Monday is governed by the Moon. Below are its corresponding energies as well as the current transit chart for the witch’s perusal. ~ et incipit magia

Magickal focus ~ The Moon governs; feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change
- Dawn – healing, new beginnings, study, purification
- Noon – strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth
- Sunset – letting go, release
- Night – spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
Favorable/Unfavorable for Magick ~ very good – Given the Crone phase of the Full Moon, meditation or a trance working may be favored today. A more in-depth recommendation can be found here.
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Water
- Color – Silver, white
- Crystal – Pearl, moonstone, selenite, beryl, marcasite
- Resin – White sandalwood, camphor, aloe, myrrh
- Herbs – almond, mugwort, moonwort, yellow ranunculus, palm, lily, willow, violet, poppy, fennel, iris
Numerology ~ 8/23/2021
- Life Path – 9 – this describes a life path or destiny involving compassion and service to others
- Day – 5 – change, protection, freedom versus restriction, adaptation
- Challenges – taking a self-determined path and balancing sociability with others
Rune Divination ~ Gebo, Kenaz, and Fehu comprise today’s rune divination where we manifest the light of Spirit in our interactions and relationships with others. Gebo expresses Kenaz in all directions with Kenaz itself, as the light of Spirit, reinforcing that higher awareness. Fehu, as the sending rune, expresses that transactional energy to others.
Lunar position – Pisces – Avoid overreaction today if the unexpected occurs. This could signal a new strategy or path that takes you to a new level of insight. Remain adaptable and open to the input from others while keeping your own counsel if you feel you cannot calmly express yourself. Refer to the current Esoteric Influences for more information regarding today’s influences.
Significant Aspects or patterns that may inspire or inform magickal workings.
3 Point Stellium
- Mercury/Mars/The Ascendant – the energy is present for new opportunities involving self-expression. The key to a successful outcome will center on how you express yourself to others
Additional Aspects (Goddess planets, Lilith, Nodes, and Ascendant aspects follow in their own categories)
- Mercury (12th/Virgo) opposite Neptune (7th/Pisces R) Orb 02°A15′ – deception is possible today either from self or others and the tendency is to believe without the facts to back that up
- Venus (1st/Libra) trine Saturn (5th/Aquarius R) Orb 00°S06′ – your organizational skills are strong and you develop reliable partnerships with others
- Mars (12th/Virgo) trine Uranus (9th/Taurus SR) Orb 00°S51′ – you feel motivated and willing to try new experiences
Goddess-oriented Planetary Interactions
- The Sun (12th/Virgo) semisquare Vesta (2nd/Libra) Orb 00°A21′ – indicates that balance is needed between your well-being and your overall responsibilities. Consider incorporating daily rituals into your life such as meditation or daily walks.
- Venus (1st/Libra) sextile Juno (3rd/Sagittarius) Orb 00°A42′ – suggests passions are high within close partners, with relationships a priority in your life
- Saturn (5th/Aquarius R) sextile Juno (3rd/Sagittarius) Orb 00°S48’z – describes partnerships that are steady and predictable
- Neptune (7th/Pisces R) conjunct Pallas (7th/Pisces R) Orb 00°A45′ – imagination and visualization are strong today
- Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) semisquare Juno (3rd/Sagittarius) Orb 00°A16′ – interactions with close partners could be transformative today with power struggles the potential result
- Pluto (5th/Capricorn R) square Eris (8th/Aries R) Orb 00°A03′ – describing the reevaluation of a possible obsessive focus on the path to self-mastery (Seltzer)
- Juno (3rd/Sagittarius) sesquisquare Eris (8th/Aries R) Orb 00°A13′ – indicates a less than tactful approach with partners today
The Ascendant – Virgo – a feminine, mutable sign that suggests an individual who is somewhat risk-averse and hesitant to engage with others until fully aware and comfortable. This individual has high expectations of self and others and prefers order to chaos
- A conjunct with Mercury indicates a more inner focus concerning how you share your ideas with others that could foster new experiences (Orb 01°A51′)
- A trine with Uranus suggests possible activism in the area of individual and collective rights and the need to speak truth to (and ultimately redefine) power. (Orb 03°S27′)
Black Moon Lilith ~ 9th House/Gemini — Interactions will flow smoothly while Lilith is in Gemini as long as you listen to the input from others. That said, in the 9th House of higher education, journeys, religion, and values, this may be challenging with Lilith’s darker side potentially vulnerable to the judgment of others. The way through such is to focus on compassion and nurturing relationships with both self and others. (Orb 02°S10′)
Node influences ~ N Node – Gemini; S Node – Sagittarius describes the need for self-control and a focus on a spiritual perspective. The challenge involves understanding the viewpoints of others as well as expressing your own in a helpful and respectful manner.
