Transition to New Beginnings

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I absolutely love The Wildwood Tarot deck. I can get lost in the symbolism and as I continue to use the deck, it has added depth to more traditional readings. I’m using the same spread I use in my twice weekly Somewhat Daily Tarot & Rune readings on YouTube with three cards as general influences, one card that illustrates challenging influences, and one final card that depicts what benefits.

In this reading, you’ll see that the deck’s authors have changed the names of the suits with Bows representing Fire, Arrows representing Air, and Vessels representing Cups. The missing suit, Stones, represents Earth. There is one card in the challenge position, The Wheel, that represents the traditional Wheel of Fortune card, and one card from the Court in the general influences row. Lastly, two cards are Aces and the begin and end the reading with the final Ace in the position of what benefits us.

The overall numerology of the reading is nine, or endings and completion, and it’s suggesting that the path we’re taking is spiritual in nature. But let’s begin by looking at the initial three influence cards after which we’ll look at the card that provides the challenge ending with the card that benefits.

A buck drinks from the waters of life in The Ace of Vessels, his mighty horns adorning his head. A swan watches as the water pours fourth from a stone cauldron while a moon-shape boat floats nearby. The Ace of Vessels represents emotional renewal and spiritual awakening.

With the Full Moon guiding his path under a dark, cloudy sky, a cloaked man guides his swan-shaped boat across the sea, the setting Sun still visible above the water. Six arrows are painted on the boat’s brown sail. Transition is the title of the Six of Arrows signaling a new direction or path is possible if we can let go of perceptions that hold us back from pursuing new experiences.

The Hawk sits atop a tree branch, alert and ready. As the Knight of Arrows, this card represents clarity and vision in defense of both self and others. It suggests quick action and the expression of ideals and justice. Or it could signal that an important decision needs to be made.

In the position of what challenges us sits the Wheel, card ten from the Major Arcana. Although the essence of the card remains the same as with the Wheel of Fortune in traditional decks, this card suggests that it is our intention that weaves together our future experiences. A rustic loom appears in the center of the card next to a body of water. A shirt is being woven with a large wheel in its center. Feathers hang from each sleeve reportedly from sacred birds including the swan, kingfisher, hawk and wren. The passage of time is depicted by both the Sun and the Crone phase of the Moon at the top of the card. Three herons stand together at the water’s edge possibly representing the Norns in quiet observation of the process as it unfolds. The challenge of the Wheel is to understand the forces that invoke change and rebirth. And are we going to allow those forces to determine our fate, or will we weave our own?

Finally, The Ace of Bows (Fire/Wands), titled the Spark of Life, appears as the last card of the reading in the position of what benefits us. Smoke rises from the fire that’s begun to burn, created from the interaction of Fire and Air, the bow and arrow respectively, as the movement on top of the leaves and twigs provides the catalyst for new beginnings. The Ace of Bows invokes the process of creativity and power, providing light and warmth on a new path. Here we understand cause and effect and the manifestation of something new.

Overall, with love and compassion, we move past perceptions that no longer serve, and understanding the cyclical nature of life, we begin anew with confidence, vitality, and clarity. We let go of fear and doubt and move forward, confident that we choose our own path and define our perceptions along the way.

More specifically, however, the power behind the reading is the Ace of Vessels signifying spiritual awakening with the overall numerology reinforcing. So with that as the initial premise of the reading, the Wheel challenges us to transmute ego into Spirit and to allow that higher resonance to guide our path.

Blessed Be

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!