The Forecast: 29 December 2024 to 4 January 2025
The Forecast is a look at the weekly planetary influences and a daily reading derived from various esoteric sources. The planetary information presented is from daily astrological charts over the week that align with the planetary governor for each day, while the daily reading is gleaned from each day’s I Ching-based Human Design chart, runes from both the Elder Futhark and geomancy, and numerology for the day itself. The astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time.
General Astrological Outlook
As the new year begins, you continue to reflect on the boundaries you’ve established with a partner, focusing on increasing your financial stability, which you approach with compassion and patience. Due to your influence on others and ability to understand the bigger picture, you continue to attract attention in a way that benefits your career.
At the beginning of the week, a narrow perspective, either on your part or from someone else, may cause you to lose your composure, whereas a more open-minded approach may be the better option. Your emotional balance could be off, and taking a step back to regroup is recommended.
As the week continues, rely more on your instincts or intuition if a situation isn’t clear. You’re working diligently, but finding solutions can be challenging if you don’t understand all the facts or the overall picture. Frustration is possible, and it may impact how well you assert yourself. However, your intuition and feelings will tell you if you’re on the right path or if it’s time to make a different choice.
During the latter part of the week, you’re ready to release old paradigms to improve your relationships with others. Your career may also improve during this period, or you may make some changes that could take you in a new direction. In your personal life, however, financial issues may still need to be addressed.
Daily Readings
Sunday, 29 December 2024
You awaken to a new day where all options are available to you. The last period has been difficult or possibly tumultuous, and you’re ready for new experiences to unfold. You’ve developed your instincts, and they will serve you well in the future. Stay focused and objective, and use your expertise to create the future you desire.
Influences: 11; Dagaz, Cauda Draconis; Human Design Gate/Line 58.5 Defense; Moon Phase: Waning, Balsamic; 5th Ray
Monday, 30 December 2024; New Moon
You express yourself with optimism, and on this New Moon in Capricorn, you’re ready to make serious plans for the future. You draw down protection and inner strength from higher consciousness, and outside influences are secondary to your own expertise and inner voice. You’re less concerned with the overall outcome than you are with the steps taken along the way, and your strategic awareness and sense of timing will support you on your new path.
Influences: 3; Algiz, Fortuna Minor; Human Design Gate/Line: 58.3 Electricity; Moon phase: Waning, Balsamic; New 2:26p 09°Cp43; 3rd/7th Rays
Tuesday, 31 December 2024; New Year’s Eve
As the current year ends and a new one begins, reflect on your desires for the future. Does it involve hard work that leads to success, or do you desire improvement in your relationships with others? Are you ready to let go of imbalances, or ideas and attitudes, that have created a prison of your own making? Or are you focused on moving forward creatively? Today, you set your course and move forward with confidence and happiness.
Influences: 4; Runes: Wunjo, Carcer; Human Design Gate/Line: 31.1 Manifestation; Moon phase: Waxing, New; 3rd/7th Rays
Wednesday, 1 January 2025; New Year
You have a unique talent for knowing what’s necessary to preserve shared values and fundamental truth. You’re intuitive, and your expertise helps you stay focused and protective of the progress gained thus far. Because of your choices, prosperity is a realistic outcome, and on the first day of the new year, your future appears to be bright.
Influences: 1; Runes: Othala, Laetitia; Human Design Gate/Line: 26.4 Censorship; Moon phase: Waxing, New; 5th
Thursday, 2 January 2025
You may experience a creative block or be hesitant to engage today, and asking for assistance or collaborating with others may be what you need to get back on track. Your willingness to experiment and your inventive mindset helps you embrace new opportunities. All you need now is the will to manifest your potential.
Influences: 2; Runes: Inguz, Amissio; Human Design Gate/Line 35.2 Creative Block; Moon phase: Waxing, New; 5th
Friday, 3 January 2025
A new opportunity may come your way today, opening the door to a new cooperative effort that could bring success. Irrespective of the challenges ahead, your optimism, imagination, and sense of timing will enable you to assert your ideas and manifest a new path forward.
Influences: 3; Runes: Dagaz, Laetitia; Human Design Gate/Line: 55.1 Cooperation; Moon phase: Waxing, Crescent; 3rd/6th/7th
Saturday, 4 January 2025
When looking toward future opportunities, you don’t necessarily have to reinvent the wheel when approaching something new. A good strategy for success might be to look back at a prior successful outcome to glean what you can and then apply that information to a new endeavor. Your organizational skills and abstract thinking will help you manage the situation, and your intuition involving the needs of others can help you when putting together a collaborative team or group. You must also let go of past methods that will no longer be relevant as you move in a new direction.
Influences: 4; Runes: Laguz, Tristitia; Human Design Gate/Line 63.4 Memory; Moon phase: Waxing, Crescent; 3rd/6th/7th
Additional Information
Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Chiron (Direct 12/29), Eris
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Moon Sign/Phases
- 12/29/2024 – Sunday – Sagittarius until Capricorn at 8:37p; Waning, Balsamic; Void of Course – 3:34p-8:37p
- 12/30/2024 – Monday – Capricorn; Waning, Balsamic, New at 2:26p 09°Cp43; Void of Course – Not on this day
- 12/31/2024 – Tuesday – Capricorn; Waxing, New; Void of Course – 10:01p-EOD
- 1/1/2025 – Wednesday – Capricorn until Aquarius at 2:49a; Waxing, New; Void of Course – Until 2:49a
- 1/2/2025 – Thursday – Aquarius; Waxing, New; Void of Course – 8:12p-EOD
- 1/3/2025 – Friday – Aquarius until Pisces at 7:20a; Waxing, Crescent; Void of Course – Until 7:20a
- 1/4/2025 – Saturday – Pisces; Waxing, Crescent; Void of Course – Not on this day
Additional Planets in Sign
- Mars – Leo; Retrograde
- Mercury – Sagittarius (detriment)
- Jupiter – Gemini (detriment); Retrograde
- Venus – Aquarius; Pisces 1/2/2025 at 7:24p
- Saturn – Pisces
Out of Bounds
- Moon 12/29-1/1
- Mars 12/31-1/4
- Ceres – all week
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Thank you... Jan Erickson