Weekly Bindrune for 25-31 October 2020

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I’m starting a new series where I create a bindrune for the week to carry with you or to use as a focus to give you something to think about over the week. And as always, I set my intention and allow the runes to decide the bindrune.

For this first weekly bindrune, the runes from the Elder Futhark include Ansuz, Inguz, Hagalaz, and Uruz. But before I show you the bindrune, let’s take a closer look at the meanings behind each one.

  • Ansuz ~ considered as Odin’s rune, Ansuz involves Elemental Air influences, signaling a divine message, Spirit communication, eloquence, creation, Higher Self, divinity, and clarity.
  • Inguz ~ an Earth element rune, Inguz represents the sudden release of energy, male fertility, DNA structure, the seed, potential, and genetic inheritance, and is useful in gardening, rituals of inclusion, grounding, or inner focus.
  • Hagalaz ~ as the witch rune, Hagalaz represents the Goddess Hel (Hella), destruction within established boundaries, hail, is considered to be the Norn rune of the past, the celestial ice egg, protection, luck, trance work, Water
  • Uruz ~ a Water element rune, Uruz represents the primal forming essence, health, endurance, healing, strength, the aurochs, along with energy shaping matter.

A cursory look at the above meanings suggests that a shift in how we interact with others throughout the week with an emphasis on Spirit-infused eloquence. Because that could be a tall order given the stress we’re all under, some rune magick in the form of a bindrune seems apropos.

With each one of us part of the greater unity consciousness of the Creator or Source Presence, it would appear that the transformation back to who we really are is simply a matter of shifting our focus to that fundamental awareness. However, since we’re talking about humans trying to navigate through total chaos over the last four years, it might be best to have a talisman to carry with us as a reminder of that shared purpose.

Inguz begins the formation of the bindrune creating the boundary for invocation. In other words, Inguz provides the container for the sudden release of bindrune energies. From there, I drew Hagalaz within its interior adding Ansuz to the rune’s upper left leg to provide the direction of the transformation. From there, Uruz is visible in the lower half of Hagalaz, completing the essence of the bindrune.

The idea behind the bindrune is really then about how we manifest Spirit into our interactions with others. So, feel free to draw it on a piece of paper or burn it into a piece of wood, or however you choose to use it and carry it with you throughout the week. Focus on it now and again to remind you of its purpose and let your interactions with others be transformed by the Spirit within.

Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!