Witch’s Tarot Spread: Emotional Beginnings and Human Design

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2015-08-02 19.06.29


I was drawing the same cards with the Morgan-Greer deck I was using this morning, so I switched to The Witch’s Tarot. A deck created by Ellen Dugan, it’s witchy, it resonates, and I love it. I haven’t worked with the deck in a while, so drawing the cards above was delightful.

After initially drawing three Trump cards, the final card I drew as significator was the Ace of Cups, the beginning of our emotional presence. Representing Elemental Water, it’s our emotional self at its purest form. The chalice represents the womb, the Feminine Divine, our emotional presence overflowing. The Ace of Cups also represents births, healing, weddings and romance, and our intuitive nature.

With our emotional presence as significator, we can now look at the three influences below. Trumps are from the Major Arcana. I view them as soul archetypes, or the broader perspective of our Higher Self. Beginning with The Moon, Hecate as Crone stands beneath the moon, torch lit, her wolves everpresent by her side. The moon represents things hidden, psychic gifts, intuitive presence. It suggests that the situation before us may not be what it appears, or that there is more beneath the surface. Blending well with the Ace of Cups, we have a chance to wait before acting, our actions guided by clarity achieved from Crone wisdom.

Although it looks like people are falling to their death in The Tower, it’s actually a positive card indicating change for the better. Sometimes we tear down to rebuild, but typically after we’re finished, we have something better, so this is a great card. Rigidity can be our enemy, and The Tower tells us not to fear change, but to instead embrace it, telling us to positive love flow from the Ace of Cups as we hold no attachments.

The Hermit, in the final position, suggests a time for reflection. Change can take it’s toll even if we actively embrace it. As our awareness increases change may result, and we may need time to reflect on what all of that means. Taking stock, taking time out, we organize our thoughts outside of the moment, in sacred space, in contemplation of what was, what is, and what’s to become. It suggests a level of knowing, as with the Crone wisdom depicted in The Moon, that allows one to embrace the flow of our emotional presence with nonresistance and trust.

Stay in the flow of our emotional presence, trusting our own process as we remain aware and ready for whatever change is in store.

It occurs to me as I just wrote that that many of us don’t really know what our own process consists of. During Coven Conversations this week, Human Design was mentioned. I hadn’t heard of it before, but given my fixation on points of origin, it has completely blown me away.

Human Design combines astrology, the I-Ching, and the Tree of Life and illustrates how our energy centers interact and how our energy flows, so the charts or bodygrams that are generated look a little different from we’re all accustomed to seeing. From it you can see if your strategy for engagement is right, or if you’re basically working at cross purposes with yourself. I have a tendency to initiate, when my chart suggests I should wait. When I wait, things typically flow better than when I jump into the fray. Apparently we can behave the same way each time, but if we don’t stick with our strategy, the outcome isn’t as assured as when we do. It would be interesting to view tarot readings or runecastings from the perspective of someone’s type and strategy.

I had only ever briefly looked at the I-Ching and this system gives me a chance to explore that. I’ve been interested in the Tree of Life since I studied a little Kabbalah (emphasis on little), and later read Donald Kraig’s, Modern Magick, and learned more about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. From there, I found Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot as well as the dual Enochian Scrying/Tattva Tarot deck. I haven’t begun to relate to the Enochian deck, but I really like the Tattva side. It’s all elemental influences, whether singular in nature, or combined together as in the Air of Fire, or the Air of Earth of Water, etc. That side of the deck has broadened my awareness of elemental influences in a way that I don’t think I could have accomplished on my own. So much happens when we focus in to physical form and I am fascinated with that process. Finding Human Design is just another facet of this journey I’m apparently taking to what feels like a coalescence of self perhaps. Or maybe it’s a fuller understanding of that coalescence. In any event, my psych degree is out the window now, because this turns everything I learned on its head.

I’ve included some links below for some Human Design books I downloaded to my Kindle from Amazon. I’m sure they can be purchased elsewhere if you want to, but at least this gives a good description of them. I’ve included some websites as well.

~Blessings to all!


Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are , by Karen Curry

Human Design System: The Centres, by Peter Schoeber

Alissa Ferranto

Jovian Archive

Human Design America (free chart)


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!

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