
Assumptions Made

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Assumptions are an interesting thing. We all make them, and sometimes we’re even correct when we do. But then there are the ones that go horribly wrong and that’s never a good thing. So maybe the best course of action is to ask someone if something is true for them instead of simply assuming that it is.

My beliefs are often misunderstood by others. I’m not sure if it’s something about me which resonates with their own beliefs or that they fail to look beyond what amounts to a glance and that’s when assumptions are made. Admittedly, I’ve been a student of A Course in Miracles for over thirty years so that may account for my funny way of seeing the world. It’s the belief that we give everything the meaning it has found in the Course that can be confusing. Plus I tend to verbally express my observations which, when they’re spot on, tend to be felt as belief when they’re actually not. My Human Design incarnation cross is the Left Angled Cross of the Clarion, so I can be a little chatty at times and with empathic awareness at my core, sometimes people think I believe things that I don’t.

Then there’s the fact that I’m a witch. That brings up all sorts of assumptions from others. Many assume I’m Wiccan, which I’m not. Wicca is a relatively new tradition created by Gerald Gardner and I’ve never felt the call to any organized tradition. Although paganism resonates, particularly with my Druid ancestry, I don’t refer to myself as pagan. I guess what bothers me about labels such as pagan or New Age and the like is that labels are inevitably limiting and as expressions of Source Energy, limitation doesn’t exist.

The various creation stories told are a perfect example of how labels can be problematic. Christianity seems to have dominated our collective agreement regarding how we all came to exist here, but then we listen to the indigenous peoples of the world and they have a different interpretation, as do other religions. Even during the early years of Christianity, Gnostic beliefs added another dimension to the story. The pagan creation story seems to sit somewhere in between the religious and the indigenous stories. And then there’s the extra-terrestrial creation story that blows everything else out of the water.

If we were actually genetically manipulated by the Annunaki (or any other visitor to this planet) as I believe we were, then our creation story is actually about that process and our subsequent interaction with them. Because we were more primitive, they appeared as gods and goddesses to the people of that time period with all of their technology and flying around in the sky like they did. Viewing Biblical stories from this standpoint, particularly Genesis and all the begats and such, the Bible takes on a different dimension which many people might find unsettling. But seriously. Ezekial did NOT see a wheel floating about in the sky. It was a space craft.

Yet, if we do indeed create the world we see around us, then we create our creation stories as well. Without a complete written record, it’s impossible to know what any of it looked like exactly, but we do have texts other than the Bible that can give us some idea of all of it. But still, the picture is only as objective as those who wrote it down.

If the gods and goddesses of pagan tradition were actually extra-terrestrial visitors to our planet or the result of their breeding with humans, then it affects the story pagans tell as well. So-called myth gives way to reality in a way that maybe some of us aren’t all that prepared for particularly if it involves honoring gods and goddesses that are actually aliens, although pagans are typically among the most open-minded people I’ve encountered so you never know.

One of the most interesting concepts from A Course in Miracles is that any separation we believe exists between us and God is an illusion. The Course uses the distinction between God or Source and humans as a teaching tool, but at the end of the day, we’re all extensions of Source Energy which is another way of saying that we are Source Energy so no separation is possible.

The creation stories of the past tend to reinforce the separation between God (or gods and goddesses) and humankind, as if there’s a Creator who gave birth to His Creation when that’s just not the case. I see this simply as Source Energy wishing to know more and when that happened, All That Is expanded and opportunities to experience more came into play. Those opportunities resulted in the universe around us as well as us, each one focusing in to experience a so-called “life” in physical bodies with the full presence and awareness of Source Energy as our impetus.

Our issues began when we forgot that we’re Source Energy and then we begin creating all sorts of us versus them situations that ultimately created the separation we experience. In other words, we begin judging everything and everyone. We forget to remain in the present moment, allowing past judgment to influence as a faulty lens through which we experience the present, with unhappiness as the typical result.

During my study of the Course it occurred to me that the only real way to live my life was to stay as aligned in Source Presence as I could, which I can tell you is not always easy to accomplish. Seeing others through Source Vision is tricky when it’s someone who isn’t the nicest person, but it’s essential if we’re to move past judgment.

From there, the whole creation story issue comes into play for me and the only thing I could think of to put that in perspective was to reject out of hand the existing creation stories and simply view myself as someone who is Source Energy experiencing life in physical form as a witch and an empath, living joyfully in the present moment, unconcerned with either the past or future. It’s not as big of a pipe dream as it sounds. It’s a process and one that I’m not all that great at, but it’s my goal nevertheless.

Our collective history is fascinating, irrespective of how much of it we believe. I’m related to people in history so looking at my ancestry has been an incredibly eye-opening journey for me, but none of it is happening in my own life at the moment. And if I narrow that down further, almost none of the issues I’ve experienced over my lifetime are happening currently. The only way they affect me is if I bring them into the present and allow their influence.

Living in the present moment allows for each moment to begin anew. We bring very little forward into our awareness unless it builds upon some sort of positive framework. Many witches work with their shadow side. The idea is to work with it so that it can be transmuted into something better. They accept the darkness within as part of the dual nature of self. And when you consider only life in the body, then the duality of self begins and ends there, making it seem necessary to work with both sides of the personality. But when you believe we’re Source Energy, then where we begin matters. Are we the bodies we inhabit, or are we the Presence behind the form?

My issue with this idea of the dual nature of self is that since I experience life as an empath, I’m aware of my Source Presence. Duality for me is expressed then as the difference between nonphysical and physical aspects of Self. I don’t break it down any further. Otherwise life manifests as either/or, us/them, good/bad, right/wrong and full of moral judgment. When we manifest judgmental expressions of duality, we give our experiences more meaning than they really have, believing any of it matters. Which ultimately, it does not.

It’s funny, because my Bachelor’s degree is in Psychology so of course learning various methods to help others work through their problems was part of the curriculum. Working through issues in therapy, etc. was the generally accepted way people coped with their problems. But coping is just another way of saying focused intent. We focus on an issue and then try to deal with it instead of letting it go and moving on. We relive and relive and relive everything again and again and for what? Paying someone else for the experience? I’ve never let go of anything this way. Letting go means that we stop focusing on something that’s not going to be fixed anyway because it’s no longer happening. The dark side has no meaning when we do this. Unless you want the dark side, which I’m convinced some do.

I mean, does anyone honestly believe that Source Energy needs to cope with anything? And if we are indeed Source Energy, why wouldn’t we use some of that All That Is energy and move past these things as if they didn’t exist at all? Source Energy creates. It doesn’t ruminate or struggle or judge or live in anger or depression. Source loves and extends that love to all.

If we’re ever to move beyond the us versus them existence that has troubled all of us for so long, we must leave the past where it belongs and focus on extending love and compassion to all in the present moment. It’s how we move forward together in oneness. It’s our reality, after all.

We’re living in a time of awakening to Self, to our Source Presence within. And we have an opportunity collectively as we awaken to create a more loving experience for all. Letting go of the past as well as our assumptions, and staying in the present moment are an integral part of this process of awakening.

All we have is now. May we place our loving focus there.

Blessed Be


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!