I recently purchased a new astrology software. I normally use Time Passages, which I really love, but I had heard about Solar Fire and I wanted to see what it was like. It’s more involved and less user-friendly than Time Passages, but I’m learning how it’s set up and it’s really interesting. What jumped out at me right away was my natal chart and how a Merkaba shows up. Evidently my other software either calculates things a little differently or I don’t have it including something that this one does. I’m sure it’s the latter. But I tried to duplicate it in Time Passages and I wasn’t able to figure it out.
I also read an article recently from Human Design about determining my Godhead. The Godhead influences us on a daily basis and essentially represents soul archetypes. It can influence in any direction given the human’s tendency to live the not-self, so it doesn’t necessarily mean our better angels are in play.
The Godhead is also involved in the Incarnation Cross. A simplified way of looking at incarnation crosses is that left-angle people are here for others, and right-angle people are here to work on themselves with whatever cross they are influencing their overall life. My incarnation cross is left angled and is the Cross of the Clarion, part of the Quarter of Duality or relationships.
The Godhead is found by looking at where on the Human Design Rave chart an individual’s Personality Sun lies. In my case, it lies in the quarter of duality at Gate 57 Intuition. In my bodygram (Human Design chart) Gate 57 creates a channel with Gate 34 Power called The Channel of the Archetype.
The Rave is separated in 4 quadrants: initiation, civilization, duality, and mutation. There are sixteen godheads, four assigned to each quarter with four gates assigned to each one. They include Kali, Mitra, Michael, Janus in the Quarter of Initiation; Maia, Lakshmi, Parvati, and Ma’at in the Quarter of Civilization; Thoth, Harmonia, Christ Consciousness Field, and Minerva in the Quarter of Duality; and, Hades, Prometheus, Vishnu, and the Keepers of the Wheel in the Quarter of Mutation.
So anyway, when I saw the Merkaba in my Solar Fire astrological chart I remembered my Incarnation Cross and my Godhead and I felt that funny resonance I feel when synchronicity happens. My Godhead is Christ Consciousness, the incarnation cross indicates a Clarion, I have that Channel of the Archetype in my bodygram, and then that Merkaba appeared. Interesting.
I surround myself with crystal Merkabas. I place them frequently around my altar. I have a meditation I do that is Merkaba-based. I envision Source Energy moving downward into physical form spinning in one direction, with Gaia Energy moving upward, spinning in the opposite direction. As I feel the separate triangles merge into the Merkaba shape, I exist in the middle, feeling its resonance, blending nonphysical with physical aspects of Self. When I feel ready, I return to the present moment. I use this meditation to align and center before practicing Reiki, before ritual, or anytime I need to align.
According to Human Design, we’re here to live our design, our authority, and not give in to the not-self. We’re to live the strategy that works best for the type that we are. For me as a Generator type, my strategy is to wait to respond in lieu of initiating. In other words, I need to remain in the observer role as much as possible. Observe what goes on rather than absorb its vibration. For empaths, this is critical or we end up a chaotic mess. If I assert myself too much instead of waiting to respond, then I risk that assertion going nowhere, or worse, adversely affecting what I set out to accomplish. The Clarion integrates well with the Christ Consciousness Field as long as the message is delivered within the Clarion’s strategy. So it’s clear that living one’s design is so important if we expect our lives to be happy and productive.
Synchronicities abound in my life. And I love when they happen. I had no idea when I purchased the new astrology software that it would unlock some of that, but it did. And I’m looking forward to so much more!
For further information on Godheads and Human Design:
Quarters and Godheads of the Human Design Mandala
If anyone intends to either quote something I've written, or intends to post any part of my work, including my videos, on any other site, please ask permission before doing so. Any reposting of my work without permission can be considered as copyright infringement, so please ask. And if I give permission, you MUST clearly reference my name as author and my website. No exceptions. The words an author writes are sacred. Unapproved use is not.
Thank you... Jan Erickson
Same! I have one too! Thank you for sharing this!
Hi Jan, my name is Katii, I recently found your article where you discussed the merkaba in your natal chart. Well, I have one in mine too, and while our charts are very different, your article resonates deeply. I’d love to send you my chart if you’re willing to help me decipher mine. I’ve reached out to many astrologers over the years over this subject and have only been told it doesn’t mean anything special but I think we both know that’s not the case. Anyways, I’d love to get in touch, and if you wish to be paid for your time I absolutely understand. I’m just very excited to finally have found some one else who understands, and also shares this scared geometry in their chart.
❤️✨ Blessings to you, I hope to hear back soon! 🤗
Hi Katii
Thanks for writing! That post was from a long time ago so I went back and reread what I wrote. It also incorporated Human Design which I’ve been interested in for years, but it really didn’t go into any depth about what a Grand Sextile (Star of David/Merkaba) is comprised of.
Before I go further here, you should know that I’m a witch who uses astrological information when crafting spells and doing Tarot or rune readings. I’m not a professional astrologer, so I don’t cast charts for others, although I’ve studied astrology for many years and I do include it in my writing. I use Solar Fire for the most part, but I also use its Mac counterpart, Astro Gold which also has an iPad version. Another astrology software which is good is Time Passages which comes in Windows and Mac formats as well as an iPad version as well.
Essentially, a grand sextile is a rare aspect that involves 6 planets that sextile each other. It includes 6 sextiles, 6 trines, and 3 oppositions as well as three aspect patterns that include 2 Grand Trines, 6 Kites, and 3 Mystic Rectangles. Solar Fire provides the ability to pull up a report that shows all of the aspect patterns which also include all the planets involved in each pattern, so it’s easy at that point to go to the general interpretations where you would see, for example, Moon sextile Uranus etc.and what each aspect means.
Since sextiles are considered soft or easy aspects, a Grand Sextile or Star of David/Merkaba is a rather lazy aspect pattern that doesn’t motivate an individual to actually do anything. It represents areas of creativity, talent, and potential, but there needs to be something that stimulates the person to actually get up and do something. But knowing what the general talents and potentials are can be valuable. And in addition, people with Grand Sextiles in their chart seem to have really high standards and strong values and in my opinion, they seem to stand apart from other people irrespective of the stress that might cause them.
In addition, Grand Sextiles have either a masculine or feminine polarity. In other words, each astrological sign corresponds to one of the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water. Water and Earth are passive or feminine, while Air and Fire are considered active or masculine. My Grand Sextile is masculine so it’s comprised of planets in both Air and Fire signs. Because of the harmonious nature of the sextile aspect, it tends to lean in a more passive and harmonious direction instead of invoking anything catalytic to make something happen which is why it’s considered somewhat lazy. It’s like when trying to solve a problem, the person with the Grand Sextile might be inclined to hug it out before ever discussing the problem.
Although I would recommend that you research each aspect pattern that I’ve mentioned to understand their overall meaning, if you initially focus on the six planets involved in your Grand Sextile and then look to see which planet they each sextile, trine, and oppose, it might give you a more general idea of the focus and energy of the aspect pattern. And if you research the meanings of each element, you’ll discover even more.
In my case, with both Air and Fire as the focus of my Grand Sextile, both the mental/intellectual aspects (Air) and creativity/will aspects (Fire) are part of the equation. So I think that’s also helpful as well as knowing which astrological sign corresponds with which element. Also researching the meaning and scope of each planet would be helpful.
Below is an example of how my Grand Sextile breaks down. And I actually have seven that are involved which apparently can happen. Any planets with an asterisk are strong aspects. Everything else is a medium aspect unless indicated otherwise. But you’ll notice that all of them are in sextile, trine, or in opposition with the same six, or in my case, seven planets. Putting together a breakdown like the one below may help you organize the information you want to look at.
This is a fairly complex aspect pattern, but when you look at the interpretations for each part of it, you may begin to see some things about yourself that can help you understand its meaning. Again, if you don’t have a copy of an astrology software, either Time Passages or Astro Gold are good choices with Astro Gold probably the easiest to use if you have a Mac. Astro Gold for iPad is also really good.
Thanks again for contacting me and Bright Blessings!
Moon (Gemini – mutable Air)
sextile with Uranus and Vesta*;
Trine with Mercury*, Mars*, Chiron*
Opposition with Saturn*
Uranus (Leo – Fixed Fire)
sextile with The Moon, Mercury, Mars;
Trine with Saturn*, Vesta*
Opposition with Chiron*
Mercury (Libra – Card/Air);
sextile with Saturn, Uranus;
Trine with The Moon*, Chiron*
Opposition with Vesta*
Mars (Libra – Cardinal Air)
sextile with Saturn (weak), Uranus
Trine with The Moon*, Chiron*
Opposition with Vesta*
Saturn (Sagittarius – Mutable Fire)
sextile with Mercury, Chiron
Trine with Uranus*, Vesta*
Opposition The Moon*
Chiron (Aquarius – Fixed Air)
sextile with Saturn, Vesta*
Trine with The Moon*, Mercury*, Mars*
Opposition with Uranus*
Vesta (Aries – Cardinal Fire)
sextile with The Moon*, Chiron*
Trine with Saturn*, Uranus*
Opposition with Mercury*, Mars*