Presidential Mind-Control

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The press continues to talk about Donald as if he’s an actual president. They talk about his policies as if they actually come from abstract thought or from a mind that understands government and the world-at-large. Instead, any so-called policies come not from him but from the distorted minds of the white-nationalists in his employ.

As the media continues to try to find an eloquent way of describing this man’s unraveling, our country would be better served if they would simply provide a transcript of his unhinged ranting. Just get out of his way. Ask questions that get him going and then step back. He’ll gladly do the rest.

I’ve written about this before, but after watching clips from last night’s rally in Minneapolis, I had to bring this up again. How are the rallies he holds not a mass mind-control event? The chanting alone stirs people into a frenzy with violence a natural result. The sing-song nature of his cadence is hypnotic, and I can tell you from an energetic standpoint, listening to him draws one in. But then, that’s by design.

As any empathic, highly sensitive person or witch will tell you, myself included, when someone uses a hypnotic cadence when speaking, it’s easy to become caught up in that energy. We experience it with energy vampires, predatory individuals who focus their energetic intention on others in a way that feels intrusive and unrelenting.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, it became immediately clear to me that this was what he was doing, using mind-control on his supporters, rendering them his victims over time. He did what any other manipulator would do, speak to their concerns, their grievances, in a way that placed them securely within his vortex. And at that point, they belonged to him.

News reports, published books, all were cast as fake news and that lie became part of each event’s diatribe. Before long, controlling their responses became second nature and it was clear that they were all in. The veracity of his speeches didn’t matter because that wasn’t the point. The only requirement was that he maintained his illusory hold over his followers. And it explains why he needs to hold rallies on a regular basis now.

Donald has remained in campaign mode since he took office. He holds rallies continually because if he doesn’t, then truth might leak out and then it’s all over for him. Instead, the mind-control experiment continues unabated. His supporters continue to be influenced by lies and words that incite both intimidation and violence. It’s us versus them on steroids. And it seems to be only getting worse.

Clashes between protesters happen regularly now propelled on by Donald and his endless tweeting and rallies all of which are designed to reinforce his efforts at mind-control. Because without it the emperor will be revealed for who he really is: an alleged predator, criminal, and most of all, a liar.

I don’t see how his so-called presidency doesn’t go down in flames. Impeachment at this point is a given and it’s only a matter of time before he’s removed from office and this nightmare ends. Or will it?

I predict that even when he’s gone, either via impeachment or voted out of office a year from now, the damaging effect of his mind-control efforts will remain, particularly if he continues his dialog with his supporters. Most will likely fall away as more facts are revealed, but those who have given themselves over to his manipulation may have a more difficult time detaching themselves from his control.

In my opinion, Donald Trump is an energy vampire. He manipulates and controls the narrative with a brazen level of deception I’ve never before experienced. But then when you offer nothing of substance, deception and manipulation are really all a predatory individual has.

This has always been a game, a scam on the American people. This time, however, the predator will not win.

Blessed Be to all as we carefully navigate these treacherous waters with awareness, integrity, in unity, and with love!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!