A Runecasting – Elemental Influences

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In a runecasting, it’s nice to include a significator in the center. Runes are similar to the Tarot’s Major Arcana in that they depict the spiritual journey each of us takes while in physical form. Some runecasters believe that Dagaz, our signficator, is the final rune of the Elder Futhark instead of Othala. I tend to agree. Othala represents all that we’ve learned, with Dagaz representing our awakening to Oneness in Source. It also suggests the end of one phase and the beginning of another, as we focus again into another expression of physical form.

Elemental influences surround Dagaz in this runecasting as they interact with and influence the runes placed in each quarter. In ritual, we ask Elemental Guardians to be present, assisting us with their respective influences. Each has its own correspondences, as does each rune. When the rune sits in its own Element, those influences are strenthened. When in another position, we see the influence of that Element on the particular rune’s meaning.

So in this runecasting, we move in a clockwise direction beginning at the top. Berkano sits in the position of Elemental Earth. Nauthiz represents Elemental Air. Elemental Fire influences Perthro, while Eihwaz represents Elemental Water.

Berkano is an Earth Element rune, with that influence increased in its own Elemental position. It represents fertility and family, or bringing ideas to fruition. Invoking the energy of Gaia, Berkano brings healing and new beginnings.

Elemental Air influences Nauthiz, a Fire Element rune. In this runecasting, I see this as Air stirring Fire, awakening and catalytic in nature. Nauthiz is about self-direction and inner strength. Air reflects our intellectual presence in the world, so in this position, our inner knowing is strengthened. Solutions come easily, influenced by the integration of Air and Fire.

Perthro is an interesting rune to draw in a runecasting. A Water Element rune, it’s both the well and the cup from which runes are cast. It’s the emergence from the unknown, truth revealed, the mystery of fate. Emotions can run high with Fire’s catalytic influence. However, as the cauldron of transformation, Fire can intensify that process, the unknown made manifest.

In the final position of the runecasting, we have a reversal of sorts. With Perthro, Fire influences a Water rune. With Eihwaz, we have the opposite. Elemental Water influences a Fire rune, representing a connection between opposites and the link between worlds. Eihwaz is one of my favorite runes in the Elder Futhark. As an empath I experience energy as it moves. Eihwaz moves energy along the vertical axis between physical and nonphysical form, essentially moving it from one state to another. We can utilize it to see the connectedness of things.

I love that Dagaz sits in the middle of this runecasting. Round its edges a bit and you have the sign for infinity. Dagaz represents each of us as expressions of duality, of both physical and nonphysical presence. In this runecasting, we see the influence of new beginnings in Berkano, supported by the catalytic energy of Nauthiz. With transformation expressed by Perthro, the unknown is made manifest, balanced by the alignment found in Eihwaz, our spiritual awareness.

So it sounds like some lovely influences are in store for our awakening individual.

~Blessings to all!



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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!