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Thursday is governed by Jupiter. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal.

Current Outlook
- Lunar position ~ 1st House/Leo – suggests we take center stage with others today. Check in with others to offer whatever support you can.
- Sign ~ Taurus – stable, stubborn, enduring, traditional values ; Leo – generous, confident, powerful, engaging, dramatic, proud, arrogant.
- Elemental Influence ~ all elements are active with their strength descending from Fire to Earth to Air to Water.
- Energetic Quality/Mode ~ stable Fixed energies far outweigh initiating Cardinal or flexible Mutable energies.
- Houses ~ 10th (public life, life direction, profession, achievement)
- Rays ~ Other than the 6th Ray of devotion and idealism, the remaining Rays are present and influencing. The blessing here is that the 2nd Ray of love/wisdom doesn’t devolve into fanaticism or at least isn’t affecting mass consciousness.
- Ascendant influence ~ Leo – purposeful, warm, lively, generous, sincere, ambitious, prideful.
- Midheaven influence ~ Aries – life direction involving independence, leadership, and action.
- Black Moon Lilith ~ 9th House/Aries – difficulty aligning with societal expectations.
- Node influences ~ N Node – 11th Hs/Cancer; S Node 5th Hs/Capricorn describes an awareness of self within the collective. The challenge is in letting go of control in relationships, learning humility and expressing oneself honestly and with integrity in service to others.
- Intercepted Signs ~ Taurus/Scorpio – a balance between acquisition and release is challenged
- Duplicated Signs ~ Leo/Aquarius – self-assertion is at odds with self-expression.
- Temperament ~ Choleric (hot/dry – extroverted, independent, ambitious)
- Lunar Phase ~ 1st Qtr – 30 Apr 2020 at 1:39 pm PDT at 10°Leo57′
- Mansion of the Moon ~ 11th – Azobra – 8°Leo34′; hair of the lion’s head, increases profits, positive for travel, taking captives
- Retrograde ~ Juno (reassessment of relationships) critical to do right now…reconnect with others; Pluto (reevaluation, profound transformation); upcoming retrogrades: Saturn (10 days), Venus (12 days), Jupiter (13 days), Pallas 18 days)
- Numerology ~ 30/3 – catalyst, triple aspects, mind/body/Spirit, imagination, Jupiter, Capricorn, Triad, Gimel, Gamma, G, the middle, analogy, virtue, past/present/future, Hecate, triangle, Norns, Aum
- Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very bad
Magickal Correspondences for Thursday
- Magickal focus ~ social justice, healing, abundance, income, growth, achieving goals and desires.
- Time ~ Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification; Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth; Sunset – letting go, release; Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
- Goddess/god ~ Zeus, Jupiter
- Element ~ Air
- Color ~ Blue
- Zodiac ~ Sagittarius
- Direction ~ East
- Energy ~ Balanced
- Power ~ To Know
- Animal ~ eagle, hens, sheep, elephant, partridge, pheasant, swallow, pelican, cuckoo, dolphin
- Number ~ 6 – Higher Self, Venus, harmony, balance, perfection, Taurus, benevolence, peace, health, truth, marriage, rebirth, Merkaba
- Stone ~ sapphire, jasper, emerald
- Herb ~ basil, mints, elecampane, bugloss, henbane, poplar, oak, plum, apple, olive, fig, nuts, grains, licorice
- Resin ~ balm, ambergris, saffron
- Chakra ~ 3rd, Solar Plexus
- Tarot ~ Wheel of Fortune
- Runes ~ Fehu, Wunjo, Jera, Berkano, Mannaz, Othala
- Olympic Spirit ~ Bethor – responds quickly to requests, increases status, requires honesty from Air Spirits, handles precious crystals, formulates medicine, offers familiars, extends life to 700 years.
Magickal Blessings!
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