Friday is governed by Venus. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. ~ et incipit magia

Magickal focus ~ Venus governs, compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship
- Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification
- Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth
- Sunset – letting go, release
- Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very bad – any magicks worked today will need to be carefully planned and executed.
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Water
- Color – Green, rose
- Crystal – Turquoise, lapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral
- Resin – sandalwood, ambergris, musk, orris root
- Herbs – apple, rose, myrtle, bugloss (alkanet), burdock, feverfew, lilac, marshmallow, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pears, elder, pomegranate, passionflower, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, vanilla, yarrow, violet, plantain
Numerology ~ 7/30/2021
- Life Path – 6 – this describes a life path or destiny involving shared purpose, harmony, and responsibility
- Day – 3 – creativity, communication, intuition, imagination, focus on details
- Challenges – managing finances and controlling sensitivity/overreaction while still respecting the feelings of others
Rune Divination ~ Raidho, Kenaz, and Gebo comprise today’s rune divination where we move forward in harmony with others. Raidho describes integrated motion with others (think rider and horse). Gebo fosters balanced energy exchange with others. Kenaz lights the way and appears visually in both Gebo and Raidho signaling that Higher Self awareness informs that experience. Again, runes define who we are as beings of Spirit interacting with the physical realm of existence. They remind us of the collective aspect of Self that we share with all and emphasize our fundamental unity with others.
Lunar position – Aries until Taurus at 1:08 PM PDT – While the Moon is still in Aries in the morning hours, get focused and ready to take on routine tasks in the early afternoon when the Moon travels into Taurus. If frustration arises, go within to discover the true reason. Drop resistance and allow someone else to control the process. Refer to the current Esoteric Influences for more information regarding today’s influences.
Significant Aspects or patterns that may inspire or inform magickal workings.
Stellium – Sun/Vulcan/Mercury – interactions with others may take a spiritual focus today; listen more than you speak
T-Square – Sun/Saturn/Uranus – impulse control may be lacking today and you could feel frustrated by restrictions or delays
Additional Aspects (Goddess planets, Lilith, Nodes, and Ascendant aspects follow in their own categories)
- The Sun (12th/Leo) conjunct Mercury (12th/Leo) – self-confidence is strong today and your creativity flows
- The Sun (12th/Leo) opposite Saturn (6th/Aquarius R) – have patience today if obstacles prevent progress
- The Sun (12th/Leo) sesquisquare Neptune (8th/Pisces R)- if energy is low, take time to rest and recharge your mind, body, and Spirit
- Venus (1st/Virgo) quincunx Saturn (6th/Aquarius R) – suggests relationships are frustrating and interactions do not flow smoothly
- Venus (1st/Virgo) sesquisquare Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) – misunderstandings may occur between you and a partner today; express yourself but do so without judgment
- Mars (1st/Leo) opposite Jupiter (6th/Aquarius R) – suggests reflection is required so that grandiose or excessive behavior is controlled.
Goddess-oriented Planetary Interactions
- Mars (1st/Leo) square Ceres (10th/Taurus) – offers the opportunity to express compassion to others
- Jupiter (6th/Aquarius R) square Ceres (10th/Taurus) – suggests reevaluating how you express and receive nurturing from others
- Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) square Eris (9th/Aries R) – describing the reevaluation of a possible obsessive focus on the path to self-mastery (Seltzer)
The Ascendant – Leo – a masculine, Fixed sign that suggests that behavior is purposeful, self-disciplined, and reliable. Although typically generous and sincere, Leo individuals can be arrogant and prideful and need to learn to balance power with compassion.
- A conjunct with Mars promises the energy to pursue new goals and opportunities
- An opposition with Jupiter R suggests that engaging with others is important
- A square with Ceres counsels a nurturing or compassionate approach to others
Black Moon Lilith ~ 10th House/Gemini — Interactions will flow smoothly while Lilith is in Gemini as long as you listen to the input from others. That said, in the 10th House of career, standing, and authority, interactions may be challenging with Lilith’s darker side potentially manipulating others to achieve power and control, impacted today by a square with Mars. While a conjunct with Ceres is asking you to express yourself in a compassionate manner, a square with retrograding Jupiter suggests it’s time to expand your opportunities.
Node influences ~ N Node – Gemini; S Node – Sagittarius describes the need for self-control and a focus on a spiritual perspective. The challenge involves understanding the viewpoints of others as well as expressing your own in a helpful and respectful manner.
- Mercury trine The South Node indicates the need to remain aware of underlying messages
- Venus square The North/South Nodes suggests a decision is necessary surrounding both love and finances
- Juno R opposite The North Node/conjunct The South Node reinforces the need to hear the viewpoints of partners and be sensitive to their needs and feelings
- The Sun sextile The North Node/trine The South Node counsels you to live in the moment in order that you express your greatest potential
Lunar Phase ~ Waning; 3rd Quarter on 31 July 2021 at 6:17 AM PDT at 08°Tau33
Mansion of the Moon – 3rd – Azoraya – 25°Ar42′; Showering, Pleiades, profitable for hunters, sailors, and alchemists
Retrograde ~ Jupiter – inner reflection is warranted and in Pisces, it centers on discovering inner truth; Neptune – discernment is a factor in this retrograde where you look within to determine truth from fiction and arrive at a more realistic understanding of the truths that surround you; Juno – suggests a look inward in how you select, commit to, and interact with partners in your life; Saturn – reassess boundaries and how your structure your life; Pluto – inner transformation is favored; Pallas – reassess your overall understanding of situations and observe patterns as they unfold; Chiron – reflect on inner woundings, apply their message, and then move on; Eris – time to explore and reevaluate your expression of feminine power to maximize your potential; Upcoming retrogrades to be aware of: Uranus (20 days), Juno (direct in 3 days)
Polarity – polarities are in balance today
Elemental Influence ~ The Earth (material concerns, physical) and Fire (creativity, initiation, motivation) elements are having the strongest effect today.
Ray Influences – significant changes are in bold
- 1st (will/power) – strong impact (decrease) – creativity and inspiration are strong today as is self-assertion
- 2nd (love/wisdom) – strong impact (increase) – extending unconditional love, compassion, and understanding may be more challenging today
- 3rd (active intelligence) – very low impact – adaptability to new ideas and understanding may be greatly impacted today
- 4th (harmony through conflict) – low impact – signals that cooperative efforts and understanding cause and effect may be challenging today
- 5th (concrete knowledge and science) – strong impact (decrease) – suggests that knowledge, in other words, what we now know, is having a significant impact on our mindset and decisions (possibly pandemic-related and/or 1/6 Commission-related)
- 6th (devotion/idealism) – strong impact (increaseing, still in balance with the 2nd Ray) – The 6th Ray of devotion and idealism is a tricky influence in that if the 2nd Ray is less, we typically see an increase in gullibility and a single-minded approach. In other words, too much ideology or too much devotion affects our ability to view our experiences or beliefs in a realistic manner. With the 6th Ray’s decreased effect, perception/ideology theoretically may be less of a factor, and even with the 2nd Ray at the same strength, idealism or gullibility may be less likely to impact outcomes today.
- 7th (ceremonial order/magick) – low impact – organization and general order may be challenging to achieve today
- Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.
- Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
- Your Daily Magickal Correspondences
- Seltzer, Henry. The Tenth Planet: Revelations from the Astrological Eris
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Thank you... Jan Erickson