Since some feel challenged by self-quarantining or keeping at least six feet of social distancing from others (the I feel fine so why should I? attitude), I thought it might be nice to check in with Lilith, our dark Goddess, to see how she’s faring through all of this. Lilith isn’t particularly inclined toward shared purpose with others and her tendencies may become the basis for self-reflection as time goes on and frustrations mount.
That said, the federal government is so self-dealing now that public safety and testing for COVID-19 has taken a backseat to a very large ego in the White House, preferring to align with his shortsightedness than take care of the country in a responsible manner. In other words, frustration going forward may be perfectly understandable and the least of what we experience.
Black Moon Lilith, the focal point of the elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth, informs our emotional stability and balance along with a mature (or not so mature) response to conflict and problems that arise in our lives. She inspires our passions, challenges emotional stability, and influences how manipulative we are in our interactions with others. When we learn to control those erratic impulses, we embrace empowerment instead of destructiveness.
Currently, our dark Goddess is resting in Aries and the 9th House where she challenges authority and the establishment, preferring independence to someone else’s control over her behavior. Here she sees situations from a self-dealing perspective, unaware and able to factor in the concerns or needs of others. She manipulates instead of finding common ground and the challenge here is to learn to work with others in shared purpose instead of fostering complete rebellion.
Planets in conjunction with each other strengthen and combine their effect so whether or not this is a positive thing depends upon the planets or planetary bodies involved. In today’s chart, Lilith aspects involve three conjunctions (The Sun, Vulcan, and Chiron), two squares (North/South Nodes of the Moon), and a trine (Ascendant – Leo). Let’s take a look at each one.
Lilith conjunct The Sun (orb 9°40′ A) describes healthy ego development and learning to better direct the wild child within. Resistance to a higher perspective should be released and not seen as something that spoils the inner party. Use Lilith’s conjunction with Vulcan (Orb 1°52′ A) to break free from old patterns and paradigms that foster a self-possessed focus.
A conjunction between Lilith and Chiron (Orb 0°39′ S) suggests past wounds may provide all the justification she needs for feeling threatened and overreaction will likely result. Chiron in the 9th House/Aries signals feelings of rejection by others over her fundamental beliefs and she may feel unsure how to proceed. Reevaluation of perspective is necessary so that she releases past wounds that are affecting her interactions with others. Transcendence is possible now for our dark Goddess.
Lilith squares both the North and South Nodes of the Moon, the North (11th/Cancer) and the South (5th/Capricorn), suggesting inner work over who she is in relation to the past and future. Square the North Node and she’s working on who she is in relation to others as well as the need to avoid self-dealing or a service-to-self focus. The same with the South Node asks Lilith to accept personal failure and overcome pride. Both involve developing humility and honest expression with others.
Finally, an easy relationship exists with Lilith trine the Ascendant in Leo, as she explores the role she takes in her relationships with others. The Mars energy contained within Leo aligns well with Lilith’s passionate side reinforcing her tendency to engage in conflict with others, however, this aspect may signal an awakening in that area to interactions that are more trusting and sustainable.
The fact that the country has been lied to throughout the time we’ve known about COVID-19 hasn’t helped calm fears let alone convince everyone that the virus, now a pandemic, is something to take seriously. Additionally, the office tasked with handling pandemics was dissolved in 2018 preventing those in the know from taking responsible and timely action.
Testing is shamefully minimal and the federal government has turned out to be something we can no longer trust to give us any information that’s true. Instead, we’re on our own. But given the ongoing chaos from the current administration, did we expect anything else?
As long as ego runs amok, a shared focus will never form and we’ll be forever behind the eight ball in dealing with the pandemic. And that’s the last thing we need. In truth, Lilith needs to grow up and understand what is at stake. So do a few others:
- Devin Nunes…no we shouldn’t be going to restaurants and pubs with our families.
- The Governor of Oklahoma – see Devin Nunes
- Senator Cornyn…are you kidding, dude?
- The Surgeon General of the United States – honey, quit now. You have your whole life ahead of you. Why ruin it by supporting this guy?
- The White House Doctor – you might want to lock up your letterhead.
- The Impeached President – stop talking, stop touching people, and stop tweeting. Just. Stop.
So, everyone, please take care of yourselves and listen to Dr. Fauci, who happens to be an immunologist AND the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. He seems to be the only reliable voice out there.
Please understand that while you may not feel sick, you could be carrying the virus impacting any number of people who are older or with compromised immune systems.
Although I’m definitely in the first category, my immune system is doing fairly well now but I was far too ill for far too long to take any chances. So, my husband and I will self-quarantine on our five acres and when the snow melts (because COVID-19 isn’t enough to deal with) we’ll be back outside, getting the garden ready for planting.
Until next time…
Blessings to all!
Shameless Book Plug
Shifting Perception, a guidebook to transmute ego into Spirit, is out as is the 2nd Edition of Confessions of a Back Porch Herbalist! The links will take you to a Books2Read page so that you can choose from a variety of booksellers for purchase!
Confessions of a Back Porch Herbalist was the first book I wrote about achieving remission from severe rheumatoid arthritis using cannabis and traditional herbs and I wanted to update it with my progress as well as offer another method of tincturing. So, if you’re considering alternative methods of healing severe or chronic illness, I’d love you to check it out!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson