Weekly Rune and Moon for 5 – 11 January 2020

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Wow…our first full week of the new year! Let’s look at the weekly rune and Moon influences for the coming week! Cauda Draconis is the overall significator suggesting a week where endings come into play as do expressions of karma. As always, I’m looking at each day’s numerology, Elder Futhark rune, and Moon information derived from both traditional astrology and Human Design’s use of the I Ching. The runes appear below.

A note before beginning about Cauda Draconis, the significator. In the past, Cauda Draconis, along with Carcer and Rubeus, if created as the first rune in a geomancy divination, the geomancer was instructed to destroy the reading because it was simply too evil to continue.

Well, that was ludicrous in my estimation and I pay it no mind whatsoever. Because what if the reading was describing something the individual really needed to know? To destroy the reading without letting the person know seems incredibly short-sighted if not totally cowardly.

No witch would ever be persuaded to follow such advice…ever. So, here we go with this week’s reading. Keep in mind that karmic influences are beckoning this week and that it may be time to let some things go.

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Sunday, 5 January

  • Numerology – 5 – change, Quintessence, feminine, justice, solids, pentagram, protection, safety, Mercury, Cancer
  • Day – Sunday is a day governed by the Sun reflecting success, joy, protection, power, confidence, and health
  • Rune – Dagaz (23) – Water, new day, dawn, endings and beginnings, conclusion, daylight, awakening, all doors open, all options are available
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 27 Line 3 Greed describes becoming obsessed with more than one actually needs derived from oppressive, deviant, or hidden means
  • Astro Moon Position – Taurus favoring structure, steady routine, perseverance, diligence, and patience

With the Moon in Taurus, Sunday should be a day for taking care of routine matters, however, with the presence of Dagaz, something new may be on the horizon that draws our attention. The five numerology suggests we should stay alert to anyone or anything that might undermine our safety or security today.

The Moon’s position in today’s Human Design chart suggests that greed may be at the heart of our security concerns and that someone may be seeking more than is deserved.

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Monday, 6 January

  • Numerology – 6 – Higher Self, Venus, harmony, balance, perfection, Taurus, benevolence, Thalia, peace, health, truth, marriage, rebirth, Merkaba
  • Day – Monday is a day governed by the Moon and involves healing and intuition along with feminine magicks
  • Rune – Ehwaz (19) – Water, change, momentum, intuitive bond, Merkaba, travel, partnership, astral travel, mutual end, relationships
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 2 Line 4 Secretiveness indicating the preservation of harmony by using discrete observation or awareness
  • Astro Moon position – practical Taurus until chatty Gemini at 6:11 PM PST – split energy day with a focus on practical concerns or routine giving way to a lighter or more social evening.

We may be called upon to assist others in their interactions today should conflict occur. Monday’s six numerology fosters a Higher Self perspective and we’re focused on preserving harmony and shared purpose today. Ehwaz suggests a higher level of partnership and we may wish to help temper aggressions that could threaten relationships. By the evening, however, interactions with others should take a more social direction.

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Tuesday, 7 January

  • Numerology – 7 – magick, original creation, the balance between dark/light, Moon, Aries, communities, Holy, divine, Minerva, the septenate universe/experience, Pleiades, 7 Rays, the union between Spirit and form.
  • Day – Tuesday is governed by Mars and is filled with passion and energy
  • Rune – Berkano (18) – Earth, fertility, birth, family, protection, new beginnings, healing, growth, projects to fruition, birch tree
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 8 Line 5 Dharma describes union whose purpose is temporary and focused on eventual separation (teacher/student, parent/child) that is viewed positively
  • Astro Moon position – Gemini – intellectual stimulation of all kinds is favored. Curiosity abounds today.

Give and take are expressed today with the seven energy of balance and union as we use both the passion of Mars and the protection of Berkano to forge a new path. But is that path for ourselves or for others? Dharma suggests a union that, although profound, is temporary in nature. So we may be looking at sage/initiate experience today where we ready someone else for a new experience. The shared purpose aspect is, therefore, temporary but not in terms of something negative because the assistance given will guide that individual on their chosen path.


Wednesday, 8 January

  • Numerology – 8 – practical matters, leadership, responsibility, Saturn, Libra, judicial power, intellect, universal harmony, cube, justice, regeneration
  • Day – Wednesday is governed by Mercury and involves communication, reason, and intellectual expression
  • Rune – Uruz (2) – Water, primal forming essence, health, endurance, healing, strength, aurochs, energy shaping matter
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 35 Line 1 Humility describes the understanding that rejection is inherent in the overall process
  • Astro Moon position – Gemini – interactions with others and other mentally stimulating situations continue to be favored today.

We may not always get what we want and today may just be that day. If so, we may need to show some humility in the process. In a sense, if we look at Wednesday as the center or resting point of the week, we may want to take an observational stance and refrain from judging anything today. Use the eight energy to look at what’s happening from a Higher Self perspective and allow things to settle out before making any decisions.

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Thursday, 9 January

  • Numerology – 9 – completion, endings, 9 Muses, Mars, Scorpio, Theta
  • Day – Thursday is governed by Jupiter and involves expansion and benevolence
  • Rune – Tiwaz (17) – Air, spiritual warrior within, faith, justice, idealistic male, oaths, self-discipline, Tyr, legal matters, sacrifice
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 12 Line 3 Confession describes the expression of inadequacy leading to self-analysis and growth
  • Astro Moon position – Cancer at 12:44 AM PST – emotions may be in flux today and we may feel like retreating to home or another safe space if under stress.

We may have learned something about ourselves yesterday that needs further investigation today. If so, feel free to take some time out for some inner work. Rely on Tiwaz and the spiritual warrior within to let go of perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors that no longer serve and move forward on a new path.

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Friday, 10 January

  • Numerology – 10/1 – Sun, Leo, new beginnings, wholeness, unity, self, intuitive knowledge, Monad, First Cause, Alpha
  • Day – Friday is governed by Venus and involves love, balance, and harmony
  • Rune – Eihwaz (13) – Air/Fire, the connection between opposites, as above so below, the link between realms, trance work, protection
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gare 52 Line 6 Peacefulness describes inner peace or stillness that remains unaffected by outside influences or situations
  • Astro Moon position – Cancer – we continue our reserved approach today, retreating if necessary should situations become too stressful.

We’re continuing our inner focus today with an eye toward balance and harmony within and without. Eihwaz assists us in transmuting ego into Spirit as we seek peace within. With the Moon in Cancer, remain in retreat if emotions become unstable or if situations become too stressful.

Saturday, 11 January

  • Numerology – 11 – Master Number for illumination and enlightenment
  • Day – Saturday is governed by Saturn and involves binding, slowing, and resistance
  • Rune – Laguz (21) – Water, intuition, flow, harmony, clairsentience, occult, assertive female, dream work, trance work, emotional balance, draw energy back to you, purification, cleansing
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position – Gate 62 Line 3 Discovery indicates someone with the ability to discover outliers leading to innovation
  • Astro Moon position – Leo at 4:17 AM PST – suggests that we need to feel appreciated by others today. So take a moment and be the life of the party, no matter where you are!

Growth can be difficult, particularly if we’re leaving behind perceptions that have been with us for a long time. But this week we began a new journey into self-awareness and discovery and given that growth is a process, we’re beginning to understand our effect in the world.

With today’s 11 Master Number energy of illumination, Spirit has been guiding our path and will continue to light our way forward. And with Leo’s effect on emotions today, don’t be afraid to shine your light and express your newfound awareness to others!

Overall Thoughts

It feels like we’re closing a door to harmful karmic influences that have kept us back in the past and are embracing perceptions that take us in the direction of harmony and shared purpose with others. This may be the issue that Cauda Draconis is suggesting as our significator for the week.

The Draconii geomancy runes align with the North and South Nodes of the Moon and describe our past (Cauda, South Node), the influence of past lives and karma on our present life, and our present and future (Caput, North Node). When Cauda Draconis appears, again, it was thought amongst ancient geomancers that it signaled evil forces were at work and the reading was to be destroyed before going any further.

But as I indicated before, had we done that, then we wouldn’t have any idea how the past or behavior from our past lives is influencing our behavior today. And it’s clear that old patterns, irrespective of their origins, are influencing our relationships with others and it’s time to let them go.

We had the opportunity on Wednesday with its seven energy to step away from the chaos of our own perceptions and emotions and take an observer role in our own life. And in the process of doing so, we learned that something wasn’t working anymore and we took the remainder of the week to explore what that was, in the end arriving at the understanding that we’ve been standing in the way of our own progress.

Now we’re ready for a new beginning, a new path forward, understanding that the process of change may not be easy, but one that is necessary.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!


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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!