Tuesday is governed by Mars. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. et incipit magia

Magickal focus ~ Mars governs, passion, manifestation, creativity, self-assertion, reducing conflict
- Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification
- Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth
- Sunset – letting go, release
- Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very good – In the Hour of Mars (there are several to pick from) and using the correspondences associated with Mars, craft a ritual or spell that controls self-expression. Remember that lodestone helps ground you, so if you have some, you might consider adding it to the altar or workspace. Otherwise, amethyst and jasper are recommended. If you’re growing any cayenne pepper, place some on the altar to increase awareness and some garlic cloves for self-empowerment. Burn Dragon’s Blood resin in whatever form you have it and invoke Hecate’s assistance. Note: the above link for the Hour of Mars takes you to a website where you can enter the city where you live to give you the correct hours for Mars (or any other planet) for the given day.
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Fire
- Color – Red, rust
- Crystal – Amethyst, bloodstone, lodestone, diamond, jasper
- Resin – Juniper, dragon’s blood, red sandalwood
- Herbs – Absinthe, cayenne, basil, asafoetida, rue, garlic, black pepper, nettle, wormwood, onion, mustard, leeks, ginger, wolfsbane, thorny trees (Hawthorn)
Numerology ~ 8/10/2021
- Life Path – 5 – this describes a life path or destiny involving adaptability, responsibility, and change
- Day – 1 – new beginnings, wholeness, unity, leadership, revolution
- Challenges – pride versus becoming a doormat to others; laziness versus overly focused on work; balancing working hard and sociability with others
Rune Divination ~ Perthro, Kenaz, and Berkano comprise today’s rune divination where fate or the unknown may define our path forward, that is if we do not define that path for ourselves. Perthro, as the rune of fate or the unknown, is the cup from which we cast our lot in life. If the cup represents our overall awareness and curiosity, that takes us in one direction. But if it represents allowing others to govern our outcome, well, that’s a direction we have little control over. Kenaz, as the torch, provides clarity and illumination, while Berkano, the Earth Mother rune, describes protection, new beginnings, and bringing something to fruition. Again, the choice is ours to whom we give our personal sovereignty.
Lunar position – Virgo – Let go of old wounds that prevent you from reaching your potential. Remain flexible and willing to hear ideas from others that explore new experiences. Focus on activities that enhance wellness and achieve inner peace. Refer to the current Esoteric Influences for more information regarding today’s influences.
Significant Aspects or patterns that may inspire or inform magickal workings.
3 Point Stellium – Moon/Mars/The Ascendant – with both the Moon and the Ascendant in Virgo, a hypercritical response may need to be avoided
Additional Aspects (Goddess planets, Lilith, Nodes, and Ascendant aspects follow in their own categories)
- Mercury (12th/Leo) opposite Jupiter (6th/Aquarius R) – you may overreact today; avoid fanaticism
- Mercury (12th/Leo) sesquisquare Chiron (8th/Aries R) – consider how you come across to others and be certain you express yourself with grace, dignity, and respect for their feelings
- Venus (1st/Virgo) opposite Neptune (7th/Pisces R) – discernment is compromised today within close relationships that centers on unrealistic expectations of others
- Venus (1st/Virgo) trine Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) – your relationships are important and you commit to facing change and challenges together
- Jupiter (6th/Aquarius R) semisquare Chiron (8th/Aries R) – although confronting inner woundings may be challenging, the time is now to do just that
Goddess-oriented Planetary Interactions
- Venus (1st/Virgo) opposite Pallas (7th/Pisces R) – understanding the greater picture is important today regarding close partnerships
- Mars (12th/Virgo) square Juno (4th/Sagittarius) – you require a partner who is as independent as you are so be cautious with whom you spend your time.
