Esoteric Influences for 9-15 October 2022

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Hey everyone!

Below you’ll find the current esoteric influences for the coming week including each day’s numerology, runes, and planetary transits, as well as influences from the I Ching found in each day’s current Human Design chart. Note that both charts for each day, astrological and Human Design, are cast for 8:00 am. 

Have a magickal week and Blessings to all!

Sunday 9 October 2022

It’s clear that your strong self-discipline and organizational skills provide the ability to succeed. But sometimes your self-confidence wanes which impacts your focus. In that regard, I recommend a daily wellness routine such as walking, yoga, or meditation to help keep your energy balanced and your spirit high.

You might also consider what impacts your self-confidence or feelings of insecurity which, by the way, also includes your own perceptions. This would allow you to gain some clarity surrounding what triggers them in the first place, whether it be a reaction to the behavior of others or your own self-perception that’s driving that experience.

Specific Influences: 9 numerology, Inguz, Amissio, Sun in Libra

Monday, 10 October 2022

If you’re looking for approval from others to support an inner need for security, you might end up, for example, nurturing them at the expense of your own needs. And in doing so, you can become caught up in something that actually prevents you from achieving the stability and security you’re looking for. 

Your intuitive sense should help you choose your moments more wisely, especially where family is concerned so that you express your concerns in a clear and concise manner. But above all, I suggest that you avoid the prima donnas in the family who tend to draw others into their drama. And if you need to step away to maintain your composure, I highly recommend that you do so.

Specific Influences: 1 numerology, Othala, Puer, The Moon in Aries/Taurus (2:04p)

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

On this Master 11 day, focus your energy and intention on issues that provide inspiration to others. Align in your own Source Presence and be a beacon of light that illuminates a collective path. Know that you collaborate well with others when you have the freedom to express your higher ideals.

However, if the day becomes chaotic at all, I suggest that you withdraw to an established sacred space to meditate so that you preserve your inner balance. Otherwise, if you remain in energy that’s disruptive you may have trouble expressing an inspired vision to others.

Specific Influences: 11 numerology, Isa, Fortuna Minor, Mars in Gemini

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Consider allowing your perceptions to shift toward a higher level of understanding so that you can let go of a fixation on your own beliefs. Instead, use that higher awareness when collaborating with others especially if challenges or a difference of opinion arises.

As you experience a new rhythm, you’re also restructuring your ideas in such a way that embraces both complexity and individual expression. In truth, you are initiating yourself into a new level of harmony and acceptance and letting go of behavior that has no added value.

Specific Influences: 3 numerology, Algiz, Cauda Draconis, Mercury in Libra

Thursday, 13 October 2022 

You’re a leader whose unique ideas inspire others to seek truth. And you derive your own inspiration from the freedom to express yourself creatively. However, you can also become so focused on your own beliefs at times that you’re given to overreaction.

That said, you also seem to have an intuitive understanding of what is healthy and what isn’t, and you are able to maintain your sense of self amidst chaotic situations. You can also turn a limitation into a greater purpose while having the discipline to avoid negative influences.

Specific Influences: 4 numerology, Fehu, Cauda Draconis, Jupiter R in Aries

Friday, 14 October 2022

Although you enjoy creating a beautiful environment for yourself and those you love, excessiveness in that regard can impact what you hope to achieve. For example, are your actions based on selflessness or do they reflect a need to people-please? If it’s the latter, an honest evaluation of how you manage your needs in relation to those of others might be in order.

Your inner motivations can impact how you see the overall picture. In other words, are you really getting in the way of your own objectives, or are you able to recognize when excessiveness is preventing clarity and balance?

Specific Influences: 5 numerology, Nauthiz, Acquisitio, Venus in Libra

Saturday, 15 October 2022

You may find it necessary to compromise with someone in authority who misuses his/her position as a means of control. In doing so, your goal is to either avoid conflict or prevent potential harm done to others. As uncomfortable as that choice might be, it can motivate you to reevaluate what you’re willing to accept from others and cause you to search for new opportunities that align with your overall values and principles.

It could be that the authority figure in question cannot process change or is reluctant to allow others to express their own viewpoints. While that person may believe that his/her actions are an appropriate expression of authority, in truth, the actions are likely fear-based and therefore unsustainable. And in understanding that, you could experience a release from limitations that have been keeping you from achieving your true purpose and move on with a greater understanding of what you need from others. 

Specific Influences: 6 numerology, Uruz, Rubeus, Saturn R in Aquarius


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!