Wednesday is governed by Mercury. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. ~ et incipit magia

Magickal focus ~ Mercury governs, communication, interactions, balance, justice, revelation
- Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification
- Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth
- Sunset – letting go, release
- Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very good – If the runes are correct and a difficult situation is coming to an end, it may need some assistance in the revelation department. Work a spell to bring a greater level of sensitivity to interactions as well as a focus on truth. Since it’s best to be outside for this working, cast your circle somewhere safe and protected outside and establish the four quarters or directions. Burn benzoin on a piece of ritual charcoal in a small cauldron to dispel conflict and anger as well as to keep interactions focused. A piece of star anise to increase luck could be helpful as well. Add frankincense to improve self-control and keep the ego in check. Add emerald to the altar to increase love, and fluorite to heal and citrine to revitalize relationships. Grind together marjoram (removing negativity), bergamot (increase power and removing interference), lavender flowers (peace, healing), and hyssop (cleansing and purification) using a mortar and pestle as you focus on the outcome of your working. If you want to use a chant, this would be the time to do that. When the herbs are well grounded together, if you were unable to begin the working at an outside altar, take your herbs outside, take one fourth of the mixture into your left hand and blow it to the East. Do the same with the remainder of the herbal mixture, blowing each of the remaining fourths to the South, the West, and then the North. If your tradition dictates beginning this process in the direction of North, begin there, but given that Mercury governs magick today, it felt right to begin that process by facing East. When you’re ready, end the working.
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Air
- Color – yellow, purple
- Crystal – Agate, emerald, fluorite, topaz, citrine, red marble
- Resin – benzoin, gum arabic, frankincense
- Herbs – marjoram, horehound, bergamot, cinnamon, lavender, caraway, cloves, licorice, mullein, peppermint, star anise, hyssop
Numerology ~ 7/21/2021
- Life Path – 5 – this describes a life path or destiny involving leadership, responsibility, service to others, and harmony
- Day – 3 – mind/body/Spirit balance, creativity, optimism, ambition
- Challenges – balancing work with play, and controlling sensitivity and overreaction while still respecting the feelings of others
Rune Divination ~ Berkano, Laguz, and Isa comprise today’s rune divination where something may be coming either to an end or coming into its own alignment today. Berkano signals new beginnings and birth along with healing, family, growth, and protection. Laguz describes flow and intuition as well as emotional balance and harmony. Isa, as the Norn rune of the static realm or present moment aligns the will with Spirit. It represents consciousness and focus, and it functions as the act of becoming. So it appears that a new path or project could either be forming today or it could be coming to its conclusion. In addition, it could also be that a difficult situation that has caused much chaos in your life may also be coming to an end.
Lunar position – Sagittarius until Capricorn at 3:37 PM PDT – Your focus shifts in the afternoon to more routine tasks as the Moon travels into reliable Capricorn. Assert yourself with self-confidence and in the process you’ll likely motivate others to do the same. If a new strategy is required, your imaginative approach should serve you well. Speak truth to power balanced with sensitivity and compassion. Refer to the current Esoteric Influences for more information regarding today’s influences.
Significant Aspects or patterns that may inspire or inform magickal workings.
Stellium – Venus/Mars/Ascendant – your interpersonal power is enhanced by your friendships and self-assertion needs to honor those relationships by extending compassion and love.
Additional Aspects (Goddess planets, Lilith, Nodes, and Ascendant aspects follow in their own categories)
- The Sun (12th/Cancer) opposite Pluto (6th/Capricorn R) indicates that the expression of inner power is challenging today with explosive outbursts possible when opposition arises
- Venus (1st/Leo) opposite Jupiter (7th/Pisces R) – indicates unrealistic expectations within social experiences and the temptation to use others for strength instead of your own inner resources and resolve
- Mars (1st/Leo) quincunx Pluto (6th/Capricorn R) – frustrations arise today and you may feel like you’re not moving forward. It’s time to understand the greater picture.
Goddess-oriented Planetary Interactions
- The Sun (12th/Cancer) trine Pallas (8th/Pisces R) – describes good problem-solving skills
- Mars (1st/Leo) trine Eris (9th/Aries) – suggests strong self-assertion and the ability to speak truth to power
- Jupiter (7th/Pisces R) quincunx Vesta (2nd/Libra) – signals the need to reevaluate how you express your beliefs to others
- Pluto (6th/Capricorn R) trine Ceres (10th/Taurus) – indicates strong nurturing of others
- Pluto (6th/Capricorn R) square Eris (9th/Aries) – describing the reevaluation of a possible obsessive focus on the path to self-mastery (Seltzer)
- Pallas (8th/Pisces R) sextile Ceres (10th/Taurus) – describes the ability to provide healing and compassion to others
The Ascendant – Leo – a masculine, Fixed sign that suggests that behavior is purposeful, self-disciplined, and reliable. Although typically generous and sincere, Leo individuals can be arrogant and prideful and need to learn to balance power with compassion.
- A conjunct with Mars signals the willingness to take risks.
Black Moon Lilith ~ 10th House/Gemini — Interactions will flow smoothly while Lilith is in Gemini as long as you listen to the input from others. That said, in the 10th House of career, standing, and authority, interactions may be challenging with Lilith’s darker side potentially manipulating others to achieve power and control.
Node influences ~ N Node – Gemini; S Node – Sagittarius describes the need for self-control and a focus on a spiritual perspective. The challenge involves understanding the viewpoints of others as well as expressing your own in a helpful and respectful manner.
- Juno R opposite The North Node/conjunct The South Node reinforces the need to hear the viewpoints of partners and be sensitive to their needs and feelings
Lunar Phase ~ Waxing; 1st Quarter on 17 July 2021 at 3:11 AM PDT at 25°Lib03; Full on 23 July 2021 at 7:38 PM PDT at 01°Aq26
Mansion of the Moon – 21st – Elbeda – 17°Sag8′; which is a desert; increases gain, harvest, building strength, and successful travel, causes divorce
Retrograde ~ Jupiter – inner reflection is warranted and in Pisces, it centers on discovering inner truth; Neptune – discernment is a factor in this retrograde where you look within to determine truth from fiction and arrive at a more realistic understanding of the truths that surround you; Juno – suggests a look inward in how you select, commit to, and interact with partners in your life; Saturn – reassess boundaries and how your structure your life; Pluto – inner transformation is favored; Pallas – reassess your overall understanding of situations and observe patterns as they unfold; Chiron – reflect on inner woundings, apply their message, and then move on; Eris (Stationing Retrograde) – time to explore and reevaluate your expression of feminine power to maximize your potential; Upcoming retrogrades to be aware of: Uranus (29 days), Juno (direct in 12 days)
Polarity – the masculine polarity is strongest today
Elemental Influence ~ The Fire (creativity, initiation, motivation) and Water (compassion, emotions, empathy, change) elements are having the greatest impact today. Air (intellect, reason, balance) provides much less of an influence.
Ray Influences – significant changes are in bold
- 1st (will/power) – strong impact – creativity or inspiration are strong today as is self-assertion
- 2nd (love/wisdom) – low impact – extending unconditional love, compassion, and understanding is significantly less today
- 3rd (active intelligence) – medium/strong impact – adaptability to new ideas and understanding is strong today
- 4th (harmony through conflict) – medium impact – signals that cooperative efforts and understanding cause and effect have improved today
- 5th (concrete knowledge and science) – strong impact – suggests that scientific knowledge is having a significant impact on our mindset and decisions (possibly pandemic-related)
- 6th (devotion/idealism) – medium impact – The 6th Ray of devotion and idealism is a tricky influence in that if the 2nd Ray is less, we typically see an increase in gullibility and a single-minded approach. In other words, too much ideology or too much devotion affects our ability to view our experiences or beliefs in a realistic manner. With the 6th Ray’s increased effect, perception/ideology theoretically may be more difficult to manage and with the 2nd Ray at a lesser strength, idealism or gullibility may be impacting outcomes today.
- 7th (ceremonial order/magick) – medium/strong impact – organization and general order are easily managed today
- Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.
- Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
- Your Daily Magickal Correspondences
- Seltzer, Henry. The Tenth Planet: Revelations from the Astrological Eris
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Thank you... Jan Erickson