Sunday Earth Magic – Go With the Flow

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It’s time for a little Sunday Earth Magic! Eagle, Shaman and Ocean; Communion, Ancient Healing Wisdom and Ebb and Flow, with all emanating from alignment with Source as an expression of our Higher Self. This is a wonderful casting!

Everything flows from Goddess or Source Energy. Because creative force feels feminine to me, the name, Goddess resonates in that She as our Divine Mother creates all. We are expressions of that Benevolence. Her energy flows through us, around us, above and below us. It is She who we express ourselves as while in physical form.

Our natural state is one of communion or oneness, one of blended expressions of Goddess Energy. Remaining in that focus or alignment with Goddess allows us to manifest in a co-creative manner, reflective of our natural state of oneness or communion. We may appear as individuals, but we create as one.

Whether physical or spiritual in nature, the Shaman understands that all healing comes from alignment with Goddess. Balance is critical to health of any kind. If we are unbalanced, the ripple effects can be profound. If we’re powerful enough to focus our energy into physical form, we’re powerful enough to have a negative effect upon others. Thought creates form on some level, and remembering that we are a creative force in our own right brings our focus into alignment with our purpose, and then amazing things happen. We become a force to be reckoned with, expressing love and compassion in our communion with all.

I love the Ocean in all its power and magnificence. Like the rune, Hagalaz, it destroys to create. It’s also an expression of ebb and flow. Goddess, represented by the Moon, teaches us balance. As the tides come in and out, it reflects the same in our lives. Cycles begin, end and begin anew. We have only to wait, and something else will happen, perhaps better than before.

But the Ocean also symbolizes resonance. By its very presence, its very existence, it remains as it is, nonresistant to its purpose. We, on the other hand, resist continually. We are nonphysical expressions of God(dess)/Source Energy in physical form. Instead of remembering that and allowing that resonance to define us, we immediately covet our appearance of individuality. And then all kinds of discomfort happens.

The Earth Magic message today is to remember who we are. Remember we are one. Express and experience that loving presence throughout your life. Appreciate the ebb and flow of things. Instead of trying to control everything around you, maybe try a little allowing and see what happens. You might just find that you smile a whole lot more..

~Blessed Be Sunday Earth Magick!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!