Stillness and the Journey We Take

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While Black Moon Lilith is in play, I thought I’d use my poplar runes to see what our focus should be. I made this set from some poplar trees that I planted the day my mother left her physical form. Unable to reach her on the telephone, I kept hearing her voice in my head telling me to plant the damn trees..that I’d procrastinated enough. So I did. Toward the end of the afternoon, I tried again, and not reaching her, we went to her home where my oldest son and I found her. She had passed over sometime during the night.

As poplars have a lifecycle, the twenty two trees I planted that day began dying after about eighteen years or so. Eventually we cut them all down and when we did, I grabbed some limbs for runes. Rather than make the traditional disc shaped runes, I decided to make them more in the tradition of ogham staves, albeit tiny ones, as staves are usually much longer.

Upon casting the runes, I decided to expand on the spread to look at external influences with runes I made from juniper, another tree that grows around my home. Both symbolize ancestors to me, the juniper because it’s wonderfully ancient, and the poplar for my mother.

In the center of the spread sits Isa, reflecting our stillness within, our bridge to higher consiousness. Isa is our natural state of alignment with our Higher Self. Lilith asks that we honor our personal power, our expansion beyond traditional self. Lilith rightly refused to be subservient to Adam. With ascension upon us, it’s imperative that woman honor the polarity within, unafraid to initiate when necessary, secure in themselves when non-resistance is called for.

Eihwaz, to the left of Isa, assists us in our efforts in self-transformation by providing support while moving from one state of spiritual resonance to another. With Eihwaz, we become aware of the connections between us, the as above, so below of things.

To the right of Isa, sits Ehwaz representing partnership, friendship and mutual end. Safe travel is indicated, suggesting our ever expanding journey of self is supported as we remain aligned with our Higher Self. If Eihwaz assists us in transformation, Ehwaz is the vehicle in which it’s accomplished. It is our Merkaba, our quantum field, merging with others as we collectively become more than we were before. Isa sits in the middle, remaining in stillness, developing inner will, achieving clarity.

Looking at the external influences of outer runes, moving clockwise, Nauthiz is at the top, Berkano to the right, Hagalaz at the bottom, with Mannaz completing the circle. Nauthiz teaches us to wait, allowing information to coalesce before making a decision. Berkano brings things into being, while Hagalaz is the destruction that creates change. Mannaz represents our place in society and counsels us to live life to the fullest.

As we center, align and then know, we can approach our transformation of self with the understanding that we’re not in this life alone, that we have the wisdom of our ancestors right there with us, supporting us in our journey. We must not be afraid to step out of our comfort zones where so many need us to remain. We can make different choices. We can see things anew. We can live life on our own terms, without fear or compromising our integrity of self.

Living in harmony with others is fine as long as you don’t lose yourself in the process. Lilith made her choice. She chose to live her truth and in so doing, maintained her integrity. Whether it’s harmony with others, or harmony with self, it doesn’t mean continually giving yourself away to the needs and wants of others.

The surrounding runes illustrate how external influences may impact our journey of self. Asserting one’s power doesn’t need to exist at odds with harmony. Many people hold others in positions they never seem to resolve. It seems like a permanent state for them and it can affect their interactions with others. They keep the drama going when it may have ended years earlier. And it’s destructive to everyone involved. Agendas are formed and the victim rarely understands what’s happening until it’s over.

Berkano suggests new beginnings are possible, the result perhaps of Hagalaz. Stepping back, refusing to participate in another’s drama, may in fact be what’s needed. So in this case, the external influences actually support the inner development that many are experiencing now.

It’s a matter of choice really to come together without agenda, for a shared purpose. Undistracted and undeterred, Lilith went on with her life while demonized by others. The time of the Goddess has come. She’s here to bring balance back to our focus. She is our collective reunion.

Embrace the stillness within, then center, align and know the direction to take.

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!