Friday is governed by Venus. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal.

Current Outlook
- Lunar position ~ 11th Hs/Taurus – routine is important today as is staying connected with others during this time of shared purpose
- Sign ~ Taurus (stable, values, stubborn, self-indulgent, present); Pisces (compassionate, intuitive, sensitive, easily led)
- Elemental Influence ~ practical matters and our emotions are in play today with Earth and Water having a stronger effect. Create a steady routine.
- Energetic Quality/Mode ~ Cardinal (initiating) energies continue their strong presence today…continue to use that energy to create opportunity within restriction.
- Houses ~ 7th (partnerships, enemies, long-term relationships); 10th (career, community, personal standing, social status, parenting, life direction); 11th (relationships, partnerships, enemies, friendships, groups)
- Rays ~ 1st (will/power – powerful, assertive, purposeful, leader, prideful); 2nd (love/wisdom – wise, loving, compassionate, sensitive toward others); 3rd (active intelligence – strategic, clever, abstract thinker, restlessness); 7th (ceremonial order/magick – organized, aware, detail-oriented, perfectionism) with the 4th Ray weakened, discernment may be affected. Guard against falling prey to deception from others (Uranus semisquare Neptune).
- Ascendant influence ~ Cancer – conservative, follower, compassionate, easily led, moody, emotionally imbalanced.
- Midheaven influence ~ Pisces – humanitarian, sensitive, compassionate, life direction may be overwhelming
- Black Moon Lilith ~ 10th House/Aries – interactions with others may be challenging because ambition is strong.
- N Node – 12th Hs/Cancer; S Node 7th Hs/Capricorn describes an awareness of self within the collective. The challenge is in learning humility and expressing oneself honestly and with integrity
- Intercepted Signs ~ Taurus/Scorpio describes the contrast between retaining and letting go of anything shared (possessions, values)
- Duplicated Signs ~ Leo/Aquarius – balance self-assertion with thinking outside the box
- Temperament ~ Phlegmatic (cold/wet; quiet, easy-going, compassionate, willing to compromise)
- Lunar Phase ~ New ( impulsive, opportunity-oriented, self-oriented); 1st Quarter – 1 Apr 2020 at 3:22 AM PDT at 12°Can09′
- Mansion of the Moon ~ 4th – 8°Tau34′; eye/head of Taurus; destroys buildings, water sources, gold mines, prevents winged insects from escaping, fosters conflict
- Retrograde ~ Juno (reassessment of relationships) critical to do right now…reconnect with others
- Numerology ~ 27/9 – endings, completion
- Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very good

Magickal Correspondences for Friday
- Magickal focus ~ compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship
- Time ~ Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification; Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth; Sunset – letting go, release; Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
- Goddess/god ~ Venus, Aphrodite
- Element ~ Water
- Color ~ Green, rose
- Zodiac ~ Taurus
- Direction ~ West
- Energy ~ feminine, receptive
- Power ~ To Dare
- Animal ~ Dove, swan, sparrow, dog, sheep, goat
- Number ~ 3
- Stone ~ Turquoise, lapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral
- Herb ~ Rose, myrtle, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pear, fig, pomegranate
- Resin ~ sandalwood, ambergris, musk
- Chakra ~ 4th, Heart
- Tarot ~ Cups, The Empress
- Runes ~ Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Perthro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
- Olympic Spirit ~ Hagith – creates beauty and adoration, converts copper into gold and back again, creates faithful servants from Spirits
Magickal blessings to all!
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Shameless Book Plug
Shifting Perception, a guidebook to transmute ego into Spirit, is out as is the 2nd Edition of Confessions of a Back Porch Herbalist! The links will take you to a Books2Read page so that you can choose from a variety of booksellers for purchase!
Confessions of a Back Porch Herbalist was the first book I wrote about achieving remission from severe rheumatoid arthritis using cannabis and traditional herbs and I wanted to update it with my progress as well as offer another method of tincturing. So, if you’re considering alternative methods of healing severe or chronic illness, I’d love you to check it out!
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