The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Wunjo (fellowship, wish rune, joy, happiness, success) and Fortuna Major (greater fortune, success)
- Cards: High Priestess, 3 of Swords, Knight of Cups
- Patterns: one card from each group in the Tarot
- Overall numerology: 8+2+3=13; 1+3=4 (foundation, structure, grounding, pragmatism)

Today’s reading is an example where the runes may initially suggest one thing, but when the cards are drawn, the overall message of the runes shifts to something else. Wunjo, as the wish rune, suggests harmony, fellowship, joy, and success, while Fortuna Major reinforces the idea of success. But then, drawing the High Priestess, the 3 of Swords, and the Knight of Cups, suggests something else entirely.
The 3 of Swords suggests betrayal and is not representative of joy and fellowship. However, the 3 of Swords could be a catalyst to move you in a new direction, especially after using your intuition and higher awareness expressed by the High Priestess to understand the betrayal or undermining you’ve experienced. The relationship between the High Priestess and Wunjo, may be that expressing joy and fellowship should not be prevented by the struggle you’re experiencing. As you make a change and move in another direction, your greatest fortune is maintaining happiness and joy despite what you’re going through, and the fellowship and joy you want to have with others is something that resonates from within you and not dependent upon the behavior of others.
Blessed Be
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