin the interpretation with the first row.

General Influences

The 3 of Stones (Pentacles), 8 of Swords, and the 10 of Cups comprise the first level of general correspondences titled Word, Interference, and Success respectively.

The 3 of Stones, Pentacles in other decks, depicts an old wooden cross in the background, its visage obscured by three large round stones on the lower half of the card and two bubbles above. The 13th hexagram from the I Ching appears in the upper left-hand corner titled the Fellowship of Man involving tradition and group memory as a basis for further success. The three itself implies cooperation born from structure, from divinity manifested into form. The 3 of Stones reflects a sense of even progression.

Interference is the title and message of the 8 of Swords with Biting Through the title of the hexagram appearing in the lower left-hand corner of the card. Eight swords appear in a basketweave fashion interlaced between two barren trees while a thready light shines down from above. As the work of the 3 of Stones progresses, we’ll likely experience some interference from others. While unable to prevent the progress completely as evidenced by the still-standing trees, the interference will still need to be dealt with. The hexagram on the card, Biting Through, gives us the strategy and justification to use power to both respond to and overcome likely interference.

Ten golden chalices appear in a balanced pattern in front of a large rock emerging from a choppy sea. Pushing Upward is the title of the hexagram appearing in the upper center of the card suggesting that after much struggle or interference, we’ve stood our ground and finally achieved our goal.

This row of cards suggests that while the work continues, in spite of any interference that might arise, a successful outcome is likely.

Underlying Influences

The second row contains two cards, the 9 of Cups and the Queen of Cups, or as Haindl calls her, the Mother of Cups in the North. Emotions are at the heart of the matter given the sole presence of Elemental Water in both cards. Haindl represents the Queen as the Venus of Willendore, a goddess figure from antiquity, the Earth Mother, and Goddess presence manifested into form.

Between both cards, the numerology of nine or completion is found, suggesting that whatever interference experienced will have no effect on the outcome, other than to ensure it perhaps. Fortune, the title of the 9 of Cups, indicates emotional satisfaction with the overall direction taken, our feeling fulfilled not only from the ultimate outcome but from the revelation and foundation of truth on which this process relies.

As the Mother of Cups, our Queen, our Goddess Venus, suggests, our very foundation is at risk now, with the rule of law and our Constitution subverted into tatters. All that we’ve built together is threatened but as long as we have shared purpose as our focus, the underlying influences support a positive outcome.

Overall Outcome

Odin, as he hung upside down from the blessed yew, sacrificed an eye for enlightenment. His hand points downward toward the runes, a gift from the three Norns of Fate, scattered about on the ground below next to what is likely a shadowy depiction of the Well of Wyrd. The runes spell out the word, Tarot, suggesting enlightenment derived from Source Presence.

Although the King of Cups can be shallow and insensitive, he is also spiritual, tolerant, and kind. In the case of Odin, he sacrificed an eye for enlightenment, but what will our own self-defined king do to achieve his own higher awareness? Will he sacrifice himself for the greater good or will he remain as he is, a self-absorbed alleged criminal?

If yesterday is any indication, nothing about him will be predictable and he’ll likely stay until the people of this country cast him out. Because after a formal impeachment inquiry was announced and the Acting DNI testified before the House Intelligence Committee regarding the whistleblower complaint filed, he once again appeared to engage in another round of quid pro quo, this time with the head of the NRA who reportedly promised to help him pay for his legal fees surrounding his impeachment if he dropped any gun reform from his list of things to do.

Yes, folks, he did it again. Right in plain sight. Which apparently, is his MO, his modus operandi as it were. He still can’t understand that his sort of dealmaking is illegal when you occupy the highest office in the land. The NRA allegedly has no money to speak of, so where will they get it? From their membership? Or their alleged seven-year relationship established with Russia?

Those working for him are potentially complicit in his alleged illicit behavior and are foolish if they continue to protect him. But it is what it is now. And from what the cards indicate, it’s all but over for him.

And that’s a blessing.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!