As Above, So Below for Monday, 25 September 2023

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Oracle Card for the day: The Mystic which suggests that you’re the soul connection between the astral realm and the earth. It’s about your own divine presence moving through life and the inner devotion we experience and then express to others.

Reading Notes:

Significator Runes: Gebo (7th rune, gift of reciprocity, balance, marriage, partnership) and Laetitia (joy, fellowship, laughter, portends good fortune)

Cards: The Empress (3, Major Arcana), 4 of Pentacles (4, Earth, Minor Arcana), and the 3 of Wands (3, Fire, Minor Arcana)

Overall numerology/patterns: Interesting synchronicity with today’s numerology for the day itself. There’s a pattern to the cards with the numbers 3, 4, 3. It resembles the scales which is one way to look a the seven and its interpretation of letting a situation settle out and then observe what you’ve learned about it. The cards alone have an overall numerology of 1 or new beginnings of some kind. Adding in Gebo’s numerology of 7 as the seventh rune of the Elder Futhark, we arrive at 8 (7+1) which suggests strength and material recognition/approval.

Beginning with the significator runes, Gebo and Laetitia together suggest that we’re looking at how we partner with others and the balanced integration or exchange with others that relies on joy and fellowship as well as positive intention.

Moving on to The Empress, we see the Empress sitting on her throne outside, surrounded by the earth’s abundance. She’s pregnant and the heart-shaped shield with the glyph for Venus in its center next to her suggests she reflects beauty and love for others. She expresses a balance between her own presence and the earth and in that regard, she expresses both Gebo and Laetitia in her life. The card’s numerology of three also implies integration or balance with others. Essentially, the Empress asks us, what will we give birth to?

Next, the 4 of Pentacles illustrates a king sitting on a stone bench with his back to his kingdom. He’s separated from the kingdom by a dual line as two large coins are beneath his feet, one is on top of his crown, and he holds fast to a fourth coin with his arms and hands. We could read the card as an expression of miserliness, or at least a conservative approach to how he uses or manages his wealth on behalf of the kingdom. So if this is a new relationship that’s forming, you could be taking a measured approach to it. Or it could be signifying what you have to offer to others.

Lastly, the 3 of Wands shows a man, possibly a merchant, holding on to his staff as he steps beyond the doorway created by two additional wands to look out at the ships in the harbor. He’s made the decision about potential opportunities in the 2 of Wands, and now he’s watching for the fruits of that decision manifest. The yellow sky and water reflects the energy of the Fire element and implication of success.

The King in the 4 of Wands could then represent a wise mentor who offered his/her advice from his/her own experience and success, perhaps suggesting a measured or conservative approach to your new endeavor. And, the King could also represent the new relationship or partnership suggested by Gebo and the gift of reciprocity that’s offered.


You may be thinking about pursuing a new opportunity and you reach out to someone with more experience who can mentor your way forward. The experience that person has to offer may help you make more realistic choices going forward. Again, with both Gebo and Laetitia defining the reading, this may be how you partner with someone in a balance or integrated manner that can increase a successful outcome or a bright future ahead.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!