The structure of the Weekly Rune and Moon post is changing a bit. I like to mix things up from time to time and this week’s influences are as good a place as any to begin. I’ll still be including runic influences along with those from Human Design and the I Ching and traditional astrology, but I wanted to separate them into their own sections. This will also give me the opportunity to include a separate numerology section as well. Still a work in progress…like me.
One final note before we look at next week’s influences: with COVID-19 throughout the world now, precautions need to be taken, especially with respect to hygiene and social distancing. If any of the interpretations below suggest hanging out in crowds, I’ll refer to this notation. Please think of others because any of us could be carrying the virus without knowing it and use every precaution if around groups of people. Stay home if you can.
Weekly Numerology
Looking at the reduced versions of the days, we have 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, and 3 to consider with a nine numerology overall describing a week of endings and completion.
- Sunday – a six numerology suggests Higher Self influence and expressions of shared purpose today. Intuition is strong and new beginnings are possible.
- Monday – seven suggests finding balance and taking an observer role today.
- Tuesday – a greater level of harmony is possible with today’s eight numerology as are taking care of practical matters and renewing our spirit.
- Wednesday – a feeling of endings or completion is experienced with today’s nine energy. One phase may be ending and another beginning.
- Thursday – as one phase ended yesterday, a new one begins today. A one numerology suggests unity and wholeness along with beginning anew.
- Friday – balance is possible today as is understanding regarding cause and effect.
- Saturday – although Saturday is known for slowing things down somewhat, today is a day where the three energy fosters balance between mind, body, and Spirit.

Runes for the Week
Sunday ~ Eihwaz – allow Higher Self to inform your perceptions today.
Monday ~ Jera – awareness unfolds, seek alignment, balance, and be prepared to transform!
Tuesday ~ Wunjo – express joy and fellowship with others.
Wednesday ~ Fehu – cast positive intention for success and abundance
Thursday ~ Nauthiz – invoke needfire within to overcome restrictions
Friday ~ Uruz – additional protection surrounding health issues is required, especially if around others today
Saturday ~ Thurisaz – avoid impulsive behavior; seek a defensive posture

The Influence of the Moon
Sunday – Sagittarius – find a creative solution if you feel the need for adventure today. Take precautions and do not go out if you feel ill.
Monday – Capricorn (9:26 am) – a reserved attitude may work in our favor today. Take care of responsibilities and maintain distance with others.
Tuesday – Capricorn – continue your focus on getting things done today, but maintain your distance and use protection when around others.
Wednesday – Capricorn until Aquarius (6:16 pm) describes a split-energy day where we take care of responsibilities during the day and interactions with others are pursued in the evening. Use social media instead of face-to-face interaction.
Thursday – Aquarius – use today to increase and share knowledge. Take all precautions if meeting with others.
Friday – Aquarius – think outside the box today to get things done. Work from home if possible. Begin an online course.
Saturday – Pisces (5:34 am) compassion and sensitivity for others are strong today. Check-in on friends and family, especially anyone ill, older, or in self-quarantine.
Wisdom from the I Ching

- Sunday – Gua 9 Line 2 Misery loves company suggesting the need to align or collaborate with others to avoid conflict or frustration. Active Channels: Awareness and Concentration suggesting intuition and focus are strong today.
- Monday – Gua 6 Line 4 Triumph indicates victory or power that, while unchallengeable, remains compassionate and honorable. Active Channel: Awareness suggesting intuition remains strong today
- Tuesday – Gua 58 Line 1 Love of Life describes the cyclical nature of our moods. Enjoy the moment. Active Channel: Awareness with intuition again strong today.
- Wednesday – Gua 54 Line 2 Discretion suggests restraint from taking advantage of boundaries not yet established. No active channels today.
- Thursday – Gua 60 Line 4 Resourcefulness indicates although limitations exist, our potential is still realized or maximized. No active channels today.
- Friday – Gua 19 Line 5 Sacrifice describes limiting one’s own potential to achieve a greater purpose or goal. No active channels today.
- Saturday – Gua 49 Line 6 Attraction describes a revolution that draws in support from others previously uncommitted to change.
Have a great week, wash your hands, observe social distancing, and stay safe!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson