I’ve done a few readings since the inauguration about what may be happening now and in the future. This afternoon, I set my intention, now and the future, and then drew two cards, both from the Major Arcana. Two soul-archetype cards filled with higher power are defining what is happening right now and what the possible future outcome could be.
The Emperor, card four from the Major Arcana, is reversed and represents what is occurring now. It signals a lack of intelligence with bravado its shameful expression. True leadership is non-existent, and cowardice and self-righteousness are fully on display. The country will not be served by such a person who will betray us on a daily basis. And his lack of leadership and integrity makes him a pawn for other autocratic dictators to manipulate and use for their own political and dictatorial agendas. The Emperor is on display, without clothes, and he will make every attempt to ignore the Constitution and the rule of law. He will determine what is true and what isn’t irrespective of reality, and he will demean and belittle anyone who gets in his way.
The Lovers card, however, card 6 from the Major Arcana, illustrates a man and a woman, both nude, standing beneath an angel and the Sun above. Likely depictions of Adam and Eve, the woman stands next to an apple tree with a serpent coiled around its trunk, while the man stands next to a spindly oak tree. As the woman looks toward the angel above, she draws down higher awareness and knowledge from Spirit, while the man looks only at her. A closer look at the card reveals the mountain between them appears to lean toward the woman, reinforcing the inner strength of the Divine Feminine within. That the Tree of Knowledge rises next to her suggests that true knowledge comes from the soul’s awareness, instead of from egoic deception.
Essentially, we have a severe imbalance with The Emperor, while The Lovers suggests balance derived from higher discernment as well as awareness more heavily weighted on Spirit. This suggests a future where empathy and higher awareness reestablish the US as a place of dignity, respect for individual differences, and compassion for not only the American people but also for others in need around the world.
The overall numerology between the cards is 10, reducing to one. While 10 may indicate both endings and beginnings, reducing it to one focuses its energy on new beginnings. Consider the rune Dagaz ᛞ from the Elder Futhark, and the X in the center. Dagaz represents the end of one phase and the beginning of a new one. So, in a sense, the Roman numeral X may represent the same. Four, from The Emperor reversed, could indicate a degradation of our foundation or structure, while the 6, from The Lovers, may show the way forward where empathy, guidance, and a shared path are possible.
These are difficult times in which we find ourselves. But if this reading is any indication, a new understanding and commitment to a shared higher purpose is not only possible but the true way forward.
Blessed Be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson