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Monday is governed by the Moon. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal.

Current Outlook
- Lunar position ~ 9th House/Aries – motivation is strong today and you may feel like beginning a new project, possibly taking a philosophical or spiritual focus.
- Sign ~ Taurus – stable, stubborn, enduring, traditional values; Pisces – sensitive, compassionate, easily-led, intuitive
- Elemental Influence ~ all elements are present and influencing with Earth or practical concerns the dominant influence.
- Energetic Quality/Mode ~ Fixed (stable) energies provide the strongest influence suggesting we need people and situations to be reliable.
- Houses ~ 9th (higher learning, culture, religion, travel, Akash); 10th (public life, life path, standing, honor, achievement)
- Rays ~ Rays 1 (will/power), 2 (love/wisdom), and 7 (ceremonial order and magick) are providing the strongest influence today promising change informed and manifested by Spirit
- Ascendant influence ~ Leo – purposeful, warm, lively, generous, sincere, ambitious, prideful.
- Midheaven ~ Taurus – routine and stability are favored
- Black Moon Lilith ~ 9th House/Aries – difficulty aligning with societal expectations.
- Node influences ~ N Node – 11th Hs/Cancer; S Node 5th Hs/Capricorn describes an awareness of self within the collective. The challenge is in letting go of control in relationships, learning humility and expressing oneself honestly and with integrity in service to others.
- Intercepted/Duplicated Signs ~ none
- Temperament ~ Choleric (hot/dry; extroverted, outgoing, social)
- Lunar Phase ~ 3rd Quarter, waning; New on 22 May 2020 at 10:39 AM PDT – 02°Gem04′
- Mansion of the Moon ~ 2nd – Albochan – 12°Ari51′; Belly of Aries; finds treasures and retains prisoners
- Retrograde ~ Juno (reassessment of relationships) critical to do right now…reconnect with others; Pluto (reevaluation, profound transformation); Saturn (restructuring of foundation from an inner perspective); Venus (reevaluate what we value and love and where we feel/establish connections); Jupiter (expansive inner reflection and reevaluation); Pallas (reassess fundamental understanding)
- Numerology ~ 18/9 – endings, beginnings, Mars, Scorpio, Theta
- Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ neutral
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Magickal Correspondences for Monday
- Magickal focus ~ feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change
- Time ~ Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification; Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth; Sunset – letting go, release; Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
- Goddess ~ Diana, Luna, Selene, Artemis
- Element ~ Water
- Color ~ Silver, white
- Zodiac ~ Cancer (Scorpio, Pisces)
- Direction ~ West
- Power ~ To Dare
- Animal ~ dog, bull, cats, frogs, otter, waterfowl
- Numerology ~ 2 – duality, polarity, balance, reason, causation, Dyad, Beth, Beta, B, Moon, Aquarius
- Stone ~ pearl, moonstone, selenite, marcasite
- Herb ~ hyssop, rosemary, olive, mugwort, moonwort, palm
- Resin ~ white sandalwood, camphor, aloe
- Chakra~ 7th Chakra
- Tarot ~ Cups, The High Priestess
- Runes ~ Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Perthro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
- Olympic Spirit ~ Phul – transmutes metals into silver, heals edema, invokes Water Spirits in corporeal form, extends life to three hundred years.
Magickal Blessings!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson