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Friday is governed by Venus. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal.

Current Outlook
- Lunar position ~ 10th House/Gemini suggesting a need for intellectual stimulation on the career front or life path. Acknowledgment of achievement is important today.
- Sign ~ Gemini – restless, superficial, chatty, scattered thinking, versatile
- Elemental Influence ~ aligning with Gemini, elemental Air is the strongest elemental influence today with intellect and rationality dominant. With Water the weakest influence, adaptability and compassion could be impacted.
- Energetic Quality/Mode ~ Mutable energies are strongest so procrastination may occur. Also, expectations of others may be unrealistic today.
- Houses ~ 10th (public life, life path, standing, honor, achievement)
- Rays ~ although all are influencing today, the 2nd Ray of love and wisdom provides the energy to foster a shared path with others today.
- Ascendant influence ~ Leo – purposeful, warm, lively, generous, sincere, ambitious, prideful.
- Midheaven ~ Taurus – routine and stability are favored
- Black Moon Lilith ~ 8th House/Aries – difficulty may be experienced with issues of intimacy and defensiveness may result. Be aware of how you come across to others.
- Node influences ~ N Node – 11th Hs/Cancer; S Node 5th Hs/Capricorn describes an awareness of self within the collective. The challenge is in letting go of control in relationships, learning humility and expressing oneself honestly and with integrity in service to others.
- Intercepted/Duplicated Signs ~ none
- Temperament ~ Sanguine (hot/wet; extroverted, chatty, enthusiastic)
- Lunar Phase ~ New on 22 May 2020 at 10:39 AM PDT – 02°Gem04′; 1st Qtr Moon on 29 May 2020 at 8:31 PM PDT at 09°Vi11′
- Mansion of the Moon ~ 5th – Almices; 21°Tau25′; fosters return from travel; increases scholarship, reinforces structures; promotes good health and goodwill.
- Retrograde ~ Juno (reassessment of relationships) critical to do right now…reconnect with others; Pluto (reevaluation, profound transformation); Saturn (restructuring of foundation from an inner perspective); Venus (reevaluate what we value and love and where we feel/establish connections); Jupiter (expansive inner reflection and reevaluation); Pallas (reassess fundamental understanding)
- Numerology~ 22 – Master Number for the Cosmic Builder; soul-level change/manifestation
- Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very good

Magickal Correspondences for Friday
- Magickal focus ~ compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship
- Time ~ Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification; Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth; Sunset – letting go, release; Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
- Goddess/god ~ Venus, Aphrodite
- Element ~ Water
- Color ~ Green, rose
- Zodiac ~ Taurus
- Direction ~ West
- Energy ~ feminine, receptive
- Power ~ To Dare
- Animal ~ Dove, swan, sparrow, dog, sheep, goat
- Numerology ~ 3 – catalyst, triple aspects, mind/body/Spirit alignment/balance, analogy, Jupiter, Capricorn, Triad, Gamma, Gimel, analogy, Hecate, Norns
- Stone ~ Turquoise, lapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral
- Herb ~ Rose, myrtle, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pear, fig, pomegranate
- Resin ~ sandalwood, ambergris, musk
- Chakra ~ 4th, Heart
- Tarot ~ Cups, The Empress
- Runes ~ Uruz, Gebo, Hagalaz, Isa, Perthro, Ehwaz, Laguz, Dagaz
- Olympic Spirit ~ Hagith – creates beauty and adoration, converts copper into gold and back again, creates faithful servants from Spirits
Magickal blessings to all!
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