The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Dagaz (new day, endings/beginnings, awakening, all doors open, all options available, daylight) and Puer (little boy energy, impulsivity, aggressive if controlled)
- Cards: King of Swords, Death, 2 of Cups
- Patterns: one from each group in the Tarot
- Overall numerology: 23+13+2=38; 3+8=11 (Master number, awakening, illumination, enlightenment)

Dagaz and Puer begin today’s reading, with Dagaz relating well to the Spring Equinox. Dagaz essentially means a new day with one period ending and a new one beginning. With today’s Spring Equinox, day and night are the same length with tomorrow beginning the return or increase of the light. All options are available, new opportunities are possible, and all doors are open with the Dagaz influence. Puer suggests a lack of impulse control so it may be a cautionary influence to let go of impulsivity when approaching new experiences. The overall numerology for the reading is 11, the Master number for awakening, illumination, and enlightenment which aligns well with Dagaz and the Spring Equinox.
Moving to the cards, I drew the King of Swords, Death, and the 2 of Cups. Court cards can be viewed as the individual on the card representing you or someone you know, or as the characteristics that individual suggests. So, the King may represent you or someone else you know who could be an authority figure in your life, or if the King represents you, it could be you who is the authority figure in the lives of others. Either way, because this King holds his sword in an askew fashion, it suggests that he’s not being completely honest or forthcoming with you (or you aren’t forthcoming with others) while asserting his/your authority.
Next, however, Death implies a transformation is taking place. You see the sun rising on the right side of the card between two towers. This suggests a new day (Dagaz) that has a rebalancing effect that is influencing the transformation implied by the card.
The 2 of Cups, the final card in the reading, seems to provide the focus for the other cards as well as the runes. Here you see two people, a man and a woman, standing in an area that’s away from their home. Both are holding chalices extended toward each other while the man reaches out with his right hand and steps toward the woman, initiating the healing process between them.
Today’s reading may involve you and an awakening to some truth involving either your own behavior or the behavior of an authority figure. It could involve a work situation where you may realize that a lack of honesty by your employer is too much to deal with any longer and you make a decision about that. Or it could involve a situation with a partner that you may have initiated and now you need to begin the process of healing with that person.
If this represents what’s happening in the US right now, then the healing and awakening may be for the right and left in the country to do, and realize that the true enemy is not each side, but the so-called ruling class that wants to control the rest of us.
Blessed Be
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