- Saturn (5th/Aquarius R) trine Vesta (2nd/Libra) – suggests leadership and management skills that preserve and enhance collaborative efforts
- Saturn (5th/Aquarius R) sextile Juno (4th/Sagittarius) – describes partnerships that are steady and predictable
- Neptune (7th/Pisces R) conjunct Pallas (7th/Pisces R) – imagination and visualization is strong today
- Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) sextile Pallas (7th/Pisces R) – indicates the ability to inspire others, fostering a service-to-others focus
- Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) square Eris (8th/Aries R) – describing the reevaluation of a possible obsessive focus on the path to self-mastery (Seltzer)
The Ascendant – Virgo – a feminine, mutable sign that suggests an individual who is somewhat risk-averse and hesitant to engage with others until fully aware and comfortable. This individual has high expectations of self an others and prefers order to chaos
- A conjunct with Mars promises the energy to pursue new goals and opportunities
- A square with Juno indicates equality is necessary to satisfying relationships with others
Black Moon Lilith ~ 9th House/Gemini — Interactions will flow smoothly while Lilith is in Gemini as long as you listen to the input from others. That said, in the 9th House of higher education, journeys, religion, and values, this may be challenging with Lilith’s darker side potentially vulnerable to the judgment of others. A conjunct with Ceres suggests the way through is to express yourself in a compassionate manner.
Node influences ~ N Node – Gemini; S Node – Sagittarius describes the need for self-control and a focus on a spiritual perspective. The challenge involves understanding the viewpoints of others as well as expressing your own in a helpful and respectful manner.
- Mars square The North Node/South Node describes tension or confusion surrounding how you approach new experiences
- Juno opposite The North Node/conjunct The South Node reinforces the need to hear the viewpoints of partners and be sensitive to their needs and feelings
Lunar Phase ~ Waxing; New; 1st Quarter on 15 Aug 2021 at 8:20 AM PDT at 23°Sco00
Mansion of the Moon – 13th – Alhaire – 4°Vir7′; dog stars/wings of Virgo; fosters compassion, travel, harvest, gain, freedom of captives
Retrograde ~ Jupiter – inner reflection is warranted and in Pisces, it centers on discovering inner truth; Neptune – discernment is a factor in this retrograde where you look within to determine truth from fiction and arrive at a more realistic understanding of the truths that surround you; Saturn – reassess boundaries and how your structure your life; Pluto – inner transformation is favored; Pallas – reassess your overall understanding of situations and observe patterns as they unfold; Chiron – reflect on inner woundings, apply their message, and then move on; Eris – time to explore and reevaluate your expression of feminine power to maximize your potential; Upcoming retrogrades to be aware of: Uranus (9 days – 14°Tau47); Mercury (47 days – 25°Lib28)
Polarity – the feminine polarity is strongest today
Elemental Influence ~ The Earth (material concerns, physical) element is having the strongest effect today.
Ray Influences – significant changes are in bold
- 1st (will/power) – medium impact – creativity and inspiration are average strength today as is self-assertion
- 2nd (love/wisdom) – strong impact – extending unconditional love, compassion, and understanding happens easily today
- 3rd (active intelligence) – low impact – adaptability to new ideas and understanding may be difficult today
- 4th (harmony through conflict) – low impact – signals that cooperative efforts and understanding cause and effect may be challenging today
- 5th (concrete knowledge and science) – strong impact – suggests that knowledge, in other words, what we now know, is having a significant impact on our mindset and decisions (possibly pandemic-related and/or 1/6 Commission-related)
- 6th (devotion/idealism) – strong impact – The 6th Ray of devotion and idealism is typically kept in check by a strong 2nd Ray influence. Too much ideology or too much devotion affects our ability to view our experiences or beliefs in a realistic manner. With the 6th Ray’s strong effect, perception/ideology theoretically may have more of an impact on ideology today, but with the 2nd Ray having a stronger impact, maintaining control over idealism or gullibility may be take a delicate balance.
- 7th (ceremonial order/magick) – low impact – organization and general order may be less challenging to achieve today
- Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.
- Erickson, Jan. Herbal Magicka. 2021
- Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
- Your Daily Magickal Correspondences
- Seltzer, Henry. The Tenth Planet: Revelations from the Astrological Eris
- Erickson. Jan. Magick and the Aligned Witch. Kindle.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson