Transit Influences for 25 January 2016

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Jan - Transit 1252016The North and South Nodes transit at new Gates today along with the Earth and the Moon. The Channel of Transitoriness (35/36) has finally moved along its way leaving only the Channels of Perfected Form (10/57) and Exploration (10/34) to influence the day.

Beginning with the Earth, it transits today at Gate 31 ~ democracy, Line 4 ~ intent reminds me to stay aligned so that any influence I have is of pure, grounded intent. The Moon at Gate 4 ~ answers, Line 5 ~ seduction seems to suggest guarding against achieving success through the favor of others. Success gained in this manner isn’t success that is truly earned. Again, intention grounded in purity is necessary.

Conversely, these are also transit energies that I could be experiencing from others. I need to be alert to the intention of others so that I’m not drawn into something that’s ultimately counterproductive. The energy of manipulative people feels sharp and pushy. And I usually just wait to see what happens.

The North Node tells us where we’re going and the South Node where we’ve been. I’m sure that’s an oversimplification, but it’s how I see it. The North Node transits today at Gate 47 ~ realization, Line 6 ~ futility, suggesting that perhaps basic survival is all I can hope for right now. Oh that’s nice. Another movie day.

The South Node transits at Gate 22 ~ openness, Line 6 ~ maturity, which provides the energy and space for leadership. Given the blending of the two, I would say that as a Generator Type with Emotional Authority, it’s best to let whatever leadership opportunities available drop in my lap rather than generating them on my own.

In fact, the North Node may be reinforcing that idea with the influence of futility. Forcing things for someone with my inner authority and strategy truly can be an exercise in futility. Maturity gained from the South Node’s influence provides some balance between the two. Might as well live my inner authority because it’s an exercise in futility not to. And the goal really is to move through my life creating instead of reacting, so focusing upon anything other than creating only deters me from my goal.

The Root Center

The Root Center is the final Center in the Human Design Bodygram. It’s also the only other Center I have besides the Heart/Will Center that’s Open/Undefined. Yes, I float about like a wish, untethered to the ground. I need the energy of others to do that. Karen Curry tells us:

This is the center for adrenaline. It is also considered one of two pressure centers in the system (the other one being the Head Center). The Root Center energy operates in pulses.¹

This Center is all about handling the stress of life. With an Open Root Center, the pressure to get things done never leaves, and the tendency is for the individual to work quickly in an effort to reduce pressure that’s felt. The problem is, the pressure is always felt. Staying aligned, i.e. living one’s authority and strategy allows me to notice the pressure without feeling “pressured” to act unless the timing is correct for me to do so.

Regarding an individual with a Defined Root Center:

If you have a defined Root Center then you are somewhat immune to adrenaline pressure. That doesn’t mean that you don’t experience stress. However, your stress may come from other factors or through other open centers that you may have in your body graph. Simply put, when you have a defined Root Center, things get done when they get done.²

With my Open Root Center, dealing with anyone who gets things done on their own timetable is tricky. I feel continual pressure to check in with them to see how things are going, which really isn’t fair to do. If parents expect too much of the child with a Defined Root Center, then they’ll pressure that child unnecessarily into doing things he/she’s not ready to do. We should instead recognize that this child has his/her own timetable and trust that things will get done.

I know, I had my share of trust issues. I have two sons, one with a Defined Root, the other Open. Fortunately, I also read Whole Child, Whole Parent by Polly Berrien-Berrends, which lovingly guided me to an understanding of children as seeing beings. So I already saw them as individuals, and as they grew, they really seemed to create their own integrated expression of Yin/Yang energies.

I guess that’s why I like Human Design so well. There’s a concept in Human Design called living your not-self. In other words, we tend as humans to live opposite to our natural state, or in Human Design terms, Type. In my case, living my not-self would mean that I would initiate something instead of waiting for the universe to give it to me in its own time. I would be endlessly impatient, busying myself up in everything everyone else was doing, stressing myself out to the max. Or some variation of that nightmare.

I admit that I have a difficult time trusting that the universe will give me what I need at the right time, although I know it to be true. So I often jump in and initiate when I should wait. Each type also has an certain kind of aura associated with it and understanding that has been a big help. My aura is enveloping, so I draw others in. My Manifestor husband has a repelling energy associated with his aura, so when he stands up while talking to me, and I’m sitting down in a chair, I feel that energy blast over me to the point that sometimes I have to ask him to step back, or sit down. Anything to break that energy from pushing at me, which because of my enveloping aura, I also draw to me. Because of the intensity of his energy, it can feel as if he’s angry with me when he’s not. Now that he knows more about the impact of his aura, he’s more sensitive to how he engages with me.

Well, I must say, I’ve learned quite a bit from including information on Centers in my posts. I hope I’ve at least stimulated some interest in Human Design. I find the whole thing fascinating, but then anything that describes how our energy flows draws me in. We’re here not only to survive the physical experience, but to transcend it. Remaining aligned with our Source within as we move throughout our day accomplishes that. It’s fine to notice the chaos around us, for there’s plenty of that, but it’s best to stay focused on creating. Anything else is reaction to someone else’s reality, having little to do with our own. The Human Design bodygram give us a blueprint in much the same way an astrological chart does, but with more information. So check it out over at Jovian Archive and get your free bodygram done. You’ll be glad you did!



  1. Curry, Karen (2013-10-01). Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are (p. 90). Hierophant Publishing. Kindle Edition.
  2. Curry, Karen (2013-10-01). Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are (p. 93). Hierophant Publishing. Kindle Edition.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!