Esoteric Influences for 25 September 2020

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Below you’ll find the current esoteric influences for today. They include the day’s numerology, rune, lunar transits, geomancy, and influences from the I Ching found in the current Human Design chart. For another look at today’s influences, check out the Esoteric Influences video on the left side panel of the blog.


9/25/2020 – 9 7 22

 Step back from the current situation to understand the greater picture. Take an observer role and allow the situation to settle before making any decisions. Understand the players involved and discern the truth.

Life Path – describes an individual who is analytical, thoughtful, and a truth-seeker, especially involving spiritual truth.


Tiwaz (17)

Self-discipline and sacrifice are required for our efforts to be successful. Allow the spiritual warrior within to rise up and set an example for others to follow.

Meaning: Air, spiritual warrior, faith, justice, idealistic male, oaths, sacrifice, Tyr, legal matters

Lunar Transits

Capricorn until Aquarius at 11:08 PM PDT

Reevaluate and/or repair problems that have arisen, including those of a relationship nature. Avoid taking the bait with a partner (Moon quincunx Venus) and stay calm if conflict occurs (Moon square Mars). Remember that honesty can be transformative (Moon conjunct Pluto).

Human Design

If you have difficulty finding your rhythm today, take time to align in Higher Self presence to heal your spirit and regain your balance. The future is not yet written and the potential exists now for profound change so remain positive and determined to overcome whatever challenges you encounter. 

Active Channels: Awareness, Openness


Unstable energy or intention can have a varied effect. With Puella appearing four times in the shield chart, it suggests not only scattered energy that is ultimately positive, but it can also indicate a loosening of perceptions that pave the way for something new and positive to take hold.

Rubeus refers to the misuse of power reinforced by its youthful presentation found with Puer while Cauda Draconis indicates the influence of a karmic effect on the moment, all of which may be providing the catalyst for change.

The runes with more stable energy include the more decisive runes, Carcer and Conjunctio, and may describe the result of a shift in perception, moving from energy that is restrictive and self-destructive to one that is inclusive with others. Caput Draconis describes a future where we align with others (Via, Conjunctio) as a new understanding begins to unfold. As a result of that shift in perception, we’ll likely experience gain and good fortune from a shared path forward.

Awaken to the Source Presence within and Blessings to all!



  1. Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.  
  2. Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!