Spellcasting: 5-11 January 2025
Below are a few spellcasting tips and recommendations followed by the corresponding astrological and other energies for working magick as well as the current transit charts for the week. ~ et incipit magia
Spellcasting Tips and Recommendations
- Dawn: healing, new beginnings, study, purification
- Noon: strength, opportunity, success, protection, wealth
- Sunset: letting go, release
- Night: spirituality, aligning with Spirit, healing, dreamwork, visions
Cosmic Rays
- 1st – will/power
- 2nd – love/wisdom
- 3rd – active intelligence
- 4th – harmony through conflict
- 5th – concrete science and knowledge
- 6th – devotion/idealism
- 7th – ceremonial magic and order
- The feminine (receptive) side of self has the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are having the strongest impact
- The masculine (projective) side of self has the most significant influence suggesting motivation, initiation, and expressions of creativity have the most decisive impact
- The feminine (receptive) and masculine (projective) sides of self have the greatest influence suggesting compassion, empathy, and understanding are balanced with motivation, initiation, and expressions of creativity.
Moon Phases
- Waxing (Magicks of Increase)
- New (focused on opportunities with a tendency toward impulsiveness; time to look inward and make plans for the future)
- Crescent (self-assertion is strong and you embrace challenges)
- 1st Qtr (leadership skills are strong with high expectations of others)
- Gibbous (seeking knowledge, working toward achieving goals, discovering one’s purpose)
- Waning (Magicks of Decrease)
- Full (relationships are an important part of your life; a powerfully creative time for goals and projects)
- Disseminating (motivated to share knowledge and wisdom with others)
- 3rd Qtr (action from a place of strength with adaptability challenging at times)
- Balsamic – (your destiny or future factors into life decisions with leadership a potential role for you to play)
- Candles can be scribed, anointed in ritual oil, and then rolled in crushed herbs for additional effect
- Essential oils can be added to a carrier oil such as grape seed or almond to create a ritual oil
- When using planetary squares or seals, whenever possible, draw them out during the ritual itself
- If summoning anyone or anything to assist in the working, be sure to include the license to depart to thank and release the entity from your service
- Tarot cards and runes may be used to further enhance a working or to provide a focus
- Runes can be drawn in the air above workings for additional impact and to further define your intention
Areas of power
- Crossroads (the dirt can be used, also dirt from footprints)
- Graveyards (crushed mullein can be used in place of graveyard dirt)
- Outside altars/established sacred space
- Doorways, windows
- Boundaries of all kinds
- Sacred spots, especially ancient stone ruins
Times of power – Moon phases, planetary hours, eclipses, equinoxes, solstices, charging water/crystals/mirrors/tools can be performed under a full moon
Sunday, 5 January 2025
Magickal focus: clarity, truth, healing, courage, removing barriers, leadership
- Numerology: 5 – protection, pentagram, travel, innovation, freedom versus restriction. Universal number is 6
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Pisces until Aries at 11a
- Moon Void of Course: 6:29a-11a
- Lunar Phase: Waxing; Crescent
- Planetary governance: The Sun ☉
- Governing Planet Ray – 2nd (love/wisdom): Strongest Ray: 5th; 3rd/6th/7th
- Favorability: Neutral
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Water, Earth, Fire, Air
- Strongest Sign Mode: Mutable
- Mansion of the Moon: 28th – Arrexhe (Batn al-Hut) 17°Pi8; Pisces; increases harvest, protects travelers on a dangerous journey, increases joy between married couples, reinforces prisons and loss of possessions; at 11:00a, 1st – Alnath (Al Sharatain) 0°Aries; Horns of Aries; causes conflict and promotes travel
- Retrograde planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Eris
- Planets Out of Bounds: Mars +24°03 Ceres -24°16
General Correspondences
- Element: Fire
- Color: Gold, yellow
- Direction: South
- Energy: masculine/projective
- Power: To Will
- Deities: Sol, Apollo, Helios, Och (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: emerald, topaz, bloodstone, chrysolite
- Resin: mastic, frankincense, copal, saffron, red sandalwood, cinnamon, honey
