The Triple Goddess spread, created along with the Witches Tarot deck by Ellen Dugan, begins with The High Priestess, the Empress and The Moon as significators representing the Goddess in Her Maiden, Mother and Crone energies. The Goddess as Maiden, centers around possibilities, hopes and dreams, while the Mother reveals where we are currently. The Crone represents outcomes, things hidden or difficult to accept.
All suits except for Pentacles are represented, infusing the spread with Fire, Air and Water Elemental energies. Two Major Arcana cards, the Wheel of the Year and The Emperor, are present in the Crone portion of the spread. A note about the Page of Cups, however. Although not specifically represented, Pages represent Earth Elemental energies, providing a sense of grounding or practicality for the spread.
The High Priestess as significator for Maiden influence suggests all possibilities are open to us as we begin anew. Utilizing the waxing lunar energy of the Goddess as Maiden, we express our intuition and inner knowledge, allowing wisdom gained as our guide. The Six of Swords begins this expression suggesting forward movement or progression, possibly travel over water. It suggests calm seas ahead. But that may be only a suggestion with the appearance of the Nine of Swords as it cautions us to be aware of and guard against vampiric energy, otherwise known as drama, lest it interfere with the positive flow of energy initiated by the Six of Swords. Swords represent Elemental Air energies, assisting us in our reasoned focus, allowing our intuition to guide us as we proceed along our path. Finishing out the Maiden influence of the spread, the Nine of Cups allows us a sigh of relief, indicating celebration and communion with family and friends. Just watch out for the drama queen in the mix. Effective shielding may be in order, with a binding spell thrown in if necessary…done with love, of course, for vampires rarely realize the effect they have.
Goddess as Mother energy influences the Empress as significator, focusing on the present moment in our lives. She is Gaia, Mother Earth, using full moon energy to increase our creative flow. She watches over us, supporting us in our endeavors while protecting hearth and home. In the Maiden expression of Goddess energy and influence, we had Swords and Cups represented, integrating Air and Water elemental energies. In the Mother expression, we have Wands and Cups, representing the confluence of Fire and Water. Wands represent our desire for growth, while Cups signifies love and our emotions. The Four of Wands continues the party started by the Nine of Cups, suggesting that a birth may be happening soon. Celebration is at hand! The Page of Cups signifies an increase in intuition or psychic awareness. It may also indicate an initiate in magickal study, or simply reminding us to embrace our imagination. The Seven of Wands indicates a challenge ahead, but one that we can pursue with not only confidence, but also with a sense of humor as well.
Crone energy completes the spread with the Moon as significator. Symbolized by Hecate, the Goddess utilizes waning lunar magick, bringing things hidden to light through intuition and psychic ability, providing protection and bringing wisdom gained through years of living to bear. Only the suit of Wands from the Minor Arcana is represented. The Wheel of the Year and the Emperor, from the Major Arcana are included in this expression, providing archetypal influence on our spiritual journey. With two cards from the Major Arcana appearing, emphasis is given to the spread as it reminds us that there are greater forces at work beyond our control, guiding us in the direction we need to go. The Two of Wands suggests successful partnerships. While there may also be an incomplete nature to the success, a positive change is coming, with support and advice available to ensure a good outcome. The Wheel of the Year reminds us to work with and not against Elemental energies, and to observe and work with the cyclical nature of our lives. It symbolizes good fortune and luck. The Emperor sits in the final position of the spread. He represents protection, wisdom and leadership within the family or community at large. Balanced energy and responsible action is the hallmark of this card and signifies careful consideration of the road ahead.
In summation then, positive growth and change is in store for us. Staying present in the moment, mindful of how we feel at any given time, can keep us on the path toward success. Perhaps a new life is coming into focus. Either way, the Triple Goddess spread suggests that staying in the flow of loving Goddess energy is the way forward.
The Triple Goddess is present always in any divination, whether using tarot or runes. I love the choice of the High Priestess, the Empress and The Moon, depicting our passage and our expression of the Divine Feminine through our lives. Hagalaz, Nauthiz and Isa represent the Triple Goddess as well in the Elder Futhark. Understanding how these energies move through us, around us, above and below us, can help us stay centered and grounded in our daily lives.
~Blessed Be the Witches Tarot!
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