Herb Magick: Clary Sage
Clary Sage, salvia sclarea
Also known as Clary and clear-eye, The Moon rules Clary Sage. Its element is Water, its direction is West, its day is Monday, and its magickal power is To Dare. Its energetic effect is receptive, feminine, and passive. Associated Deities are Gabriel (angel), and Phul (Olympic Spirit).
Use in Rituals, Spells, and Magickal Workings
The aerial parts (leaves, stems, flowers) from the Clary Sage plant can be used in magickal workings, fresh or dried. Clary Sage is used in magickal workings to focus one’s attention and increase clarity. If the dried or fresh plant isn’t available, Clary Sage essential oil can also be used.
Magickal Methodologies
- Fresh or dried Clary Sage can be used whole on the altar or workspace during meditation or other workings.
- Dried Clary Sage, especially the flowers, can be added to mojo or charm bags and then carried with you to enhance clarity A couple of drops of the essential oil can also be added.
- Clary Sage essential oil can be added to a simmer pot or to the top of a candle to perfume the workspace or during meditation to seek clarity about a situation or about another person.
- Float fresh Clary Sage flowers in a bowl of water and then place on an altar with other flowers to enhance clarity and inner vision.
- Make a Clary Sage infusion and then use the infusion to paint on a small piece of parchment paper or runestock to enhance a working that involves revealing truth. For example, paint the infusion on a piece of runestock (or parchment paper rolled into a small scroll) prior to creating a bindrune to carry with you in situations where you need to know the truth or become aware of deception.
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