The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Wunjo (8th rune, joy, wishes, fellowship, harmony, success) and Puer (little boy energy, impulsivity, lack of control, aggressive)
- Cards: The Hermit, Queen of Pentacles, Knight of Wands
- Patterns: run on Court cards
- Overall numerology: 8+9=17; 1+7=8 (leadership, strength, material recognition and approval)

We begin today’s reading with Wunjo and Puer. Wunjo describes wishes, fellowship, harmony, and joy while Puer is one of the youthful energies of the geomancy set that suggests a lack of impulse control and aggressiveness. Today’s overall numerology is 8, suggesting some inner strength will be needed to control your impulses so you can come together in harmony with others.
Today’s cards include The Hermit, Queen of Pentacles, and Knight of Wands. The Hermit and the Queen are both reflective with The Hermit emphasizing withdrawing from the world to gain spiritual awareness, and the Queen emphasizing retreat in your personal life, in this case to her garden, to understand the issues of life from the standpoint of abundance, generosity, and quiet wisdom.
The Knight of Wands, a card that appeared in last Thursday’s reading, is the action-oriented card in today’s reading where you stand up for yourself and others to right the wrongs being done to people right now. Whereas last Thursday’s reading centered on what’s happening in our country, today’s reading seems to have a single focus so you begin to address the impact of what’s happening in your individual life.
Take stock of what’s happening and make plans, if possible, to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and protected. Anticipate and expect what’s coming and try to control your reactions so that you don’t miss the bigger picture and what’s happening that the current people in power don’t want you to know about until it’s too late to stop it. Make your voice heard if you can in whatever way you can. As the late Congressman John Lewis always said…get in good trouble.
Blessed Be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson