April is here and so is our monthly tarot reading! And although the significator for the month is Death, don’t panic. Its traditional meaning is transformation and rebirth, or as I write this, perhaps reaping what we sow. But let’s take a look at the cards, one per week, looking for any alignments or synchronicities that can give us insight. If it seems like another card will be helpful, I’ll draw whatever I need to add to the message for each week.
Taking a closer look at Death we see the Grim Reaper, cloaked and holding a scythe standing in front of the River Styx. A bright red-orange Sun sinks below the Earth as black-colored birds fly above. Spiky trees rise on either side of the red river while a white rose that indicates purity and rebirth dominates the card.
Overall, we have three cards from the Major Arcana describing soul-archetype energies followed by one card from Wands (Fire) and one from Cups (Water). And we also have an interesting numerology pattern: 4, 3, 11, 3, 4. Reducing them, we have 7, 11, 7 so balance/observing, illumination, and balance/observing suggesting remaining in the observer role this month to achieve clarity.
Week One
With Death transforming our foundation or life structure throughout the month, The World, reinforces a sense of completion this week. Perhaps we’ve turned a corner, or one phase has ended and a new phase is beginning, but it could also suggest a synthesis of some kind has occurred where clarity has returned. Remain aware and in observation mode.
Week Two
The eleventh card from the Major Arcana, Justice involves balanced reason, equilibrium, as well as decisions and legal issues. Lady Justice holding scales in her left hand also holds a sword in her right. The sword points upward in the direction of Spirit drawing clarity into the expression. Wearing a crown, Lady Justice embodies the divine right of Kings to secure justice for all based upon divine Truth. Eleven is a powerful Master Number describing illumination and enlightenment reinforcing Justice born of a greater Spirit consciousness. Again, we’ll remain in the observer role this week and allow Higher Self to transform both our perceptions and perhaps a new path forward.
Week Three
Income issues may be a factor this week with the 3 of Wands describing trade, synthesis, expansion, and negotiation. Because I’m not certain when the aid checks will arrive and who will receive them, it’s unclear if the 3 of Wands represents that or it’s concerning other employment-related issues. With transformation and rebirth possible this month, however, we may discover alternate work opportunities that involve either working from home or, if still working out in the world, perhaps strong worker protections can be negotiated this week.

I drew another card, the 9 of Cups, to gain further insight. Traditional interpretations of this card include happiness, success, overcoming challenges, emotional satisfaction, and fundamental well-being. So, it may be that whatever income issues we experience this week will be solution-based and positive in nature.
Week Four
The 4 of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck usually suggests a pity party to me but from the Morgan-Greer deck, the card evokes an oh…there it is feeling instead. We see an individual covered in greenery, three golden chalices to his right. A hand reaches out from brownish clouds holding a fourth chalice as an offering. The 4 of Cups suggests that hope is not lost and that support is available if we’re paying attention. The goal then this week is to notice synchronicities and accept support that’s offered, even if from an unknown source. Reciprocity can be transformative, so extend yourself to others this week in a manner that’s both safe and supportive.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson