An Empath's Boundaries

The Ascendant, Rays, Nodes, and Aspects Influencing 31 July to 6 August 2022

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Below are the Ray, Ascendant, and Node influences as well as strong planetary aspects over the coming week. Each daily chart is cast for 8:00 AM.

Ray Influences

The effect of the seven cosmic Rays essentially impacts the soul/ego balance at any given moment. As the Rays move through the universe and ultimately reach each individual, they color (or influence) our perceptions and behavior. If we perceive our experiences from a soul perspective, then our overall perspective resonates from a higher vibration; whereas, if we react from the standpoint of ego, our resonance becomes lower and more reactive.

The 1st Ray of will and power lessens its strong influence all week suggesting that the ability to assert oneself or to express one’s will in a positive manner may not be as powerful or effective as it was last week.

The lower impact of both the 2nd Ray of love and wisdom and the 6th Ray of devotion and idealism continues this week suggesting that one’s ability to act with love, empathy, and wisdom may have an average impact on expressions of ideology and fundamentalist devotion, and increased discernment will be necessary.

The 3rd Ray of active intelligence’s reduced impact suggests that instinct and adaptability to change are having a lower influence on our interactions with others and the ability to solve problems this week.

The 4th Ray of harmony through conflict’s continued moderate impact this week indicates an average willingness to cooperate with others to find solutions. And with the disciplined or logical approach to seeking truth from the 5th Ray having a similar impact, it may be that achieving a shared agreement with others may be possible through a self-disciplined approach.

Overall, the lesser 7th Ray influence on ceremonial order throughout most of the week suggests that practicality won’t have much of an influence on perceptions and decisions, and organization may also be impacted.

The Ascendant 

Virgo – A feminine sign, a Virgo individual is somewhat risk-averse and needs to know the overall picture before pursuing new opportunities. Although individuals with a Virgo Ascendant may he hesitant to initiate new endeavors, they are typically flexible and adaptable. However, a Virgo Ascendant can also be anxious, sensitive, reserved, and health-conscious.

  • Mercury conjunct The Ascendant – You may pursue a career in communications or one in which you share ideas with others (8/6)

Node Influences 

N Node: Taurus; S Node: Scorpio – a transformative combination that describes strong emotions that can lead to expressions of victimhood, and the need for a focus on a spiritual perspective that views the behavior of others as a window into one’s own issues. The challenge involves forgiving the self for judging others. With this placement, you also know what you value or desire, however, how difficult that is to achieve depends upon the balance you strike.


  • The Moon quincunx N Node – Your experiences challenge you to see the greater picture (8/3)
  • Venus trine S Node – Past experiences inform your present circumstances with friends supporting you through challenges (7/31-8/4)
  • Mars conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Your leadership may be called on by others and you need to stay focused on a shared objective (7/31-8/4)
  • Uranus conjunct N Node/opposite S Node – Something unexpected could arise that aligns you with your true nature or destiny (7/31-8/6)

Planetary Aspects/Patterns with a Strong Impact

The Sun ~ Sharing good times with friends and family lifts your spirits this week. Your generosity of spirit is felt by others and you’re motivated to express yourself in new ways. Toward the middle of the week, your natural empathy and unique problem-solving ability may help someone close to you heal emotional issues that have proven difficult. 

The Moon ~ At the beginning of the week, you’ll be focused on routine tasks and making sure you are feeling healthy and balanced. If not, then some reflection may be necessary, especially if your emotions are impacting your life. You may be hanging onto issues that are no longer relevant and it’s time to let them go. Spending time with a partner in nature can be helpful during this time, as can avoiding behavior that proves excessive. Listen to your inner voice and follow its lead.

Mercury ~ Self-expression may be challenging this week due to a lack of self-esteem or a tendency toward unrealistic ideas that others may be hesitant to accept. Once you regain a more realistic attitude, you may feel compelled to pursue your own path. On Thursday, after Mercury enters Virgo, spend time organizing your ideas and goals. You may also be drawn to more intellectual pursuits during this period. 

Venus ~ You desire a family-centered life that provides feelings of security. However, there are times when you have a difficult time connecting with them due to experiences you had as a child. Examining the past as well as viewing your relationships more realistically can foster healing which you can then use to connect more fully with family and friends.

Mars ~ You persist in your exploration of spirituality and new experiences. You’re willing to take risks that others are more hesitant to take, and due to your self-confidence, you can be viewed as stubborn at times. However, if your balance seems off during this period, you may benefit from some downtime to regroup and focus more of your energy on interacting with a close partner.

Jupiter ~ Reflect on where you invest your time and energy during this week to evaluate if you’re accomplishing your objectives. In doing so, you may realize that you’ve been overextending yourself in areas of no real benefit. A new look at how you manage your time may be beneficial.

Saturn ~ (Retro) You need more structure in your life, especially if health concerns arise. Although you’re rather hesitant to explore alternative healing modalities, you may find that some simple adjustments to your diet or exercise regimen may be all you need. In addition, a close relationship may need your attention.

Uranus ~ You have an unusual approach to life and you tend to embrace a less structured approach to gaining higher awareness. You prefer relationships that share your beliefs or at least respect your need for independence along with unconventional ideas and experiences. 

Neptune ~ (Retro) A balance between practicality and innovation may be important this week. You possess a strong vision but you can’t always put those plans into action. You find strength in a strong sense of spirituality and it motivates you to work for change that positively impacts others.

Pluto ~ (Retro) Avoiding an obsessive focus this week may bring better creative results. That also applies to your interactions with others, otherwise, you may become caught up in situations that deter you from your goals. If you’re in a supervisory position, it will be up to you to keep everyone on track.

Chiron ~ (Retro) Your intuitive awareness provides insight into not only your own painful experiences but those of others, enabling a path that supports inner healing. This may be driven by past experiences where you felt preyed upon by others, opening you to providing support for others who have experienced the same.

Retrograde Planets – Pluto; Saturn; Neptune, Vesta, Chiron, Eris, Juno, Jupiter (28 July) Upcoming retrogrades include Uranus 24 Aug 2022


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!