Accessing the Akash: a Tarot and Runecasting

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Everything we are is contained within our Akashic Record. Whether collective or individual, since all are a reflection of Source Energy and of one Mind, it really doesn’t matter in the long run which information we access. So journeying with an Akashic focus can be general or specific in nature. With ascension upon us, accessing aspects from other expressions of Self can assist us in raising our collective frequency.

I decided on a more complicated divination for such an important subject so I cast three runes as well as three cards from my Thoth deck to see what Akashic information it had to tell me. Three cards from the Major Arcana, The Magus, The Moon, and The Lovers bring an archetypal influence to the tarot portion of the reading, while Dagaz, Isa, and Laguz, three runes from the Elder Futhark, explore various levels of consciousness in the runecasting portion.

runecastingBeginning with the runes, Dagaz is the 24th rune of the Elder Futhark. Although some place Dagaz before Othala, it makes more sense to me as well as other runecasters to place it at the end of the Aett. Enlightenment is ours as we stand in the center at the end of one phase and the beginning of another with Dagaz, the rune of the present moment, as it teaches us to remain aligned in our Source Presence.

Isa, the Norn rune representing Verdandi, represents our stillness within. The 11th rune of the Elder Futhark, eleven is a master number representing instinct and intuition. Isa acts, therefore, as a bridge to our consciousness, teaching us that our strength is found in our alignment and concentrated will.

Lastly, Laguz, the 21st rune of the Elder Futhark, represents our clairsentience, life force, and the state of our emotional balance. As the rune of the occult, Laguz grants us access to the dream realm and magickal energy. It encourages us to step back and view situations with rationality, understanding that we have the power and the will to control our way forward.

All runes are of Elemental Water which suggests that above all, we stay on our path, moving around obstacles, in the nonresistant flow of our Source Presence. Numerology of the runecasting results in 24, 11, and 21. Because of its master number status, I’ll leave 11 as it is, but something interesting happens when we look at 21 and 24. 21 reduces to 3 and 24 reduces to 6, a multiple of 3. Together they add up to 9, another multiple of 3.

Three is mastery, the trinity, and creative synthesis; six represents the physical plane, balance, and serenity; and nine represents revelation and endings in preparation for beginnings, the meaning also behind Dagaz. It would appear that the runecasting is telling us that all power resides within, aligned in Source Presence. And it’s within that alignment that we raise our frequency for ascension.

Moving on to the tarot portion of our Akashic Record request, The Magus allows for the possibility of. The Magus, or Magician in other decks, and the first card of the Major Arcana (The Fool is zero), represents the infinity of Self, the creative force of our will as it manifests into form. We play a role in balancing the energies of the collective expression of the universe. We need only align, visualize what we want, and then extend that intention to the collective consciousness. We are not the bodies we inhabit, but Spirit manifesting those bodies with a conscious focus of energy.

The Moon, the 18th card of the Major Arcana, represents the Crone aspect of the Goddess. In a sense, humanity has moved out of infancy, adolescence, and adulthood, into the Crone phase of existence where it’s time to now put up or shut up. It’s time for all of us to become what we truly are, one in Source Presence. We understand now that as above, so below means exactly that. We are still expressions of Source Energy whether in body or out and the wisdom associated with that knowing will guide us in the future. We feel a restlessness now, eager for the frequency to rise to a more comfortable and honest place. Our psychic and spiritual awakening is at hand, and all things hidden will be revealed.

The final card is also from the Major Arcana. The Lovers, card 6, represents balance in all aspects. With this card we find our integration both with self and others as it teaches us to view all aspects of a situation. With respect to integration of self, it’s truly Self that we’re integrating with our physical presence. We always hear that duality is about black/white, dark/light, either/or. But I believe that although those and other examples like them are metaphors for duality, true duality is found in the idea of physical versus nonphysical aspects of Self. Any duality found in physical expression is so subjective that the only constant expression of it is found in our dual aspect of Self.

We would have no need for such integration if we could think of ourselves as our true Source Presence while incarnated into bodies, but until now, that’s been difficult for most. But awakening is a given and all will ultimately embrace the remembrance of Self. The numerology includes 1, 6, and 18, so we have another multiple situation here. I’m not sure if we can actually include the 1 in that, but it sorta fits. 18 adds up to 9; 6 plus 1 equals 7; 7 plus 9 equals 16 which in turn reduces to 7. Interesting synchronicity there. Seven is the number for magic, perfection, and spirituality.

We have the power, the will, to experience all that life has to offer. We need not become caught up in the drama of the old energy which only keeps us from our true expression of Self. Our worries, our fears, have nothing on our fullest expression of Self. It’s there that we find our joy, our wonder, our creative energy.

Our Akash is not only filled with a record of our lifetimes here on Earth, but it’s also filled with who we are as Source Energy. Accessing the Akash brings us into focus and aligns us with our true purpose. The influences expressed by both the runecasting and the tarot reading illustrate that in alignment lies our potential for the greatest joy and happiness. It’s time to let go of the old energy and be who we are.

Blessings to all as we navigate the energies of ascension with grace and joy.


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!