- Saturn trine the North Node indicates the energy and enthusiasm for achievement in a variety of areas (Orb 02°A13′)
- Ceres conjunct The North Node/opposite The South Node suggests that partnerships or shared experiences with women factor into your plans for the future (Orb 00°A14′)
Lunar Phase ~ Crone phase; Full on 22 Aug 2021 at 5:03 AM PDT at 29°Aq37; 3rd Quarter on 30 Aug 2021 at 12:14 AM PDT at 07°Gem08
Mansion of the Moon – 27th – Algarf almuehar Alyhalgalmoad – 4°Pi17′; second drawing; increases harvest, income, healing; obstructs buildings, causes danger at sea, creates annoyance and mischief
Retrograde ~ Jupiter – inner reflection is warranted and in Pisces, it centers on discovering inner truth; Neptune – discernment is a factor in this retrograde where you look within to determine truth from fiction and arrive at a more realistic understanding of the truths that surround you; Saturn – reassess boundaries and how your structure your life; Pluto – inner transformation is favored; Pallas – reassess your overall understanding of situations and observe patterns as they unfold; Chiron – reflect on inner woundings, apply their message, and then move on; Eris – time to explore and reevaluate your expression of feminine power to maximize your potential; Uranus – stations retrograde today and indicates a focus on esoteric studies and original thought. Upcoming retrogrades to be aware of: Mercury (34 days – 25°Lib28); Ceres (46 days – 12°Gem08′)
Polarity – the feminine or receptive side of self is strongest today
Elemental Influence ~ The Earth (material concerns, physical) element is strongest today with Air (intellect, reason, justice, interaction) and Water (emotions, compassion, empathy) are next in strength and in balance with each other. Fire is having no impact suggesting that motivation may be less today.
Ray Influences – significant changes are in bold. One note today involves the 2nd, 5th, and 6th Rays suggesting that facts are having less of an impact as the struggle between wisdom and ideology continues. Although the 2nd Ray is stronger than the 6th, both are vying for position.
- 1st (will/power) – low impact – creativity and inspiration have lessened significantly in strength today as has motivation and self-assertion (Elemental Fire is having no effect today and may be related)
- 2nd (love/wisdom) – very strong impact – extending unconditional love, compassion, and understanding happens easily today with wisdom stronger than ideology
- 3rd (active intelligence) – low impact – adaptability to new ideas and understanding continues to be less today
- 4th (harmony through conflict) – low impact – signals that cooperative efforts and understanding cause and effect may still be challenging today
- 5th (concrete knowledge and science) – very low impact – suggests that knowledge, in other words, what we now know, is having significantly less of an impact on our mindset and decisions (see above note)
- 6th (devotion/idealism) – very strong impact – The 6th Ray of devotion and idealism is typically kept in check by a strong 2nd Ray influence. Too much ideology or too much devotion affects our ability to view our experiences or beliefs in a realistic manner. Refer to the note above to show the relationship between the shared impact of the 2nd, 5th, and 6th Rays
- 7th (ceremonial order/magick) – low impact – organization and general order may be challenging to achieve today
- Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.
- Erickson, Jan. Herbal Magicka. 2021
- Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
- Your Daily Magickal Correspondences
- Seltzer, Henry. The Tenth Planet: Revelations from the Astrological Eris
- Erickson. Jan. Magick and the Aligned Witch. Kindle.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson