Welcome to another edition of your weekly aggregate of esoteric influences! We’ll begin first with the weekly numerology!

Sunday – 3 – use today’s catalytic energy to bring everything into perspective
Monday – 4 – practical/structural concerns are the focus today
Tuesday – 5 – expect changes today, however, make safety a priority
Wednesday – 6 – experience a sense of shared purpose with others today
Thursday – 7 – strike a balance between allowing and resistance today.
Friday – 8 – understand the greater picture and choose harmony and protection over self-interest
Saturday – 9 – a situation may be ending or evolving today
Runes for the Week

Sunday ~ Algiz (15) – seek answers today by aligning in Spirit. Allow your inner voice to guide your path. Meaning: elk, protection, BiFrost bridge between physical and astral realms, trance work, protection, Air/Fire/Water
Monday ~ Thurisaz (3) – new beginnings are possible today with the catalytic presence of Thurisaz. Use this energy to control impulses thereby protecting self and others. Meaning: Thor’s Hammer, defense, new beginnings, protection, opposition, impulsive behavior, giants, chaos, weather magick
Tuesday ~ Hagalaz (9) – the first of three Norn runes, Hagalaz brings order to chaos by reestablishing the framework necessary for change. Allow that which no longer serves to end while embracing that which heals and protects. Meaning: witch rune, Hella, destruction within established boundaries, hail, Norn rune of the past, celestial ice egg, protection, luck, trance work, Water
Wednesday ~ Raidho (5) – interactions with others today resonate in shared purpose as we continue to navigate issues surrounding life during a pandemic. Meaning: soul journey, partnership, process over goal, harmonious movement, integration, rhythm, cycles, justice, Air
Thursday ~ Laguz (21) – intuition flows today offering a greater understanding. Allow the voice of Spirit to guide your choices, but if empathic, shielding may be necessary if energies become uncomfortable. Take time to align in your still point and offer healing from within that aligned state. Meaning: intuition, flow, harmony, clairsentience, occult, assertive female, dream work, trance work, emotional balance, draw energy back to you, purification, cleansing, Water.
Friday ~ Wunjo (8) – fellowship and harmony are primary concerns today as we interact safely with others with reciprocity the gift both given and received. Whether we interact online or get together with neighbors for a socially distanced barbeque, it’s time to reach out to others. Meaning: joy, wish rune, peace, fellowship, harmony, success, happiness, Earth
Saturday ~ Tiwaz (17) – leadership skills may be required today to see the greater picture and find a benevolent solution. Allow the spiritual warrior within to choose the best course in service not only to individual concerns but in service to the collective as well. In other words, see the wisdom in staying home and protected whenever you go out. Meaning: spiritual warrior, faith, justice, idealistic male, oaths, self-discipline, Tyr, legal matters, sacrifice, Air
Lunar Influences

Sunday ~ Virgo – pay attention to details to be certain nothing is missed today. Routine tasks are preferred and avoid foods or substances that impact your health.
Monday ~ Virgo until Libra at 12:10 AM PDT – the Moon’s transition into Libra begins today with a focus on interactions with others. Guard against indecisiveness.
Tuesday ~ Libra – take a walk outside if you can do so safely and enjoy the beauty that Spring has to offer. Engage with others in a safe manner and provide support and comfort wherever you can.
Wednesday ~ Scorpio at 12:05 AM PDT – emotions increase and a tactful approach with others may be challenging. Channel that intensity into projects and avoid harsh judgment.
Thursday ~ Scorpio – continue to channel difficult emotions into a single focus if possible today. Scorpio’s effect on our moods can be challenging and it can be difficult to include the needs of others. So, if that’s challenging, take time for yourself and find a better balance.
Friday ~ Sagittarius – focus shifts today to a desire to engage with others. Leadership skills are strong today so lend a hand (safely) if someone needs assistance.
Saturday ~ Sagittarius – remain open to sharing with others today, offering assistance wherever you can. Spend some time outside if you can do so safely and organize a project such as a garden. Dig the space if you don’t already have one and order some seeds! Gardens provide not only food, but also hope which we could all use a healthy dose of now.
Wisdom from the I Ching

Human Design involves the blending of the planetary positions with the I Ching. The I Ching consists of sixty-four guas (hexagrams), each one containing six lines with their own specific message. You can see from the above Rave Mandela how the hexagrams or guas are arranged around the chart with the bodygram in the center.
Most planets, particularly the outer planets as well as the Sun, remain in roughly the same place, changing only their line numbers throughout the week. The Moon, however, changes both its Gate and Line number daily. In addition, as planets move, energetic channels may form between the gates and when they do, I’ll include them because they can provide underlying supportive energies which may be helpful. Below are the daily Gate and Line changes to illustrate the flow of the week:
5/3 | 5/4 | 5/5 | 5/6 | 5/7 | 5/8 | 5/9 | |
Sun | 24.6 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 |
Earth | 44.6 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 |
Moon | 40.6 | 6.4 | 48.2 | 32.6 | 44.4 | 14.2 | 9.5 |
N Node | 15.3 | 15.3 | 15.2 | 15.2 | 15.2 | 15.2 | 15.2 |
S Node | 10.3 | 10.3 | 10.2 | 10.2 | 10.2 | 10.2 | 10.2 |
Mercury | 24.4 | 24.6 | 2.2 | 2.5 | 23.1 | 23.3 | 23.6 |
Venus | 45.4 | 45.4 | 45.4 | 45.5 | 45.5 | 45.5 | 45.5 |
Mars | 49.5 | 49.6 | 49.6 | 30.1 | 30.2 | 30.3 | 30.3 |
Jupiter | 60.1 | 60.1 | 60.1 | 60.1 | 60.1 | 60.1 | 60.1 |
Saturn | 60.6 | 60.6 | 60.6 | 60.6 | 60.6 | 60.6 | 60.6 |
Uranus | 27.6 | 27.6 | 27.6 | 27.6 | 27.6 | 27.6 | 27.6 |
Neptune | 22.4 | 22.4 | 22.4 | 22.4 | 22.4 | 22.4 | 22.4 |
Pluto | 61.5 | 61.5 | 61.5 | 61.5 | 61.5 | 61.5 | 61.5 |
Channels | 61/24 | 61/24 | 2/14 | ||||
awareness | the beat |
As you can see, while some gates remain the same, their lines do change reflecting the subtlety found in the six lines of each I Ching hexagram. While the overall message may be the same, each line suggests another perspective or focus. Another aspect to note is that the outer planets, as well as the Moon’s Nodes, tend to remain the same throughout the week and sometimes the month as well to provide an underlying perspective or foundation to the information.
For this coming week, we continue to accept that self-isolation may be necessary a while longer (Jupiter 60.1 Acceptance) and possess the patience to continue on that path (Saturn 60.6 Rigidity). We’ll continue our realistic and safe approach to nurturing both self and others this week (Uranus 27.6 Wariness) while providing leadership or assistance wherever we can (Pluto 61.5 Influence). Now, let’s take a look at each day.

3 May 2020 – With the Channel of Awareness (Gates 61-24) active, there is plenty of inspiration available to meet any challenges that may arise today. Be ready to share whatever life hacks you may have discovered safely with others and beware of negative forces, rejecting any attempt to thwart progress (Moon 40.6 Decapitation). And if it’s you that needs assistance don’t look a gift horse (Sun 24.6) in the mouth when help is offered. Keep yourself safe, of course, but graciously accept assistance if offered.
It’s clear that a greater level of understanding is required now (Mercury 24.4 The Hermit) and we need to focus on the fundamental importance of shared experience (Venus 45.4) if we’re to get beyond the pandemic. And as we know, this is in direct contrast to efforts by the federal government to destroy the chance of a positive outcome.
Regrettably, the energy is still present to support the egoic response (Earth 44.6) of a martyr (S Node 10.3) so focused on his ratings (N Node Ego Inflation) that he cannot understand the need to save the people, now actually requiring the same quid pro quo from states (Mars 49.5 Organization) to receive federal aid that resulted in his impeachment last December.

