The Forecast: 2-8 February 2025
The Forecast is a look at the weekly planetary influences and a daily reading derived from various esoteric sources. The planetary information presented is from daily astrological charts over the week, while the daily reading is gleaned from each day’s I Ching-based Human Design chart, runes from both the Elder Futhark and geomancy, and the universal numerology for the month, day, and year. The astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time. And a weekly bindrune using the week’s Elder Futhark runes appears on the left to carry with you for energetic support.
General Astrological Outlook
Insecurities increase as unknown challenges lie ahead, so it’s incumbent on you to stay focused on truth versus speculation. Financial issues could arise, and decisions you make must be made wisely without resorting to impulsivity or self-indulgence. If strong emotions inevitably become an issue, or your attention becomes scattered due to a confusing situation, take time to recenter and rebalance.
Interactions with others this week may be stressful, and you may be unable to understand the overall picture. Offer empathy and compassion instead of anger so you create harmony and positivity. If your home life becomes unstable, there may be more questions than answers, and patience will be required until more is known. At the end of the week, a different perspective may be necessary so you can assess the situation objectively.
Potential issues:
- financial
- career
- clarity
- disciplined approach
- overreaction
Daily Readings
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Dagaz suggests that a situation may be coming to an end, opening the way for something new to begin. Your hard work has paid off, and the compassion and empathy you’ve shown others reflect a greater understanding and openness. This is not the time to be a follower or a passive influence. This is the time to lead.
Influences: Universal numerology: 4; Dagaz ᛞ, Populus; Human Design Gate/Line 13.1 Empathy
Monday, 3 February 2025
Using past experiences, whether productive or otherwise, to inform your success is just part of the process. Your innovative approach helps you achieve your goals. However, you must be careful to avoid overconfidence. Staying focused and invoking the energetic force of Nauthiz can help you achieve a positive outcome and inspire others to do the same.
Influences: Universal numerology: 5; Nauthiz ᚾ, Acquisitio; Human Design Gate/Line: 42.3 Trial and Error
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Stay motivated to continue in a positive direction despite the challenges you face today. Ask for assistance if needed and embrace a shared path with others. Your self-confidence is strong and through Sowilo’s as above, so below vortex of energy, you draw down higher awareness into your perceptions and actions. Avoid a lack of impulse control, and don’t take unnecessary risks.
Influences: Universal numerology: 6; Runes: Sowilo ⵢ, Puer; Human Design Gate/Line:53.5 Assertion
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Although your self-confidence is high today, you may need more information to feel secure enough to move forward. Step back if necessary to observe the situation, and listen to advice from unexpected sources. Don’t rule out the value of someone’s experience simply because it may differ from your own.
Influences: Universal numerology: 7; Runes: Sowilo ⵢ, Amissio; Human Design Gate/Line: 13.2 Bigotry
Thursday, 6 February 2025
You may need to withdraw from a conversation or negotiation if the facts presented aren’t clear or detailed enough to make an appropriate decision. It’s important right now to protect your material security and not give away your choices to others who may operate from a personal agenda. If what’s being presented doesn’t make sense, then it likely never will.
Influences: Universal numerology: 4; Runes: Othala ᛟ, Amissio; Human Design Gate/Line 16.6 Gullibility
Friday, 7 February 2025
If your emotional balance is off today, or your stress level is increasing, meditation or a journeying exercise may be in order. It’s easy to become caught up in risk-oriented or impulsive behavior, and focusing on letting go of perceptions that don’t help and staying in healing mode is important. During meditation, dissolve any energetic channels that you’ve created, particularly those that are negative, while drawing white light from Spirit into your awareness. If performing a journeying exercise, as you mentally “walk a new path,” visualize your concerns falling away as you move past each one.
Influences: Universal numerology: 9; Runes: Laguz ᛚ, Puer; Human Design Gate/Line: 25.5 Recuperation
Saturday, 8 February 2025
True leadership doesn’t involve putting on the charm and believing that appearances can fool others. While some may be gullible enough, you know better. intuition is strong, and if you encounter someone who promises more than it’s clear he can deliver, whether you confront that person or not, it may be best to protect yourself by walking away.
Influences: Universal numerology: 1; Runes: Nauthiz ᚾ, Laetitia; Human Design Gate/Line 22.2 Charm School
Additional Information
Retrograde Planets: Mars, Jupiter
Sun Sign: Aquarius
Moon Sign/Phases
- 2/2/2025 – Sunday – Aries; Waxing, Crescent; Void of Course – Not on this day
- 2/3/2025 – Monday – Aries until Taurus at 7:33p; Waxing, Crescent; Void of Course – 2:19a-7:33p
- 2/4/2025 – Tuesday – Taurus; Waxing, Crescent; Void of Course – Not on this day
- 2/5/2025 – Wednesday – Taurus until Gemini at 10:43p; Waxing, 1st Qtr at 12:03a 16°Ta46; Void of Course – 7:29p-10:43p
- 2/6/2025 – Thursday – Gemini; Waxing, 1st Qtr; Void of Course – Not on this day
- 2/7/2025 – Friday – Gemini; Waxing, 1st Qtr; Void of Course – 11:51p-EOD
- 2/8/2025 – Saturday – Gemini until Cancer at 3:04a; Waxing, 1st Qtr; Void of Course – Until 3:04a
Additional Planets in Sign
- Mars – Cancer (Fall); Retrograde
- Mercury – Aquarius
- Jupiter – Gemini (detriment); Retrograde ends 2/4
- Venus – Pisces, Aries (2/3)
- Saturn – Pisces
Out of Bounds
- Moon – 2/6-8
- Mars – all week
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Thank you... Jan Erickson