- Herbs: Angelica, juniper, calendula, hyacinth, rosemary, mint, ivy, pepper, vine, sunflower, cedar, marjoram, bay, vervain, gentian, Dittany, ginger, peony, balm, marigold, heliotrope
Monday, 6 January 2025
Magickal focus: The Moon governs; feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, change
- Numerology: 6 – assistance, shared path, empathy, love, guidance; Universal number is 7
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Aries
- Moon Void of Course: Not on this day
- Lunar Phase: Waxing; Crescent; 1st Qtr at 3:57p 16°Ar55
- Planetary governance: The Moon ☽
- Governing Planet Ray: 4th ray (harmony through conflict); Strongest Ray: 7th
- Favorability: Neutral
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Water, Earth, Fire, Air
- Strongest Sign Mode: Cardinal
- Mansion of the Moon: 1st – Alnath (Al Sharatain) 0°Aries; Horns of Aries; causes conflict and promotes travel; at 8:59a, 2nd – Albochan (Al Butain) 12°Ar51; Belly of Aries; finds treasures and retains prisoners
- Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Eris
- Planets Out of Bounds: Mars +24°09 Ceres -24°09
General Correspondences
- Element: Water
- Color: Silver, white
- Direction: West
- Energy: feminine/receptive
- Power: To Dare
- Deities: Diana, Luna, Selene, Artemis, Mani, Phul (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: Pearl, moonstone, selenite, beryl, marcasite
- Resin: mastic, frankincense, copal, saffron, red sandalwood, cinnamon, honey
- Herbs: almond, mugwort, moonwort, yellow ranunculus, palm, lily, willow, violet, poppy, fennel, iris
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
Magickal focus: Mars governs; passion, manifestation, creativity, self-assertion, reducing conflict
- Numerology: 7 – observation, balance, justice, the scales, magick, spirituality; Universal Number is 8
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Aries until Taurus at 2:11p
- Moon Void of Course: 1:15p-2:11p
- Lunar Phase: Waxing; 1st Qtr
- Planetary governance: Mars ♂
- Governing planet in sign: Mars in Cancer on 1/6 at 2:44a
- Governing Planet Ray: 6th ray (devotion and idealism), Strongest Ray: 7th
- Favorability: Excellent
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Water, Earth, Fire, Air
- Strongest Sign Mode: Cardinal
- Mansion of the Moon: 3rd – Azoraya (Al Thurayya) – 25°Ar42’; Showering, Pleiades, profitable for hunters, sailors, and alchemists
- Retrograde Planets:Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Eris
- Planets Out of Bounds: Mars +24°16 Ceres -24°03
General Correspondences
- Element: Fire
- Color: Red, rust
- Direction: South
- Energy: masculine/projective
- Power: To Will
- Deities: Ares, Mars, Tyr, Phaleg (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: Amethyst, bloodstone, lodestone, diamond, jasper
- Resin: Juniper, dragon’s blood, red sandalwood
- Herbs: Absinthe, cayenne, basil, asafoetida, rue, garlic, black pepper, nettle, wormwood, onion, mustard, leeks, ginger, wolfsbane, thorny trees (Hawthorn)
Wednesday, 8 January 2025
Magickal focus: Mercury governs; communication, interactions, balance, justice, revelation
- Numerology: 8 – Materialistic Approval, Achievement, Striving for Success, leadership, and Acknowledgment; Universal Number is 9
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Taurus
- Moon Void of Course: Not on this day
- Lunar Phase:Waxing, 1st Qtr
- Planetary governance: Mercury ☿
- Governing planet in sign: Mercury in Capricorn at 2:30a
- Governing Planet Ray: 4th (harmony through conflict); Strongest Ray: 5th; 3rd/7th
- Favorability: Neutral
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth/Water, Air, Fire (0)
- Strongest Sign Mode: Cardinal
- Mansion of the Moon: 4th – Aldebaran (Al Dabaran) 8°Ta34; eye/head of Taurus; destroys buildings, water sources, gold mines, prevents winged insects from escaping, fosters conflict
- Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Eris
- Planets Out of Bounds: Mars +24°22 Ceres -23°57
General Correspondences
- Element: Air
- Color: yellow, purple
- Direction: East
- Energy: masculine/projective
- Power: To Know
- Deities: Hermes, Mercury, Thoth, Odin/Woden, Ophiel (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: Agate, emerald, fluorite, topaz, citrine, red marble
- Resin: benzoin, gum arabic, frankincense
- Herbs: marjoram, horehound, bergamot, cinnamon, lavender, caraway, cloves, licorice, mullein, peppermint, star anise, hyssop
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Magickal focus: Jupiter governs; social justice, healing, abundance, income, growth, achieving goals
