The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Kenaz (6th rune, light, torch, wellbeing, illuminating, love, healing) and Acquisitio (gain, increase)
- Cards: Death, 4 of Swords, 6 of Cups
- Patterns: Death, the Master 11 numerology, and Kenaz align
- Overall numerology: 6+13+4+6= 29; 3+5=11 (inner strength, leadership, recognition, approval)

You may have been blocked from acknowledging or achieving higher vision and have been stuck in perception that results in judgment or negativity. However, with Kenaz guiding your perception by helping you to awaken to a higher mindset which may be the increase to which Acquisitio refers, you transform your perceptions and reactions to achieve a more realistic balance between your soul and its presence in physical reality. If you allow time away to meditate or otherwise withdraw from your perceptions or beliefs, you may achieve an awakening that otherwise has eluded you, giving you the opportunity to gain a better overall understanding of what you’re experiencing. The overall numerology of 11 reinforces this process where higher vision and clarity are possible as is the expression of joy, love, compassion, and fellowship with others. So, think about whether or not your perceptions impact your ability to see others as the other side of self, and in love and light, or if they result in judgment and negativity.
Blessed Be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson