The Forecast is a look at the weekly planetary influences and a daily reading derived from various esoteric sources. The planetary information presented is from daily astrological charts over the week, while the daily reading is gleaned from each day’s I Ching-based Human Design chart, runes from both the Elder Futhark and geomancy, and the universal numerology for the month, day, and year. The astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time. A weekly bindrune using the week’s Elder Futhark runes appears on the left to carry with you for energetic support.
General Astrological Insights
During the week, a close partner may challenge your beliefs and self-expression, after which a new understanding may develop. A lack of discernment may motivate you to reassess your actions and the risks you’ve taken and consider a more flexible approach that increases your protection and that of others. In doing so, you may discover new opportunities are possible.
As the week continues, you easily meet your goals and inspire others to do the same. You’re ready to offer advice when asked, and you enjoy the time you spend with others. That said, an interaction with a partner, possibly impacted by Mercury retrograde, may impact your emotions, and drama may ensue. When The Sun travels into Aries on Thursday, you may reflect on how you express your individuality.
At the end of the week, you’re drawn to synchronicities that alert you to new experiences. You’re empathically aware of the energies that surround you, and that awareness helps you realistically structure your life, especially if obstacles impact your progress. On a personal note, a disagreement may occur between you and a close partner, and it may be best to wait for the situation to settle before responding further.
Potential issues:
- Mercury Retrograde beginning March 14
- discernment
- flexibility
- unexpected conflict
Daily Readings
Sunday, 16 March 2025
It may take obtaining information from behind the scenes today to assess and prepare for upcoming challenges. Otherwise, you could take on more than is advisable. Try to see the situation from a balanced perspective, and invoke a unique approach when coming up with solutions.
Influences: Universal numerology: 1; Gebo, Cauda Draconis; Human Design Gate/Line 36.4 Espionage
Monday, 17 March 2025
Be careful with a new alliance today that may want to collaborate in an unethical manner. In truth, this person is an opposing force that will undermine your efforts and cause chaos. So, it’s best to stay focused and act in full clarity so you don’t act on impulse and place yourself in harm’s way.
Influences: Universal numerology: 2; Thurisaz, Albus; Human Design Gate/Line: 28.2 Shaking hands with the devil
Tuesday, 18 March 2025
As you collaborate with others today, your past experience and success can inform an optimistic future direction. Enjoy the partnerships that develop and the integration of ideas that increase your success.
Influences: Universal numerology: 5; Runes: Raidho, Conjunctio; Human Design Gate/Line: 53.6 Phasing
Wednesday, 19 March 2025
The potential for success exists today due to collaboration and hard work. You’ve let go of impulsivity that has kept you from achieving your goals, and the risks you now take are founded in facts instead of desire. Going forward, remaining organized and taking a pragmatic approach will serve you well.
Influences: Universal numerology: 4; Inguz, Puer; Human Design Gate/Line: 17.5 No human is an island
Thursday, 20 March 2025; Spring Equinox, Ostara
You have an insatiable drive for innovation and progress. You overcome self or other-imposed restrictions to create a positive future. An inner resolve moves you forward, and today’s Spring Equinox opens doors to new discoveries and potential. A Dagaz ritual can help you bring one period to a close and begin anew. Draw the rune Dagaz ᛞ on the floor or ground, either mentally or, if outside, physically. Stand in its center just before the exact time of Equinox (2:01 am) and experience the energetic shift from Winter to Spring. Celebrate Ostara by planting an egg (if you can afford or find one) outside your door or at the garden’s edge to increase fertility and growth. Take a walk and observe the trees budding and flowers coming up. You can also sit in meditation and visualize all the new experiences you wish to manifest over the next few months.
Influences: Universal numerology: 5; Runes: Nauthiz, Cauda Draconis; Human Design Gate/Line 35.4 Hunger
Friday, 21 March 2025
Any impulsive behavior on your part may be censured or rejected by others today. Instead of becoming angry or resentful, listen to their views and realize that they’re providing insight that can help you achieve your objectives and enable a positive change within.
Influences: Universal numerology: 6; Hagalaz, Conjunctio, Acquisitio; Human Design Gate/Line: 25.6 Ignorance
Saturday, 22 March 2025
Although it may take controlling your will or setting your ego aside, observe before acting in haste today. The balance you seek will only be achieved by staying calm and avoiding micromanaging others.
Influences: Universal numerology: 9; Runes: Dagaz, Rubeus; Human Design Gate/Line 36.1 Resistance
Additional Information
Retrograde Planets: Mercury, Venus
Sun Sign: Pisces, Aries (3/20, 2:01a)
Moon Sign/Phases
- 3/16/2025 – Sunday – Libra, Waning, Full; Void of Course – 2:52a-EOD
- 3/17/2025 – Monday – Libra until Scorpio (fall) at 12:30a; Waning, Full; Void of Course – Until 12:30a
- 3/18/2025 – Tuesday – Scorpio (fall); Waning, Disseminating; Void of Course – Not on this day
- 3/19/2025 – Wednesday – Scorpio (fall) until Sagittarius at 1:16p; Waning, Disseminating; Void of Course – 12:28p-1:16p
- 3/20/2025 – Thursday – Sagittarius; Waning, Disseminating; Void of Course – Not on this day
- 3/21/2025 – Friday – Sagittarius; Waning, Disseminating; Void of Course – 11:52p – EOD
- 3/22/2025 – Saturday – Sagittarius until Capricorn at 12:28p; Waning, 3rd Qtr at 4:30a 2°Cp05; Void of Course – Until 12:28a
Additional Planets in Sign
- Mars – Cancer (Fall)
- Mercury – Aries; Rx
- Jupiter – Gemini (detriment)
- Venus – Aries (detriment); Rx
- Saturn – Pisces
Out of Bounds
- Moon – 3/19-22
- Mars – all week
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