- Numerology: 9 – idealistic, generous, and kind; Altruism, Humanitarianism, Generosity, Sympathy; endings; Universal Number is 1
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Taurus until Gemini at 5:06p
- Moon Void of Course: 82:49p-5:06p
- Lunar Phase: Waxing, 1st Qtr
- Planetary governance: Jupiter ♃
- Governing planet in sign: Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment)
- Governing Planet Ray: 2nd Ray (love and wisdom): Strongest Ray: 5th; 3rd/7th
- Favorability: Excellent
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Earth/Water, Air, Fire (0)
- Strongest Sign Mode: Cardinal
- Mansion of the Moon: 5th Almices (Al Haqa) 21°Ta25; fosters return from travel; increases scholarship; reinforces structures; promotes good health and goodwill
- Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Eris
- Planets Out of Bounds: Mercury -23°28 Mars +24°29 Ceres -23°50
General Correspondences
- Element: Fire, Water, Air
- Color: Blue
- Direction: South, West, East
- Energy: balanced
- Power: To Will, To Dare, To Know
- Deities: Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Bethor (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: sapphire, jasper, emerald
- Resin: balm of Gilead, ambergris, saffron
- Herbs: basil, agrimony, mints, dandelion, borage, bugloss (alkanet), wood betony, hyssop, henbane, poplar, oak, plum, fig, meadowsweet
Friday, 10 January 2025
Magickal focus: Venus governs; compassion, love, harmony, attracting a partner, partnership issues, female sexuality, fertility, healing, friendship
- Numerology: 1 – Uniqueness, Freedom, Talent, Governance, Leadership, and Revolution; Universal Number is 2
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Gemini
- Moon Void of Course: Not on this day
- Lunar Phase: Waxing, Gibbous
- Planetary governance: Venus ♀
- Governing planet in sign: Venus in Pisces
- Governing Planet Ray: 5th Ray (concrete knowledge and science): Strongest Ray: 3rd/7th
- Favorability: Very Good
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance: In order of strength: Water, Earth, Air, Fire (0)
- Strongest Sign Mode: Cardinal
- Mansion of the Moon: 6th – Athaya (Al Hana) 4°Ge17; little star of great light; good for hunting, attacking cities, revenge of authority, destroys harvest, prevents doctors from healing
- Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Eris
- Planets Out of Bounds: Moon +26°23 Mercury -23°34 Mars +24°35 Ceres -23°44
General Correspondences
- Element: Water
- Color: Green, rose
- Direction: West
- Energy: feminine/receptive
- Power: To Dare
- Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, Freyja, Hagith (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: Turquoise, lapis lazuli, beryl, rose quartz, coral
- Resin: sandalwood, ambergris, musk, orris root
- Herbs: apple, rose, myrtle, bugloss (alkanet), burdock, feverfew, lilac, marshmallow, vervain, valerian, thyme, coriander, pears, elder, pomegranate, passionflower, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, vanilla, yarrow, violet, plantain
Saturday, 11 January 2025
Magickal focus: Saturn governs; restriction, bindings, summoning, harvest, purification, protection
- Numerology: 11 – awakening, enlightenment, spirituality, Master Number; Universal Number is 3
- The Sun in Capricorn
- The Moon in Gemini until Cancer at 8:23p
- Moon Void of Course: 4:03p-8:23p
- Lunar Phase: Waxing, Gibbous
- Planetary governance: Saturn ♄
- Governing planet in sign: Saturn in Pisces
- Governing Planet Ray: 3rd Ray (active intelligence), Strongest Ray: 3rd/7th
- Favorability: Excellent
- Polarity: Feminine
- Elemental Balance:In order of strength: Water, Earth, Air, Fire (0)
- Strongest Sign Mode: Cardinal
- Mansion of the Moon: 7th Aldirah (Al Dhira) 17°Ge8; arm of Gemini; promotes friendship and love, gain, destroys courts
- Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus
- Planets Out of Bounds: Moon +26°13 Mercury -23°39 Mars +24°41 Ceres -23°37
General Correspondences
- Element: Earth
- Color: Brown, black
- Direction: North
- Energy: feminine/receptive
- Power: To Keep Silence
- Deities: Chronos, Aratron (Olympic Spirit)
- Crystal: Onyx, jet, jade, emerald, sapphire, smoky quartz, marcasite, lodestone, brown jasper
- Resin: alum, sulfur, benzoin, balm of Gilead, myrrh
- Herbs: asafoetida, cypress, dragonwort, black hellebore, mandrake, opium, garlic, hemlock, ivy, mullein, nightshade, skullcap, St. John’s Wort, Solomon’s seal root, comfrey, boneset, pine
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Thank you... Jan Erickson