Welcome to another edition of your weekly aggregate of esoteric influences!

Sunday – 26/8 – today is a day for regeneration and taking care of practical concerns. Take time to check in with others and offer assistance or support where possible.
Monday – 27/9 – something may be coming to an end today which will either be welcome or not. Allow emotions to settle before reacting. Stay true to your purpose and let intuition guide your path.
Tuesday – 28/1 – out with the old, in with the new as the endings experienced yesterday provides the space for something new to take hold today. Whether this is a new project or a change in perception, use this energy of new beginnings to bring wholeness and unified expression to your life.
Wednesday – 29/11 – on this day of balance, allow Higher Self to inform your path. Eleven is the Master number for illumination. Use that powerful energy to see/perceive in full clarity fostered by alignment with Source Presence.
Thursday – 30/3 – today as we align our mind, body, and Spirit, we do so in an effort to catalyze truth and understanding on all levels. Thursday’s Jupiter energy expands our awareness so that deception from others finds no purchase.
Friday – 1 – as we enter a new month, again, we again experience the energy for new beginnings. Structural concerns from April transition to a potential change in circumstances in this five energy month of May. Social distancing may be working, at least in some areas, and we may begin to see a lessening of restrictions going forward. However, it makes sense now to take baby steps, reassessing the situation frequently to see if easing of any restrictions can actually take place.
Saturday – 2 – pay attention to cause and effect today to assess your own situation. Remember that you have a profound effect upon others if you’re an unwitting carrier of the virus. Remain vigilant in protecting yourself and others now.
Runes for the Week

Sunday ~ Inguz (22) – the potential for growth is there today with Inguz, the Elder Futhark’s expression of Cosmic Builder energy. In this twenty-two year, we’re experiencing profound soul-level change and Inguz suggests a sudden change in that regard. Perhaps new information is revealed that sets us on a new course, one that we thankfully take together.
Monday ~ Perthro (14) – watch for synchronicities today as we all continue to take control of both our individual and collective fate. Choose wisely any outside contact with others today and if the situation isn’t to your liking, then make a different choice. Not everyone is on the same page regarding how we stay safe and well and it’s not necessary for anyone now to compromise their safety because of the shortsighted behavior of others.
Tuesday ~ Isa (11) – if the day becomes too much, especially for those empathic souls affected by the energies of others, take time to align away from others and away from the chaos of the moment. Focus on the present moment and give fear of the unknown no presence in your awareness.
Wednesday ~ Othala (24) – Wednesday’s energy involves the balance achieved by stepping back and surveying a situation at a distance. So, take a step back, away from the chaos, and allow for truth to resonate. We’ve all been dealing with a massive amount of deception from the impeached president and it’s time now to move forward in complete truth. Our very survival is at stake and the only way to survive this is to do so together in shared purpose.
Thursday ~ Kenaz (6) – between Jupiter’s expansive effect on the day itself and the light of Spirit focused by Kenaz, something new may be revealed today. Or it’s that we’re no longer choosing darkness over the light. Either way, today’s revelation, whether from an inner or external source, opens up the space for healing perception, the greatest divider of all.
Friday ~ Hagalaz (9) – in furtherance of yesterday’s revelation, Hagalaz establishes the structure for dissolution and change. Just as the witch casts a spell within a specific framework, the energy of Hagalaz breaks through difficulty and re-establishes a more realistic order. So, use this energy wisely and transmute your perceptions into truth.
Saturday ~ Tiwaz (17) – allow the spiritual warrior within to speak truth to power today and refuse to take no for an answer, especially if health and safety are at risk. This may be a confusing time for some, but for most of us, the issues now are clear.
Lunar Influences

Sunday ~ Gemini – extend yourself to others today to check in with how they’re doing while isolating at home. Allow ideas to flow and if looking for something fun to do with family, take a virtual tour online of a botanical garden if creating your own garden isn’t possible.
Monday ~ Gemini until Cancer at 10:28 AM PDT – sociability lessens as emotions increase in the latter part of the morning and you may feel like seeking shelter from the impending storm. Avoid social media if it becomes too harsh today.
Tuesday ~ Cancer – if emotions remain in flux, baby steps are likely necessary before interacting with others. Test the waters and if you don’t feel like engaging with others, then keep to yourself a while longer. Come up for air when the coast is clear.
Wednesday ~ Cancer until Leo at 6:07 PM PDT – as emotions subside during the day, you may feel like engaging with others in the evening when the Moon travels into warm and lively Leo. Start a Zoom party and invite your friends and family!
Thursday ~ Leo – yesterday’s return to life is reinforced by blending Thursday’s expansive Jupiter energy with a gregarious Leo influence and today we want to be front and center with others. Do so from a distance and enjoy time with others.
Friday ~ Leo until Virgo at 10:36 PM PDT – use this lively energy to inspire others today. Express yourself with others with openness and love. However, as evening approaches, don’t overdo, especially if junk food is involved, as the Moon travels into sensitive Virgo at the end of the day.
Saturday ~ Virgo – take care of bills and other routine items today. Focus on details but avoid a critical attitude toward others, especially if the counsel to avoid junk food was ignored yesterday. Virgo energy requires a healthy lifestyle so if diet has been questionable of late, begin making necessary changes today.
Wisdom from the I Ching

Human Design involves the blending of the planetary positions with the I Ching. The I Ching consists of sixty-four guas (hexagrams), each one containing six lines with their own specific message. You can see from the above Rave Mandela how the hexagrams or guas are arranged around the chart with the bodygram in the center.
Most planets, particularly the outer planets as well as the Sun, remain in roughly the same place, changing only their line numbers throughout the week. The Moon, however, changes both its Gate and Line number daily. In addition, as planets move, energetic channels may form between the gates and when they do, I’ll include them because they can provide underlying supportive energies which may be helpful.
One note about the week’s influences: Pluto, the planet of transformation, is now in retrograde suggesting something profound is coming. Pluto is active at Gate 61 Line 5 Influence for the entire week and it seems to me that the question we must answer involves who will lead us through this crisis. Will it be the president of our country who seems focused on preserving chaos or will it be the scientists and state-level leaders who see us through?

Sunday – 26 April 2020 ~ we continue to experience Treachery (Earth 28.5) as the egoic machinations (N Node 15.3) of the martyr in charge (S Node 15.3) continue affecting the healing of our country. As leaders in varying positions are forced to assume the executor role (Sun and Uranus 27.5) their focus on facts and science is guiding us through the pandemic.
Our job today is to nurture self and others (Mercury 42.3) through this challenging time, in acceptance of where we are (Jupiter 60.1) while staying the course (Saturn 60.6 Rigidity). But know that there is still time to correct our course (Venus 35.6 Rectification) if we’ve gotten off track and refocus on aligning in shared purpose.

Monday – 27 April 2020 ~ survival (Mercury 3.3) continues to be uppermost in our minds today as we continue to experience a sense of wariness (Sun 27.6) over a leadership (Moon 45.5) that is lacking from a man hell-bent on going out in a blaze of glory (Earth 28.6).
However, leaders arise from unexpected places and an executor of the crisis has emerged (Uranus 27.5) in the form of state governors who are taking the initiative that the federal government refuses to take.
The Channel of Mutation is now actively supporting adaptation and change; however, continue to stay the course (Saturn 60.6) and share the truth with others (Venus 45.1) to preserve a positive and healing outcome.

Tuesday – 28 April 2020 ~ The Sun (24.1 sin of omission), the Earth (44.1 conditions), and the Moon (15.6 self-defense) align with the Channels of Initiation (adaptation) and Awareness (a design of a thinker) to suggest that regular reevaluation may be required so that a positive framework is both agreed upon and then established so that a positive outcome to the pandemic is achieved.
As the martyr (S Node 10.3) continues to unravel, the people resonate in shared purpose (Neptune 22.4 Sensitivity), disregarding his continual misinformation and out-right lies, secure in the knowledge that acceptance (Jupiter 60.1) of our circumstances does not equate to defeat. Instead, we understand our shared path forward reflects the influence of Mars at Gate 49 Line 1 and the law of necessity. We need everyone now on the same page so that we get ahead of the virus’s profound effect.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020 ~ with the Channel of Awareness still active, we’re asked to think strategically today with the Sun at Gate 24 Line 2 recognition and move forward in a coordinated effort with others (Earth 44.2 management).
But just as when the flight attendant demonstrates how to use the oxygen mask that might drop down in case of an emergency, telling everyone to put on their own mask first before assisting anyone else, today’s counsel from Mercury (27.1) reminds us that a little selfishness is required now so that we don’t unwittingly transmit the virus to others.
Overall, however, if utilizing Mars at Gate 49 Line 2 the last resort, and understanding all options available, a consensus defined by Venus (45.2) can be reached allowing us to move forward together in our collective effort to defeat the pandemic.

Thursday, 30 April 2020 ~ we may be contending with the addict (Sun 24.3) again today as the actor in the Oval continues his interference (Earth 44.3) in our collective response to the pandemic. Greed (Mercury 27.3) and his insistence on turning his position into a self-dealing enterprise reflect the choices he’s made to steer our country, and all of us, off the proverbial cliff.
It may be necessary a while longer for states needing required PPE supplies to use a superficial level of interaction to foster the expediency (Moon 56.4) necessary to get what they need. All while the toddler-in-chief sows popular discontent (Mars 49.3) to cause as much chaos and division as possible.

Friday, 1 May 2020 ~ After of week of digesting (no pun intended) the recommendation of the impeached president to somehow ingest something that disinfects our insides, some who have been resisting the truth about this man could be ready to consider another viewpoint. Whether they’ve been following CDC and state guidelines or not, maybe they’ve accessed their inner Hermit (Sun 24.4) and have begun a process of reevaluation.
As his supporters reevaluate their continued support of someone clearly too impaired to remain in office, we all need to remain vigilant in our support of the truth (Earth 44.4) and sensitive to the pathway to awakening his supporters must now travel (Neptune 22.4).
With the North and South Nodes of the Moon enforcing the truth that we have a dishonest martyr in the Oval Office apparently ill-equipped to manage his own life, let alone the lives of millions, we all must remain vigilant in our efforts to get through this pandemic in spite of his destructive efforts.

Saturday, 2 May 2020 ~ we’ll need to remain aware of further manipulation (Earth 44.5) by those in the federal government seeking their own self-dealing outcome as they refuse to confess their mistakes in handling the federal response to the pandemic (Sun 24.5).
Use the Moon’s placement at Gate 29.3 recognition to understand the pattern of their behavior and the false promises made by their platform (Mars 49.4). Timing is critical now, to overcome the sadistic effects of their behavior as we evaluate our path through the disarray they create (Mercury 24.2).
Until next time…
Blessings to all!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson