The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Isa (11th rune, Norn rune, alignment in Spirit, contraction of will, focus) and Acquisitio (gain, increase, may be financial or energetic)
- Cards: The Hermit, Page of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune
- Patterns: run on Major Arcana cards (soul archetype)
- Overall numerology: 11 +9+10=30; 3+0=3 (communication, interaction, optimism, creativity, imagination) or 11 (Master number, awakening, enlightenment) and 9+10=19; 1+9=10; 1+0=1 (new beginnings, talent, leadership, the self)

Isa and Acquisitio begin today’s reading with Isa, one of three Norn runes in the Elder Futhark, suggesting aligning in higher consciousness/Spirit to gain more clarity and wisdom, and Acquisitio suggesting increase or gain of some kind. Today’s numerology can be either 3 or 11 and 1. Because of the 11 numerology of Isa, along with Isa’s interpretation and the two Major Arcana cards, I ultimately interpreted the 11 on its own instead of along with the other numbers.
Today’s cards included The Hermit, Page of Pentacles, and the Wheel of Fortune. Two cards from the Major Arcana indicate a strong soul or Higher Self component in the reading which again aligns well with Isa and its 11 numerology.
The Hermit suggests retreating to gain clarity. Perhaps you’ve been looking at a situation from a reactive or ego perspective, and, if so, you need a broader and less reactive perspective. The Page of Pentacles suggests a more measured and risk-averse approach gained from doing your due diligence instead of making an impulsive decision. From there, The Wheel of Fortune indicates a successful outcome if you stay focused and pragmatic in your approach and decisions.
The Page of Pentacles is essentially counseling you to think before acting. And, if you do your research and ask more questions, your focus may change and you’re better able to make the decisions that will create more success in your life.
Blessed Be
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