Hey everyone!
Below you’ll find the current esoteric and magickal influences for the coming week. They include the day’s numerology, rune, lunar transits, as well as influences from the I Ching found in each day’s current Human Design chart. And for the magickally inclined, you’ll find a few correspondences to assist in spell work as well.
Have a magickal week and Blessings to all!
Sunday, 5 September 2021
- Numerology – 5
- Rune – Thurisaz
- Geomancy – Cauda Draconis
- Moon – Leo until Virgo at 4:06 PM PDT
- Human Design Channels – Charisma
- Magickal Focus – Sun, clarity, truth, healing, courage, removing barriers, leadership
- Favorability for working magick: neutral
Sunday’s five numerology expresses, along with protection, the balance between freedom versus restriction. Acknowledging the lower vibrational energy involved, work a spell on Sunday that not only controls impulsive behavior but also breaks through frustrations and removes barriers that prevent you from protecting self and others.
Sensitivity may be high for the next few days and you may be triggered by others close to you. It’s best not to take the bait for the time being and exercise some restraint. Speak up for yourself if necessary, but if not, observe your reaction to discover its inner meaning.
If resources aren’t there to continue on your current path, it may be time to focus on new beginnings that preserves your fundamental values and principles, irrespective of the desires of others. You’ve likely gone as far as you can go and common sense is required. Maximize any openings that arise and take advantage of your natural sense of timing to take action.
- Moon opposite Jupiter R
- Moon quincunx Pluro R
- Moon sesquisquare Chiron R
- Moon trine Eris R
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Fire
- Color – Gold, yellow
- Crystal – emerald, topaz, bloodstone, chrysolite
- Resin – mastic, frankincense, copal, saffron, red sandalwood, cinnamon, honey
- Herbs – Angelica, juniper, calendula, hyacinth, rosemary, mint, ivy, pepper, vine, sunflower, cedar, marjoram, bay, vervain, gentian, Dittany, ginger, peony, balm, marigold, heliotrope
Monday, 6 September 2021
- Numerology – 6
- Rune – Fehu
- Geomancy – Puer
- Moon – Virgo
- Human Design Channels – Charisma
- Magickal Focus – Moon, feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change
- Favorability of working magick: neutral
Your energy or focus may still be scattered on Monday (the effect of Puer), and it may impact your interactions with others. Use the sending energy of Fehu to refocus your intention on that which reflects a higher vibrational awareness so that you extend a more compassionate attitude to others.
Emotions may still be at the surface today and self-expression may be challenging. Drop resistance and sit with your feelings, accepting them for what they are. It may be that early nurturing was affected and you felt unable to ask for or receive compassion from significant others. Stay strong and speak your truth when you feel most ready and the timing is right.
If transitioning to a new experience, realize that confusion is part of the process and it will take a detailed analysis of past success to inform the future. Remain adaptable to the changing situation and align with others to foster strength and security.
- Moon sesquisquare Pluto R
- Moon square Ceres
- Moon sesquisquare Eris R
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Water
- Color – Silver, white
- Crystal – Pearl, moonstone, selenite, beryl, marcasite
- Resin – White sandalwood, camphor, aloe, myrrh
- Herbs – almond, mugwort, moonwort, yellow ranunculus, palm, lily, willow, violet, poppy, fennel, iris
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
- Numerology – 7
- Rune – Mannaz
- Geomancy – Carcer
- Moon – Virgo until Libra at 8:21 PM PDT
- Human Design Channels – Charisma
- Magickal Focus – Mars influence, passion, manifestation, creativity, self-assertion, reducing conflict
- Favorability of working magick: excellent
Step back to survey a situation as it unfolds so that your own perceptions do not keep you from seeing the truth. Understand that what is playing out is likely for your own benefit so that a greater awareness unfolds. Although Mannaz represents integration with others, in truth, it also expresses the concept of the other side of self and a valuable perspective can be gained from that awareness.
While the Moon is still in Virgo, you may need to exercise some patience if interactions aren’t going as you like. Avoid overreaction so that you maintain your emotional balance. The situation is likely temporary and will pass if you give it little to no attention. Carrying a mojo or gris gris bag filled with dried lavender along with other calming items may be helpful.
Withdraw if it appears that your inner resources are wasted on a situation with no real outcome and take that time to contemplate your next step forward. Avoid negative forces that seek to disrupt or prefer only their own agenda and remain calm amidst whatever chaos they cause. Instead, align with others to foster strength and security.
- Moon conjunct Mars
- Moon sesquisquare Saturn R
- Moon opposite Neptune R
- Moon trine Pluto R
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Fire
- Color – Red, rust
- Crystal – Amethyst, bloodstone, lodestone, diamond, jasper
- Resin – Juniper, dragon’s blood, red sandalwood
- Herbs – Absinthe, cayenne, basil, asafoetida, rue, garlic, black pepper, nettle, wormwood, onion, mustard, leeks, ginger, wolfsbane, thorny trees (Hawthorn)
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
- Numerology – 8
- Rune – Kenaz
- Geomancy – Albus
- Moon – Libra
- Human Design Channels – Charisma
- Magickal Focus – Mercury, communication, interactions, balance, justice, revelation
- Favorability of working magick: neutral
Your intuition is strong on Wednesday and you understand the greater picture, even if others do not. You express yourself well and your knowledge of an ongoing situation is appreciated by all. If any deception is experienced, a candle spell along with some citrine for support may prove informative.
Now that the Moon is in Libra, you prefer harmony to conflict, especially with close partners. You make steady progress and your focus is strong. Listen to your feelings and allow your nurturing side to be felt by others.
Success is likely inevitable particularly if you trust the process. While others may not have your leadership skill set, it’s up to you to convey the wisdom necessary to move forward. But if that seems like an exercise in futility, it may be best to withdraw and proceed alone.
- Moon trine Saturn R
- Moon trine Ceres
- Moon trine The North Node
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Air
- Color – yellow, purple
- Crystal – Agate, emerald, fluorite, topaz, citrine, red marble
- Resin – benzoin, gum arabic, frankincense
- Herbs – marjoram, horehound, bergamot, cinnamon, lavender, caraway, cloves, licorice, mullein, peppermint, star anise, hyssop
Thursday, 9 September 2021
- Numerology – 9
- Rune – Isa
- Geomancy – Tristitia
- Moon – Libra until Scorpio at 11:05 PM PDT
- Human Design Channels – Charisma
- Magickal Focus – Jupiter, social justice, healing, abundance, income, growth, achieving goals and desires
- Favorability of working magick: excellent
Craft a healing ritual to express compassion to those suffering or grieving. This is a time of great difficulty for many and focusing your intention in a manner that relieves the stress they feel will be greatly appreciated.
Let go of your own worries and allow your mind to rest. Allow your Higher Self to control your thoughts using trance work or meditation. Use this time to reevaluate your direction to be certain that it aligns with Spirit.
Take note of any negative perceptions that prevent a higher vibratory state. Release any need to control the outcome and remain adaptable to the ideas of others with more experience. Although you may feel the need to act, it’s best now to observe until the greater picture is clear.
- Moon quincunx Neptune R
- Moon sesquisquare the North Node/semisquare The South Node
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Air
- Color – Blue
- Crystal – sapphire, jasper, emerald
- Resin – balm of Gilead, ambergris, saffron
- Herbs – basil, agrimony, mints, dandelion, borage, bugloss, wood betony, hyssop, henbane, poplar, oak, plum, fig, meadowsweet
Friday, 10 September 2021
- Numerology – 1
- Rune – Tiwaz
- Geomancy – Cauda Draconis
- Moon – Scorpio
- Human Design Channels – Charisma
- Magickal Focus – Venus, compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship
- Favorability of working magick: very good
Safety issues continue to be in focus, particularly where the health of the nation’s children is concerned. Cauda Draconis demonstrates how the negative impact of lower vibrational energies impacts both the perceptions and will of those focused on the self and on harming others. However, with Tiwaz, you allow the spiritual warrior within to rise up and set not only boundaries but also an example for others to follow.
With The Moon in Scorpio, intuition is strong and you’re focused on serious matters. If delays occur, instead of allowing frustration to arise, look for the message behind what is happening. Perhaps you need to take a different course and the delay is part of that process of realization.
A superficial approach with others may be the better option if issues of security arise, instead of becoming argumentative. Again, the conflict is coming from lower vibrational energies displayed by others who cannot see the greater picture. Follow safety guidelines, keep your own counsel, and choose realism over conspiracy.
- Moon square Saturn R
- Moon sesquisquare Neptune R
- Moon quincunx The North Node
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Water
- Color – Green, rose
- Crystal – Turquoise, lapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral
- Resin – sandalwood, ambergris, musk, orris root
- Herbs – apple, rose, myrtle, bugloss (alkanet), burdock, feverfew, lilac, marshmallow, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pears, elder, pomegranate, passionflower, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, vanilla, yarrow, violet, plantain
Saturday, 11 September 2021
- Numerology – 11
- Rune – Hagalaz
- Geomancy – Laetitia
- Moon – Scorpio
- Human Design Channels – Charisma, The Brainwave, Power
- Magickal Focus – Saturn, restriction, bindings, summoning, harvest, purification, protection
- Favorability of working magick: excellent
If you’re feeling stressed from the week, use the energy of Hagalaz, both a Norn and witch rune, to restructure your perceptions and focus. Saturday’s eleven Master numerology indicates illumination and awakening which would be the perfect focus which you could then cast to the collective consciousness to assist others in achieving joy.
You feel love and support from others and the reciprocity serves you well. Spend time in meditation or in trance work to align with higher vibrational energies. Relax into being and feel the impact of the prior week’s negativity dissolve away.
Aligning with Saturday’s eleven numerology, the Channels of Charisma, The Brainwave, and Power active in today’s Human Design chart signal Higher Self awareness is informing your perceptions and decisions. Remain patient and extend yourself in grace to others, allowing your intuition to lead you to a better path.
- Moon sextile The Sun
- Moon trine Neptune R
- Moon trine Pallas
Magickal Correspondences
- Element – Earth
- Color – Brown, black
- Crystal – Onyx, jet, jade, emerald, sapphire, smoky quartz, marcasite, loadstone, brown jasper
- Resin – alum, sulfur, benzoin, balm of Gilead, myrrh
- Herbs – asafoetida, cypress, dragonwort, black hellebore, mandrake, opium, garlic, hemlock, ivy, mullein, nightshade, skullcap, St. John’s Wort, Solomon’s seal root, comfrey, boneset, pine
- Erickson, Jan. Herbal Magicka. 2021
- Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes. Kindle. 2019.
- Erickson, Jan. Shifting Perception. Draft2Digital. 2020.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson