Weekly Numerology

- Sunday ~ 5 – today is a day for change fostering protection and justice.
- Monday ~ 6 – Higher Self influences today as we seek balance within and with others. Maintaining health and feelings of benevolence toward others are favored.
- Tuesday ~ 7 – a balanced perspective is favored today. Allow emotions and/or the situation to find balance and remain in the observer role.
- Wednesday ~ 8 – leadership may be a factor today and others may rely on our perspective and suggestions. If so, take that role seriously, favoring objective truth over personal agenda.
- Thursday ~ 9 – some aspect or situation in your life may be ending today so be prepared to discover what’s next as a new door opens.
- Friday ~ 10/1 – new beginnings are possible today as we move forward in unity and shared purpose with others.
- Saturday ~ 11 – the Master Number for illumination guides our path today suggesting a profound level of clarity and vision are available today.
Runes for the Week

- Sunday ~ Hagalaz (9) – transformation is possible today as we release old perceptions and patterns that have kept us from progressing forward. Meaning: Water element, witch rune, Hella, destruction but within intentional boundaries, hail, Norn (Urdh) rune of the past, celestial ice egg, protection, luck, trance work
- Monday ~ Jera (12) – unfolding awareness and growth are possible if we remain in alignment with higher principles and values. Meaning: Earth element, transformation, balance, give and take, cycles, herbalism, gardening, unfolding awareness, energetic alignment, year, fertility
- Tuesday ~ Berkano (18) – our focus is firmly on healing and protection along with creating some semblance of normalcy in our lives for the foreseeable future. As the plants begin growing again and flowers burst forth, know that we survive this situation together as one family in shared purpose with all. Meaning: Earth element, fertility, birth, family, protection, new beginnings, healing, growth, projects to fruition, birch tree
- Wednesday ~ Dagaz (22) – a feeling of transition may be experienced today as one door closes and another opens. If fighting the virus, you may turn a corner today, or collectively there may be a change in its effect. Or, it may be something as simple as finding toilet paper to purchase online or from a trip to the store where you’ve worn gloves and a mask for protection. Either way, the situation may shift in some manner today. Meaning: Water element, new day, dawn, endings and beginnings, conclusion, daylight, awakening, all doors open, all options available
- Thursday ~ Eihwaz (13) – draw Spirit into all that you perceive and emerge into a higher frequency of expression, particularly if fear becomes strong today. Meaning: Air/Fire elements, connection between opposites, as above so below, link between realms, trance work, protection
- Friday ~ Thurisaz (3) – the catalytic energy of Thor’s rune fosters new beginnings and breaks through opposing forces today, including a lack of impulse control by self and/or others. Offer assistance that protects and defends others and is predicated upon truth. Meaning: Fire element, Thor’s Hammer, defense, new beginnings, protection, opposition, impulsive behavior, giants, chaos, weather magick
- Saturday ~ Raidho (5) – integration and shared purpose are favored today, irrespective of, or perhaps completely due to, the deception from the current occupant of the White House. At some point, even his most ardent supporters will come to realize that he provides no comfort, no truth, and no way forward. His ineptness along with the fundamental and intentional misunderstanding of his role in this crisis has only increased the danger of the virus in this country. And it’s going to take all of us moving in shared purpose to survive this man. Meaning: Air element, soul journey, partnership, process over goal, harmonious movement, integration, rhythm, cycles, justice
Influence of the Moon

- Sunday ~ an attention to details is favored with the Moon is in Virgo all day. Focus on routine and avoid a critical attitude. Use that energy instead to tidy up. Watch your diet today and focus on high-vibration foods.
- Monday ~ Virgo until Libra at 2:17 PM PDT indicating a desire to engage with others in the afternoon. That said, do so online or over the phone to stay safe and protected, checking in with others and providing support wherever you can.
- Tuesday ~ stay connected today with others, and focus on maintaining balance within the home if isolating with others. Decisions may prove challenging at this time so gather insight from others if necessary.
- Wednesday ~ Libra until Scorpio at 1:17 PM PDT when balance and reason may give way to drama and chaotic emotions and restraint along with tact may prove challenging. Channel this energy into creative pursuits and stay out of conflict.
- Thursday ~ Scorpio’s effect on the mood can be quite chaotic. Life is often experienced from an either/or standpoint with little room for compassion or understanding. That said, when intensity is required, Scorpio’s effect can be quite effective in getting things done or in truth being revealed. Just guard against a nasty after-effect when the tornado subsides.
- Friday ~ Scorpio until Sagittarius at 1:36 PM PDT when secretive and dramatic energies transition into energies that are more open and integrative with others. Remain safely connected with others and offer assistance where possible.
- Saturday ~ the Sagittarian leadership qualities may be called upon today to assist others (safely) as we continue to discover new ways to stay safe at home. Reach out and share your experiences with others today as well as your optimism for success. We’re going to get through this together.
Wisdom from the I Ching

Human Design involves the blending of the planetary positions with the I Ching. The I Ching consists of sixty-four guas (hexagrams), each one containing six lines with their own specific message. You can see from the above Rave Mandela how the hexagrams or guas are arranged around the chart with the bodygram in the center.
Most planets, particularly the outer planets as well as the Sun, remain in roughly the same place, changing only their line numbers throughout the week. The Moon, however, changes both its Gate and Line number daily. In addition, as planets move, energetic channels may form between the gates and when they do, I’ll include them because they can provide underlying supportive energies which may be helpful.

Both the Channel of Awakening (Gates 20-10) and the Channel of the Brain Wave (57-20) are also actively providing underlying higher principles and values as well as the awareness required to see us through this critical time. They also reinforce the leadership potential found in the placements of Jupiter (61.5), Saturn (60.5), and particularly Uranus (27.4 – Generosity or the sharing of abundance with others)

One last look at the week’s influences, the planet rarely considered is the Earth herself. She spends most of the week, other than Saturday when she moves into Gate 32 Duration, at Gate 57 The Gentle where clarity is revealed through Higher Self awareness and intuition. With the virus expanding, the Earth herself is affected as fear grips her children.
Sunday, we act to conserve resources as well as our attention to the details that will carry us forward while Monday’s transition purifies and cleanses our perceptions and values. Alignment between Earth and her children is reinforced on Tuesday now that it’s clear that our way forward is together supported also by Wednesday’s placement of harmonious relationships with others. As new information comes out, we progress on Thursday, reevaluating as we progress on our path toward healing while Friday’s Earth placement reminds us that within this struggle is the acceptance of difficult truth. Saturday, the Earth travels into Gate 32 Duration suggesting the profound change is upon us, regarding the effect of the virus as well as on our path forward together.
We’re also in a 22 year, the Master Number for the Cosmic Builder suggesting a profound level of rebalancing is taking place. Where we come out of this at the end of the year is anyone’s guess, but I believe we will rediscover the fundamental unity that we set aside long ago.
The choice is ours.
Until next time…
Blessings to all!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson