Product Review: The Negg

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I raise chickens and I love deviled eggs so when I saw an ad for The Negg on television, I checked to see if Amazon had it and, of course, they did. So, in my recent order, I decided to give The Negg a try.

I boiled the eggs for 12 minutes as the instructions recommended and then when finished, I transferred the eggs into ice water for five minutes, also as recommended. The recipe was similar to the one I typically use, so I was comfortable trying it.

Because the eggs are fresh from my chickens, the inner lining can be fairly tough so I wasn’t sure if The Negg was going to work or not, but I added some water to the container up to the top of the lower cap as recommended, dropped in the egg, and gave it several shakes. Below are the eggshells that in no way slid off no matter how or the number of times I shook The Negg.

Most of the eggshells came off taking a layer of egg white with them which really wasn’t what I was looking for. I can do that all on my own when I peel eggs the normal way.

My intention was to make some deviled eggs, which I did, and my husband and I both agreed that they were delicious. I don’t use a recipe and throw whatever herbs and seasonings I happen to have on hand so it’s never the same each time. But I really hate leaving any of the egg white behind in the shell, hence my decision to purchase The Negg.

You can see in the above picture how effective The Negg was at peeling the eggs. I’m sad that it didn’t work, because I’m truly a gadget maven, but alas, it didn’t. They have a website that offers “tips and tricks and some great recipes” so maybe I’ll check that out to see if a simple change in my shaking technique might give me better results.

Feel free to post a comment if you have a better technique or have had better results. It may be the organic eggs that I’m using, but I really don’t think so. Making hard-boiled eggs is the simple part. It’s getting the shells off that’s the dealbreaker.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!