4 May 2020 – As the Channel of Awareness continues its influence today, intuition (Sun 2.1), timing, and adaptation (Earth 1.1 Creation is independent of will) are required to triumph (Moon 6.4) over all odds today. The same caution, however, from yesterday remains in effect today to not look a gift horse in the mouth. Today, that same 24.6 Gate and Line are active with Mercury instead of the Sun, so don’t ignore advice that comes your way today, even if following it to the letter isn’t appropriate. There will be something there of benefit to whatever you’re experiencing. And if it’s you that’s offering the advice, Mars at Gate 49.6 Attraction should give you the power to expand your reach.

5 May 2020 – whether you’re celebrating Cinco de Mayo or my forty-first wedding anniversary, today’s energy fosters the gift for inner knowing or awareness (Sun 2.2 Genius). In my case, my husband has the grill ready along with a new barbeque sauce he made the other day.
Mercury rests along with the Sun at Gate 2.2 as we express ourselves with love and light (Earth 1.1) today with Higher Self guiding our perceptions and interactions as we align together in shared purpose (Venus 45.6 Direction). Caution should be taken, however, so that the degeneracy experienced from inferior influences (Moon 48.2) doesn’t impact a positive outcome.

6 May 2020 – when my husband and I taught Kenpo Karate, the most important lesson our students learned was that s/he will always remain the student, even when achieving a Black Belt. In fact, my first Black Belt class in our dojo after earning my new rank focused on working Yellow belt techniques. Black back to White was our motto and it described more than what the training focused on. It was a mindset, where we all understood that there was more to learn and more to know…always.
The Sun at 2.3 Patience describes the awareness that there is always more to learn and the teacher is, in truth, the eternal student. This ever-humbling patience will sustain us while the practical side of life continues to be challenging (Earth 1.3 The energy to sustain creative work). Higher awareness factors in with Mercury at Gate 2.5 Intelligent Application as reason and strategy follow the path of spiritual Leadership (Venus 45.5), guiding our way forward in shared purpose. We understand and maximize the limitations we experience maintaining our composure and balance (Mars 30.1) while staying vigilant during the pandemic.

7 May 2020 – although we’re still isolating at home if possible, this may be a time for great awareness with the Earth at 1.4 Aloneness as the medium of creativity reinforced by the North Node at 10.2 The Hermit. We’re exposed daily by the federal government’s self-dealing, lies, and undermining of the states and citizens during the pandemic and their deception (Moon 44.4 Honesty) can be psychically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting. Taking some alone time allows us to center an align in Spirit, away from the chaos of deception and the fear that naturally results.
The proselytization (Mercury 23.1) of the occupant of the Oval Office continues, undermining our nation’s collective path forward as he spits in the face of our shared values. Remain vigilant using a pragmatic approach (Mars 30.2) and survive in spite of him.

8 May 2020 – The Channel of Beat is active today describing the keeper of the keys and the resources necessary to achieve a successful outcome. This may indicate that a new direction or understanding of our current situation may develop today involving the intelligent application of resources management (Sun 2.5). Perhaps the PPE situation may finally be resolving with crafty governors taking charge of the situation and outsmarting the occupant of the Oval Office to secure the supplies their states so desperately need that the fool in the White House refuses to provide.
As the Earth and her children continue to heal, she exerts her fundamental power to remain vigilant in surviving the pandemic (Earth 1.5) while the Moon (14.2 Management) requires that we both listen to the wise counsel of experts and medical professionals and delegate solutions to those who can best achieve our objective.
We may discover various ways to achieve the same objective (protection of self and others) and as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else, then expressions of individuality may be welcome (Mercury 23.3). However, a sense of resignation is still necessary so that we don’t lose ground until the virus subsides (Mars 30.3).

9 May 2020 – we end the week with continued acceptance (Jupiter 60.1) of our circumstances and the understanding and commitment necessary to do whatever is necessary to heal and survive. However, some are still viewing this situation from the standpoint of personal sovereignty and the Sun at 2.6 suggests their continued fixation on seeing this as harming their personal freedom and not from the shared perspective of our collective survival.
Fortunately, the bulk of the country continues on in the shared faith (Moon 9.5) that if we stay the course, we will get through this much more quickly than the if I get sick, it is what it is approach that the beach and militia crowd seem to take. Time will tell which approach will save the most lives, but I suspect we all know what that outcome will be.
Until next time…
Stay safe, stay home, stay protected, and Blessed Be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson