The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Tiwaz (17th rune, god Tyr, spiritual warrior within, oaths taken, sacrifice, justice) and Amissio (loss, decrease, insecurity, needs reliability)
- Cards: 2 of Pentacles, King of Wands, 7 of Cups
- Patterns: overall eight numerology aligns with Tiwaz and its numerology of eight
- Overall numerology: 17+2+7=26; 2+6=8 (leadership, strength, material recognition/approval)

Tiwaz and Amissio begin today’s reading with strength and loss as primary factors. Tiwaz represents the god Tyr and the spiritual warrior within. It involves faith, oaths taken, justice, and legal matters. Amissio involves the decrease of loss of something, so together they can suggest a loss of inner strength, or letting go of anything inhibiting your ability to stand up for yourself and/or others. The overall numerology of the reading is eight, which is also the numerology for Tiwaz, and indicates strength and leadership. Because of the reinforcing eight, I would suggest that the reading is about the loss of inhibition to stand up for yourself and/or others.
I drew the 2 of Pentacles, King of Wands, and the 7 of Cups for today’s cards. The 2 of Pentacles describes weighing out the issues so you can make a practical or measured decision that leaves out any emotions that could be influencing. The King of Wands could represent your own expression of leadership or authority, or it could represent someone you may go to for advice to make the best decision possible. If the King represents you, it may align well with Tiwaz and the spiritual warrior within that helps you assert yourself on your own behalf or on behalf of others. However, if this is referring to the situation happening in the US, the King could represent the impact of the authority in this country to damage people’s lives. Either way, you may need to speak truth to power or assert your own power to protect your life and security.
Lastly, the 7 of Cups can describe having your head in the clouds or it could indicate you’re reflecting on important details in the decision that needs to be made. The person on the card in silhouette indicates the dream state, but it could simply be suggesting that you need to stay as realistic as possible while dealing with something difficult. The card’s seven numerology suggests observation and balance, so again don’t allow any impulsiveness to guide your decisions.
Today’s reading may suggest that a decision needs making where you need to gather all the facts necessary so you avoid an impulsive decision. The seven contents of the cups could represent areas that are going to be impacted by the decision that needs to be made. However, the reading could have something to do with the potential damage that many people in the country could face due to a new administration with an agenda that doesn’t have the best interests of the people at heart. And, the presence of Tiwaz suggests that standing up for yourself, and possibly others, will be necessary in any decision that you make.
Blessed Be the Spiritual Warrior within and may we all come together in shared purpose!
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Thank you... Jan Erickson