Monday is governed by the Moon. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal.

Current Outlook
- Lunar position ~ 6th Hs/Capricorn – health is a concern today, particularly with the pandemic, so be sure to follow CDC guidelines to protect yourself and others. Structure your surroundings to enable home quarantine if necessary.
- Interesting Aspects
- Mars sextile Neptune – suggests a compassionate attitude toward others
- Jupiter conjunct Pluto – keep the ego in check to achieve greatness in leadership (Saturn trine Vesta supports this)
- Uranus semisquare Neptune – an underlying deception has been in play for some time now. Allow intuition to guide. Know what you know.
- Uranus sextile the North Node – new directions are not only possible now, but likely guaranteed to happen, which should better align with who we are.
- Chiron squares both North/South Nodes – life is changing now and values will be questioned with hidden meaning now sought. Let go of emotional past hurts and move positively into the future.
- Sign ~ Capricorn (disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving, rigid, materialistic); Pisces (compassionate, gentle, intuitive, easily-led, sensitive)
- Elemental Influence ~ Earth and Water are active suggesting a practical and compassionate approach; however, with Fire and Air nonexistent, motivation and objectivity may suffer.
- Energetic Quality/Mode ~ With Fixed in an weakened state, the ability to see things through may be affected
- Houses ~ 10th (career, community, personal standing, social status, parenting, life direction)
- Rays ~ 1st (will/power – powerful, assertive, purposeful, leader, prideful); 2nd (love/wisdom – wise, loving, compassionate, sensitive toward others); 3rd (active intelligence – strategic, clever, abstract thinker, restlessness); 7th (ceremonial order/magick – organized, aware, detail-oriented, perfectionism) with the 4th Ray weakened, discernment may be affected. Guard against falling prey to deception from others (Note Uranus semisquare Neptune).
- Ascendant influence ~ Cancer – conservative, follower, compassionate, easily led, moody, emotionally imbalanced.
- Midheaven influence ~ Pisces – humanitarian, sensitive, compassionate, life direction may be overwhelming
- Black Moon Lilith ~ 10th House/Aries – interactions with others may be challenging because ambition is strong. Avoid blaming others and self-defeating behavior.
- Node influences ~ N Node – 1st Hs/Cancer; S Node 7th Hs/Capricorn describes an inner search for one’s true purpose and identity. The challenge is in balancing failure and pride and learning to express oneself honestly and with integrity
- Intercepted Signs ~ Sagittarius/Gemini – remember to hear the other person and not dismiss information you deem useless
- Duplicated Signs ~ Virgo/Pisces – balance objectivity and a critical nature with sensitivity toward others
- Temperament ~ Phlegmatic (cold/wet; peaceful, quiet, adaptable, compassionate)
- Lunar Phase ~ 3rd Qtr on 16 Mar 2020 at 2:35 AM PDT at 26°Sg15 – plans are acted upon
- Mansion of the Moon ~ 22nd – Caadaldeba – 1°Cap; head of Capricorn; encourages prisoners and servants to flee, cures diseases
- Retrograde ~ Juno (reassessment of relationships)
- Numerology – 16/7 – magick, creation, the balance between dark/light, Zeta, Moon, Aries, communities, divinity, the septenate universe, seven sacred planets, seven days, 7 Cosmic Rays
- Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very good
Magickal Correspondences for Monday
- Magickal focus ~ feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change
- Time ~ Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification; Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth; Sunset – letting go, release; Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
- Goddess ~ Diana, Luna, Selene, Artemis
- Element ~ Water
- Color ~ Silver, white
- Zodiac ~ Cancer (Scorpio, Pisces)
- Direction ~ West
- Power ~ To Dare
- Animal ~ dog, bull, cats, frogs, otter, waterfowl
- Number ~ 2 – duality, polarity, balance, reason, causation, Beta, Dyad, Moon, Aquarius
- Stone ~ pearl, moonstone, selenite, marcasite
- Herb ~ hyssop, rosemary, olive, mugwort, moonwort, palm
- Resin ~ white sandalwood, camphor, aloe
- Chakra ~ 7th Chakra
- Tarot ~ Cups, The High Priestess
- Runes ~ Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Perthro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
- Olympic Spirit ~ Phul – transmutes metals into silver, heals edema, invokes Water Spirits in corporeal form, extends life to three hundred years.
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Shameless Book Plug
Shifting Perception, a guidebook to transmute ego into Spirit, is out as is the 2nd Edition of Confessions of a Back Porch Herbalist! The links will take you to a Books2Read page so that you can choose from a variety of booksellers for purchase!
Confessions of a Back Porch Herbalist was the first book I wrote about achieving remission from severe rheumatoid arthritis using cannabis and traditional herbs and I wanted to update it with my progress as well as offer another method of tincturing. So, if you’re considering alternative methods of healing severe or chronic illness, I’d love you to check it out!
One last thing…you can now become a patron and support my work on Patreon! Thank you for checking out my new page as well as content only patrons can access! Thank you!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson