The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Ehwaz (19th rune, flowing together, self/otherside of self, mutual end, change, momentum, intuitive bond, Merkaba, travel, partnership, astral travel, relationships) and Via (path, way, stuck in perception)
- Cards: 4 of Pentacles, High Priestess, 7 of Pentacles
- Patterns: a run on Pentacles (material security, home, finances, tradition, foundation)
- Overall numerology: 19+4+2+7=32; 3+2=5 (change, protection, freedom versus restriction)

Today’s reading begins with Ehwaz and Via suggesting a new path where we embrace the intuitive bond, or higher consciousness connection, we share with others. Change of circumstances and protection may be part of that as well, especially with the overall numerology of five for the reading.
The 4 and 7 of Pentacles describe a focus on material security, with the 4 of Pentacles suggesting a conservative approach to spending or saving, while the 7 of Pentacles illustrates taking stock of what you have and what you might need. The High Priestess describes the flow of intuition and divine presence or wisdom into your awareness. The High Priestess aligns well with Ehwaz and the intuitive bond or soul connection we share with all others in physical reality. So it suggests that the material security that could be changing for you should be dealt with from a higher perspective instead of from ego or fear that causes panic and impulsivity.
Essentially, today’s reading is suggesting that you take stock of what you have and then be conservative in your approach to both saving and spending your money. Significant changes are allegedly on the horizon for many people, and each one of us may need to connect with others to either gain insight into how to deal with those changes or to come together in shared purpose to assist one another if these changes indeed happen.
Blessed Be
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Thank you... Jan Erickson